Windows of Direct Creation 2019


When all planets are in forward motion, it is a Window of Direct Creation, a time to keep clear and focused thought on what you want for yourself and the world. These windows usually last 2-5 days and in many years there are none at all. 2019 has an extraordinarily long one 58 days and then a second one three weeks later!

Window Opens January 6 when Uranus goes direct (12:26 pm U.S. pacific time)
Closes March 5 when Mercury goes retrograde. (58 days!) (10:19 am U.S. pacific time)

Second Window Opens March 28 when Mercury goes direct (6:59 am U.S. pacific time) Window Closes April 10 (13 day window) when Jupiter goes retrograde (10:00 am U.S. pacific time)

I have never seen two in one year in the 30 or so years I have been paying attention. What is most interesting is they are intersected only by a retrograde of Mercury. Mercury deals with thoughts and communication. People who have resistance to going deep will have Mercury Retrograde challenges. Electronics often fail. Ever have a period where you went through multiple tires for no apparent reason? It was probably Mercury retrograde! That is because Mercury is the planet of mental activity; if we keep trying to use our brains in the same way, as usual, it just doesn’t work. We may be spacy and not as aware of our surroundings. Go into a grocery store when Mercury is retrograde and you will see people standing in the aisle as if they have no idea where they are and what they are attempting to buy. You’re are standing right there trying to get past them and they have no idea you exist, let alone that they are parked in the middle of a wide aisle blocking traffic. Speaking of traffic car accidents especially the little fender benders are more common during this time. Miscommunication and delays will be just the way it is.

When you align yourself and give over to Mercury Retrograde it becomes a time of relief, a letting go of built-up stress and the best time for resolving inner conflicts and doing meaningful meditation. Resisting what comes up to be looked at is what causes all the snafus in people’s lives. If you get into the flow of Mercury’s release, healing can be fast and deep. You start to look forward to Mercury going retrograde. You leave extra early and expect the delays. You see those people in the grocery store and smile and turn your cart and go around the long way. They are always around three weeks and happen 3-4 times a year.

For me it is like the window never closes with only a retrograde of Mercury in the middle. It is more like a pause and a gift of reflection time. It is important to keep thoughts clear and focused on what you really want to create during a Window of Direct Creation. Doing so for 58 days is very difficult! Life happens and distractions come and go. When Mercury goes retrograde we have three weeks to step back look at what we put out there during those 58 days. To assess them and take them deep inside to see if what we expressed was in alignment with our highest good. We have the gift of this time to gain clarity so that in the second window our intent is even more focused and aligned than in the first window. We have 13 days in the second window to hold true to that energetic creation, with the whole energetic of the solar system there to support us.

By the way, we will also have a total eclipse of the moon over North America in that first window. (January 20th) eclipses are like retrograde in that they will bring up issues for a resolution it will be stronger where the eclipse can be seen so those of us in N American should use this energy to help push our energies forward.


Why Do Americans Never Learn?

Dear America,

Another election cycle and once again it’s claimed the sky is falling!  Chicken Little runs the elections these days, and yet most Americans fall for it, even when what is happening is blatantly obvious to anyone with the slightest modicum of intelligence.

America we are not in Kansas anymore, and we haven’t been for a long time.  The wizard of Oz is a tiny, pathetic, little man running your elections from behind the curtain.  You know this, and yet you continue to believe in the great and mighty Oz!  If only we can change parties (AGAIN) it will all be OK because it really is the fault of the democrats, I mean the republicans, no the democrats, or the republicans.

The two party system is a failure in governance for the people and the country.  We all know it through simple observation.  Apparently they have you all by the balls though, as you are all too weak-minded to vote in a president that is not a democrat or a republican.  You cannot even insist on allowing other parties, or an independent, to debate.  What are you afraid of America?  Do you think the whole substance of your life’s existence will fall into an abyss if you come to the simple conclusion that you have been duped by politicians your whole life?

Don’t we all know these politicians are liars?  Isn’t this daily discussion?  Yet when it comes to action, well, the American public is just scared shitless.  They are so afraid of the opposing party, (or maybe their own shadow) that the idea of something outside of that is just too much to think about apparently.  Well, guess what America, you have all been supporting the same agenda all along.  The idea that the republicans and democrats represent differing or opposing points of view is a lie and it always has been.  When the doors close they together pass one unconstitutional law after another.

We now live in a country with so many laws we don’t even know if we are breaking them or not.  We live in a country where both parties have squandered our joint wealth on immoral, illegal wars.

What responsibility do you each hold in the 15 year ongoing genocide in Iraq?  Iraq, a country that had nothing to do with 9-11, but which we attacked and bombed over and over, destabilized, trashed the infrastructure, & poisoned with depleted uranium, killing 1,500,000 Iraqi citizens.  In the PC world where we are unwilling (or unable) to allow honest discourse about our countries history in relation to the Native American people or slavery because we claim the pain of these 100’s of year old events are just too painful, (not to mention handy for divisive manipulation).  We ignorantly ignore that, we the citizens, allow a genocide in our name, by our government, that is still going on!  Quick look away, and bitch about the unfair stuff that happened hundreds of years ago.  Yes that is your democratic and republican parties authorizing your money to be spent to kill in Iraq.  That’s your money they used to kill in Afghanistan, in Syria, in Libya.  They would like to use your money to kill in Iran, in North Korea and ultimately they would like to use it for a WW3.  It’s not that past events are unimportant, it that they use them to prevent us from paying attention to what they are doing NOW.

They tell you that everything they collectively want to control is a threat and feed you on fear porn and you suck it up like willing little babies.  All the while they steal the money from social security leaving the elderly in poverty, and tell you that social security is untenable.  They divide you all into boxes and then convince you it is the fault of the other box and you love that shit too.  It plays to your ego and your desire to be right.  In your self righteous lust to feel in control you defend your party no matter how despicable their actions.

Right in front of your face both parties take your constitutional rights and your money and like an abused child, you still love them while they abuse you.

As if all this is not bad enough, there is endless evidence of the global players that are behind the scenes running all these governments.  Yet for election 2016, Hillary is the “globalist” and Trump an outsider!  Ha!  Grow up America!  The march to globalism is the agenda of the democratic and republican party, there is no difference!  I am damn sick and tired of hearing you shit faced dimwits claim there is.  Both parties are financed by the same giant corporations who rape the planet.  They own all the politicians, and often write legislation for them.  Ever wonder how the giant patriot act was passed so quickly?  Well it was already written long before 9-11!  These global greed mongers are working their way to a planet where we are all slaves.  They realized that outright slavery had become too unpopular around the world by the 1800s and set upon a new goal to enslave us all while allowing us to believe we are free.

You do not get a democratic or republican nomination by being an outsider, against the globalists or the establishment.  Your votes mean nothing in the nomination process, which is a sham.  These organizations are private clubs with their own rules that owe nothing to the American voter.  They can, and do change their rules and they have gained control over the debates, which used to be run by the League of Women Voters.  Now they can maintain their monopoly over the system and ensure no other parties or independents can gain political traction.  They can’t have the slaves actually voting in their congress or president after all, grass roots is a danger to their existence.  Then there are the voting machine issues, missing ballots, and so on.  Even if we had real candidates, we can’t trust we have real votes!

They have an agenda to own all the world’s water and seeds, to control the world food supply and hold you hostage by your need to eat and drink.  Meanwhile they push for a carbon credit system to be sure you pay just to breathe, knowing all the while that the damages that have been done to this planet and your health, have been done by them.  They have ensured it is their chessboard.  In so doing, you just get moved around at their will.  You may be a pawn, you may be a queen (movie star, president, etc) either way you do their bidding.

What is sad is that most of you do it willingly believing in your ___________ fill in the blank, party, religion, country, and so on from the biggest division to the most mundane.

You love this shit, you live for it, you don’t care how much damage is done to us, to our planet, to other species, or even to future generations.   If the message is that Christians should be hateful uncompassionate asses hating on anyone that is poor or disadvantaged, by God by the time their marketing is done that is exactly what most Christians will be and they will use your own Bible to give you the talking points to justify being a person so un Christ like.  I can fill in the same blank with Muslim or Jew.  It’s all a big fat manipulation.  You cling to it like your life depends on it.

The lying media is said to be the left, yet there is the lying right media claming it so and vice versa.  Then we have an alternative media that has in some form become co-opted since we approached this election.  It is clear by the clone like talking points among people who so proudly let their conspiracy freak flag fly for years that some sort of threat and strong arming happened.  Now they are the new unified voice of lies.  They are to convince you that Trump is “one of us”.  You believe it!  What the FUCK!

America you are always looking to give away your power just so you don’t have to hold it.  You don’t give a damn who you give it to, or what they do with it.  War, genocide, the destruction of the earth, hey no problem, it is not your fault, just put your head in the sand.  God forbid you should just take a quiet moment and make up your own mind about, well, ANYTHING.

Quietly these global planners think 100 years ahead while you are unwilling to think beyond your next beer or your next fuck.  You will get The Donald or Hillary and either one will continue the agenda, while they laugh, drinking fine wines, in multimillion dollar estates and private clubs.  They are all good friends, and have the same masters.  Not just our American politicians but the heads of state all over the world!

If all the world is a stage then the audience (that’s you) are the biggest dumb fucks ever.  Meanwhile you wave your flag, and talk about how we are the greatest nation on earth and how proud your are of the troops, so you can feel better about making the conscious choice to be ignorant of the play.

I am a descendant of a Quakers who did not believe in violence.  Yet my 4x great grandfather stepped away from his congregation by signing out in good standing according the Quaker records, and fought in the Revolutionary War.  Why?  I can only presume that despite his belief in non violence, he saw life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as a fundamental human right and saw no option but risk his life to ensure his descendents could have that.  After the war he went back to his Quaker life in a new congregation further west and resumed his non violent life.  He made sure that his children were educated, and that the importance of being educated and vigilant was a trait that would be passed on to his further descendants.

Education is not just reading or memorizing a book.  You must learn facts of course, but you must learn how to discern, how to think, how to seek information.  Most importantly you must learn how to question every fact provided, because people providing facts have the ability to skew your perspective on the subject at hand, and often lie outright.  You must be willing to question your own beliefs, not just blindly carry on with the belief of your parent, or teacher or other authority figure of your youth.  When this doesn’t happen you end up with a population of people who will believe anything.  For the first time in history American’s walk around with the whole internet in their hands and yet choose to remain ignorant, while the information needed, including multiple perspectives is readily available.

Thank you, great, great, great, great, grandfather!  While your legacy may not have been passed down without each generation having their own imperfections, it did reach some of us!  I share your belief in actual freedom, not the fake shit we are being handed these days.  It was your grandfather and great grandfather who boarded a ship seeking freedom from European oppression.  They passed that to your father, whose sons moved west and whose descendants landed all over this country.  You were entrepreneurs, creative, hard working, peace loving people, constantly moving on as oppression reared its ugly head.  Grandfather there is no where left on the planet to move on to.  You and the proud liberty loving people you fought beside to win my freedom had no idea that people involved in the creation of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution would so quickly be co-opted and that this corruption would become the despicable entity that ignorant Americans kiss the ass of now.

A war of Independence is not an option now, as government changed by violence only creates a power vacuum that sucks sociopaths into the new leadership roles, that is what observation of our true history and the history of other nations has taught us.  We already have sociopaths running the world; we don’t need more of that.  The only way to change this world, in which we allow the global elite to play us, is to stop being so fucking stupid.  Educate yourself.  Stop allowing other people to think for you America.  Kick the democrats and republicans to the curb.  Kick corporate money, well, all money, out of the political process.  In fact do away with parties’ period.  Stop labeling yourself so you can choose other labels to make enemies.

Have you been manipulated and played?  Yeah sure, and they are good at it, but how many generations have to be played, how many times before you stop being so damn gullible? While you fight about the presidential candidates, you ignore the senate and house elections and you will dutifully tick off democrat or republican in those races.

Sure presidents do things like; every year since 2001 sign a paper stating we are in a “state of emergency” so they can authorize activities that are not legal, moral or constitutional.  Where is the emergency America?  Oh is it all that terrorism you are afraid of?  You know the events where the FBI finds a person who has radical beliefs but has not taken action (and likely would not), then goes undercover, and talks them into taking action, gives them all the supplies and then …. Aw never mind that is too much truth for you!  It will cause your fluoride addled mind to come to a standstill.  You still don’t even want to deal with the fact that despite things like cocaine being illegal for you, your government CIA is trafficking it.  Another day, another government for them to overthrow with that cocaine money they earn from you America.

The number one job of the POTUS; look the other way, deflect blame from anyone who deserves some, smile, wave and take the heat while everyone else fucks the American citizen!  Oh, and spend plenty of time on vacation doing important stuff like playing golf!  Presidential candidates make oh so many promises even ones they know no president can make good on, because most of the power to do things that need to be done (or sell us down the river) lies in the hands of congress.  Every draconian, unconstitutional bunch of shit passed is done so with the cooperation of both parties. You reelect people who have been in congress so long they have dementia and you didn’t even notice!   Then you blame the president for all the deals made by congress in back rooms and on nice vacations with lobbyists.  They trot out a divisive issue when needed, and pretend to take sides to keep you playing your party game.

Politicians and big business are all interbred and I mean this literally.  They are all related, they go to school together, they marry each other, they work together moving back and fourth between corporate leadership, board membership, and political offices.  Let’s not leave out all their think tanks, supposed charities, and foundations where they launder dirty money and take and make bribes!  I could go on for days but hey you could care less America!

Go Trump Go Hillary rah rah

Stop the hating!  Do I sound like a hypocrite after all the names I have been calling you?  Yep, that is what you have made me America.  All I ever wanted as a sensitive being is a loving community, kindness, oneness, understanding, generosity among people; this is what is inside me.  Not racism, not sexism, not hate.  You have taken that beautiful spirit and made me cynical with your disgusting willingness to hate anyone, at any time, for any reason.  I want to be open and vulnerable and trusting!  I am not alone in this, there are other Americans like me and all those names I used, don’t apply to them.  (Sadly many of you may have just wrongly put yourself into that category)

There are people like me all over this planet. All we want is freedom.  We are oppressed by a multitude of governments.  We are the ones who would not need laws because we are capable of self regulation, of respect, integrity and honesty.  We can do the right thing, because it is the right thing, we don’t need a government to tell us what is right.  We are the ones who leave a camping place clean when there are no rules telling us to do so.  We do not riot and deface and destroy property of our own, of others, or even of the governments we don’t like.  We don’t profit off the backs of others or destruction of the planet.  We don’t threaten and coerce to get our way.  We can get married without government approval or permission and we can get a divorce without lawyers and fighting over material things.  We don’t give a shit about the color of someone’s skin, their gender, their sexual orientation etc. We are not violent because we are grown ups and violence is just fucking stupid, and damn it, I shouldn’t have to tell you that!

I could continue to list dozens of other things, but I am afraid it is all over your head America. We want actual freedom not fake freedom.  You know you work your ass off to pay your mortgage for 30 or 40 years you own the damn place right?  Oh hell no!  You keep paying more tax, and more tax, that keeps going up the older and broker you get, and if you get behind $5,000 tax on that $250,000 dollar house, your government steals your house, sells it, and keeps the whole quarter million.  Is that freedom?  Nope, that is just one example of your economic slavery.  How about when your government passes laws forcing you to patronize a private, profit making business for your own good?  Is that your freedom?  No it is not, but it is how the insurance companies became so rich!

How about when they force you to inject toxic ingredients into yourself or your child and claim they are helping you be healthier, and then indemnify the corporation that makes that toxin?  Or when they endanger your water with pipeline deals with big corporations while other pipelines are breaking and causing environmental degradation, is that the “land of the free and home of the brave”?  What about your EPA, the very agency responsible for protecting our environment causing a toxic spill and the whole government looking the other way?  How did big cities like Flint end up with toxic water with a whole federal agency watching, whose only task is to make sure things like that don’t happen?

That is not my idea of freedom, nor would it have been my ancestor’s idea of freedom.  He temporarily set aside his lifelong belief in non violence to give us a chance to form a government that could sustain the ideal of real freedom.  Instead we got an imperialistic bunch of shit because you America keep voting in these imperialistic scumbags!

Common sense and common decency has been lost here and truthfully around the world.  Well, maybe it was just never found by most people to begin with?  Maybe those of us who “get it” are just some kind of freaks of nature and the low life animalistic human is the pathetic norm.  I really don’t want to believe that, because underneath my cynicism lies the heart of an idealistic optimist like my 4x great grandfather.  He sacrificed one of his most sacred ideals to help form this country in pursuit of what he thought was a higher ideal for us all.  That sacrifice was certainly was not for what it has become!

I want to believe in you America, but I think you are a two faced bitch, and you give me no evidence to the contrary.

The problem is America; I shouldn’t have to tell you that the 2016 election is the same sham as the 2012 one, and the 2008 one, and so on, and so on. Why do Americans never learn?


A True Daughter of the American Revolution

*Not to be confused with the hoity toity patriotic clap trap group that would encourage you to be brainwashed and mindless.


Arrival of the Fractal Divine Waves of Change

Tatiacha Bhodsvatan

Waves of incoming energy have begun, what this energy is, is hard to define. A correction energy, a higher vibration energy, a divine energy, an energy of change that will bring all things not in harmony with the natural divine force of the universe into balance. Anything not in harmony with this energy must fall away. Those in harmony will react favorably to this energy, those of low vibration or in fear and resistance will react badly personally and on a planetary level. This energy will affect every species and the planets themselves. It has moved through most areas of the universe already and is now reaching earth. On a planetary level this energy will bring tremendous changes to the earth. There are 22 waves, the frequency of their arrival speeds up over time. The first wave hit in late September, the 2nd wave on November 20. By August 22, 2016 we will receive the final separate wave that will intensify the energetic field to a continuous vibration that will never subside.

Below are the arrival dates of all the waves with all the basic planetary events for this time. All times are U.S. Pacific times. When a wave has two dates it will hit on the first date on part of the planet and the second date further round the earth. When there is a single date the energy will arrive on that date all over the earth. Where these waves hit in relation to other planetary events will affect people differently. For example, if mercury retrogrades are hard for you, you may be more challenged by a wave that hits during retrograde. If you are sensitive to energies that build up to solstice and equinox pay attention to the patterns of planetary events with the waves leading up to those. If a wave hits while a planet is going retrograde or direct and that planet is significant in your chart it may have greater effect on you.

There is a numerology aspect to the energy shifts of different waves. This energy is fractal as all creation energies in the universe are, so it works within the universal patterns that we assign numbers to. I will touch on those numbers for each wave but not in great depth. I will discuss mostly how they affect individuals but the effects can apply to leaders, to countries and to the physical planet.



September 6 – Venus Direct

September 12 – New Moon – Partial Eclipse of the Sun

September 17 – Mercury Retrograde

September 23 – Equinox

September 24/25 – 1st wave
Initialization and grounding of the energy, we saw quick polarization of people in and out of harmony with these new energies. People tended to blow up and take sides on every issue large or small with a new intensity. Some personal relationships may already be falling apart as well as relationships between organizations, religions and governments based on this polarization.


September 24 /25 – Pluto Direct

September 27 – Full Moon – Total Lunar Eclipse (last in series of blood moons)

October 9 – Mercury Direct

October 12 – New Moon

October 22 – Full Moon

November 11 – New Moon

November 18 – Neptune Direct 8:32am

November 20 – 2nd wave
Partnerships, pairs, couples, polarities. Bad or unhealthy relationships will be tested and people will feel pressed to end them. Good relationship will strengthen and grow. Internationally this period could make or break allegiances between countries. This 2 energy works with the polarity of opposites as well. We can see extremes on the planet, such as record highs and lows


November 25 – Full Moon 2:44pm

December 11 – New Moon 2:29am

December 21 – Solstice 8:49pm

December 25 – Full Moon 3:11am & Uranus Direct 7:53pm
(All Plants Direct – Window of Direct Creation Opens) A window of direct creation is a period when none of the major planets are in retrograde motion. It is an important time to keep your thoughts clear and focused on what you really want. Do not give into to fear during this time. Try and take time each day to really place forth your intentions for your future and also positive intentions for the planet.



January 1-2 – 3rd wave
This wave will push trinity energies forward. Three is a very spiritual number every religion has some form of interpretation of three that is significant. On the personal level there is the body-mind-spirit trinity of self that needs to find balance and for some of us more metaphysical types the perception of soul, spirit(higher self), and the divine. There are three Abrahamic religions that have been in conflict over the ages. I would anticipate that spiritual matters of all kinds will dominate the period of this wave.


January 5 – Mercury Retrograde 5:06am (Window of Direct Creation Closes)

January 7 – Jupiter Retrograde 8:40pm

January 9 – New Moon 5:30pm

January 23 – Full Moon 5:46pm

January 25 – Mercury Direct 1:50pm

February 8 – New Moon 6:39am

February 13 – 4th wave
The fourth wave is a grounding wave. For those not in resistance, it will help you stabilize all that you have received over the past few months. For those out of harmony this wave may tip your life upside down. It is like polar reversal where your north is south and vice versa. Confusion chaos, challenges, trouble nailing anything down.


February 22 – Full Moon 10:20am

March 8-9 – New Moon 5:54pm – Total Eclipse of the Sun

March 11 – 5th wave
The 5th wave is the energy of the human it is like a five pointed star, when within a circle as a pentagram it was once the symbol of the highest vibration of humanity. Now it is marginalized as a symbol of wicca a modern reinterpretation religion thought to be based in the old ways. It is because of its true meaning that this symbol was turned upside down to represent evil or Satanism. This wave will force we humans to look within and internalize the divine force or reject it.


March 19-20 Equinox (9:31pm 19th)

March 23 – Full Moon 5:01am – Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon

March 25 – Saturn Retrograde 3:01am

April 7 – New Moon 4:24am

April 7 – 6th wave
The 6th wave is like 2 groups of trinity it is the as above so below energy. Represented by what has now been co-opted by Israel as the Star of David. The six pointed star with two interwoven triangles or pyramids symbolized weaving the fabric of life. It is the Patten that meshes divine (spirit) with matter (earth). When you receive this energy you are receiving a new pattern in your consciousness bringing more harmony, peace, understanding, compassion and joy. It is also a building phase. If you have plans for building a physical thing, an organization, etc, this energy will fully support building. Rejecting this creation pattern will cause those people / groups to be extremely angry, frustrated, rebellious, and perhaps violent.


April 17 – Mars Retrograde – 5:14am

April 18 – Pluto Retrograde 0:23am

April 21 – Full Moon 10:24pm (22nd in some places)

April 28 – 7th wave
The 7th wave is again an opportunity to balance but this time balance not just of earthly things but to bring forth balance between the spirit (invisible the 3) into the earth life (visible the 4) for the 7 energies of blending.


April 28 – Mercury Retrograde 10:20am

May 6 – New Moon 12:29pm

May 9 – Jupiter Direct 5:16am & Transit of Mercury – The last transit of Mercury we had was  November 8, 2006 Mercury transits change the way we think first, then manifest that into physical changes in our lives over the course of a year to two years.  Transits of mercury only happen 14 times in every 100 years

May 20 – 8th wave
Eight is infinity and abundance flow. If you have been in harmony, but struggling with getting what you need to do what you are intuitively being guided to do, like relocate for example this is the energy to put into motion the fulfillment of that need, Those out of harmony will start to have trouble with finances. Governments & corporations will be vulnerable to exposure of secret assets for example.


May 21 – Full Moon 2:14pm

May 22 – Mercury Direct 6:20am

June 4 – New Moon 7:59pm

June 11 – 9th wave
The 9th wave will offer a completion of processes that were set in motion previously. A divorce set forth in the first or second wave coming to completion for example. A successful completion of relocation. Those out of harmony will not be able to bring their plans to completion as they foresee them. This is a strong factor for those in high leadership position who are wielding the power over war plans and so forth.


June 13 – Neptune Retrograde 1:43pm

June 20 – Full Moon 4:02am & Solstice 3:34pm

June 25-26 – 10th wave
Return to the initialization of wave one at yet a higher vibration an intensity.


June 29 Mars Direct 4:38pm

July 4 – New Moon – 4:01am

July 9 – 11th wave
The 11th wave is very important it will have the higher vibration intensity of all the highs and lows of the 2 but with more impact and finality in affairs of humans.


July 16-17 – 12th wave
Numerological a 12-3 we are back to the 3 at a higher vibration with tinges of the 7 which blended 3 and 4 energies as twelve is divisible by both. For those with issues in waves three 4 and 7 this will hit like a mack truck. As always, those in harmony will be offered more healing and love in this energy.


July 19 – Full Moon 3:56pm

July 24 – 13th wave
14-4 energy higher vibe of the 4 wave.


July 29 – Uranus Retrograde 2:06pm

August 1 – 14th wave
14-5 higher vibe of the 5 wave.


August 2 – New Moon 1:44pm

August 3 – 15th wave
15-6 higher vibe of the 6 wave with intense emphasis on building.


August 7 – 16th wave
16-7 higher vibe of the 7 wave.


August 11 – 17th wave
17-8 higher vibe of the 8 energy.


August 13 – 18th wave
18-9 higher vibe of the 9 more completions.


August 13 Saturn Direct 2:51am

August 16 – 19th wave
Highest push of the 1 initiation this initializes completion, future creations will become set in stone.


August 18 – 20th wave
Highest push of the 2 of the partnership and polarization energies.


August 18 – Full Moon 2:26am & Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon

August 20 – 21st wave
Highest push of the 3 spiritual energies you have either found harmony with the new Universal energies or not!


August 22 – 22nd wave
This wave will be an exponential increase in vibration. From this point on we will be in a steady energy stream there will still be waves but they are continuous and constant, not like a tide ebbing and flowing but a consistent vibrating force.


August 30 – Mercury Retrograde 6:04am

September 1 – New Moon 2:03am & Annular Eclipse of the Sun

September 16 – Full Moon 12:05pm & Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon

September 21-22 – Mercury Direct (10:31pm 21st)

September 22 – Equinox 7:22am

September 26 – Pluto Direct 7:59am

September 30 – New Moon 5:11pm

October 15 /16 – Full Moon (9:23pm 15th)

October 30 – New Moon 10:38am

November 14 – Full Moon 5:52am

November 19 – Neptune Direct 8:39pm

November 29 – New Moon 4:18am

December 13 – Full Moon 4:05pm

December 19 – Mercury Retrograde 2:55am

December 21 – Solstice 2:45am

December 28 / 29 New Moon (10:53pm 28th)

December 29 – Uranus Direct 1:29am



January 8 – Mercury Direct 1:44am


pdf version

Are We Sick of This Shit Yet?

I find myself more and more frustrated lately by what I like to refer to as, same shit different day. The world is coming apart at the seams and I log on to facebook and all the do gooders in denial post things that annoy me further. How about this gem…


You know what those of us who have been doing energy work on this planet, with conscious awareness of all that has been going on, must now scream BULLSHIT!

I am tired of being strong!

I am tired of fighting and watching while the ignorant do nothing to help stop the evil that marches forward on planet earth. I don’t want to pray for strength. I have shown strength, and I am saying it is high time for this shit to stop so we don’t have to be strong to endure evil! Yes that’s right “Dear God I pray that you make my life and the lives of every other good and decent person on planet earth easier. Fuck strength! The problem is, we collectively are God, and we collectively are passively allowing this evil to continue. We allow evil to divide and conquer us!

Here we sit watching a play that is so obviously and blatantly written to bring forth World War III, and a nuclear war it is planned to be! For years the Powers That Be attempted to get us all fired up over Iran, only oops, we were just tired of the whole middle east saga and they couldn’t manage to get us to care that Iran may be building a bomb. We just don’t see Iran as the threat they make them out to be. So in much frustration they went to enemy number two, North Korea, and are whipping up a nuclear threat to America that is of course a badly written script. None the less, they will play it out and are more than willing to sacrifice untold lives to get their World War III going.

The ponzy bankster schemes have reached their end point. The only way to reorder things, plunder and redistribute the next level of riches is of course, large scale war. While the small wars like Iraq and Afghanistan made plenty of profit for the military industrial complex, a world war changes borders, and allows all the books to be reset for the next generations of ponzy scheming to continue. There are now too many rich in the world for the liking of these evil game players who want much more concentrated wealth and power, and more importantly too many people (slaves) to manage peacefully and feed.

So here we have another lovely facebook gem.


So since we collectively and beyond make up God; This is saying we should trust that, we (collectively) know what is best for we the collective, while we (collectively) sit on our collective asses and allow the evil to kill, rape, and plunder our planet and our families. Yeah, lets have faith in that, brilliant idea! Just believe in that and do nothing that will work right? Not!

Now on the surface, in another time and place, both messages would be pretty inert. Ok love, strength, faith, it all sounds good, and we can continue forward ignoring the horrible daily atrocities as long as they don’t come too close to our own lives. After all, we are not seeing all the rape victims. We’re not seeing the true damage in Iraq and Afghanistan.

People with comfortable lives sit in judgment of those “on the dole” having never experienced being jobless with no job to be found. Assumptions are made about the lazy poor, when huge majorities of poor are some of the very hardest workers in this, and every other country. They just don’t get properly compensated for the labor they offer. Instead someone wearing a suit that costs as much as a half a years pay for someone working 50-70 hours a week, (until they lost that low paying worthless body killing job) says oh they are just a drain on society. Never mind the fact that it takes thousands of these poor people to support the ability of this one man in a suit to live his privileged lifestyle each day.

Meanwhile we have a congressman who can come out in his expensive suit and claim that if we believe that North Korea may strike us we have the right to defend ourselves with a pre-emptive strike on them. Where did these highly educated people get their educations and how much did they cost the collective in some way? This high school graduate (me) knows that pre-emptive is not defensive, no college education required. If I walk into a bar and I believe a man is going to rape and kill me based on rumors of things he may or may not have said, and I pull out a gun and shoot him, I am committing murder, not defending myself with a pre-emptive strike.

We are divided with lies saying we are left and right, liberal and conservative, none of these things exist! Specific hot issues are chosen and randomly applied to one side or the other to keep us seeing each other with hate and distrust. Those who run these divisions though are not enemies at all. While the divided fight over abortion or gay rights, the leaders of both sides are out golfing and planning world wars. They are planning how to steal more of the people’s money before the wars with “haircuts”. They are making all forms of self reliance illegal, so the people will only have what they hand out, subjugating them as surfs in their kingdom.

Technology that could change life on earth is suppressed, inventors are out right murdered to stop any technology that will not create big profits for corporations from reaching the people. Compassion is used as a sign of weakness, and the less fortunate are looked down on and metaphorically spat at by those who created every condition that led to their misfortune. These sick psychos laugh and think they are superior and meant to rule us. They have the audacity to think they are smart enough to geo-engineer our whole planet for their own corrupt greedy choices.

Chemical companies continue to poison our water, our food, and our skies. The ocean is filled with radioactivity and human garbage created of their paradigm of endless consumer consumption of disposable goods. Those who notice are insulted as having mental issues and prescribed poison as medication. Fluoride is added to our water to dumb us down. While in the dumbed down state of mind, we are shown endless patriotic themes about our freedom so we will not notice that the Constitution’s Bill of Rights is being dismantled, by executive order, congressional laws, and judicial decisions. We are force fed fear of gun violence, while gun violence is promoted creating cognitive dissonance and then told we should give up our guns, leaving the government highly armed to enslave us directly instead of under the guise of freedom.

We live in a world upside down, where medical treatment is actually poison, where vaccines cause the disease they claim to prevent, where natural herbs and plants are outlawed. The government claims to own our children and their bodies and they will decide what is put in them. Is this not slavery? Corporations are patenting plants and the DNA fragments of humans! They claim to own our very DNA! When will you figure this out? Perhaps when a family member needs a blood transfusion and you are not allowed to donate because your blood carries a rare patented piece of DNA owned by big pharma. If you ask real nice and sell them your soul and the soul of your loved one they may allow you to proceed. DNA of humans is being combined with that of plants and animals, there is no true ethical debate. The consensus is; if it is possible, it will be done. The Powers That Be will then simultaneously push the debate about something like abortion to levels that those who are against the tampering of human life are so immersed in the abortion debate, that they don’t notice they just created babies with the DNA of animals! Corrupt power depends on people seeing only little snipits of the world. They do not want anyone seeing the big picture!

Hey Monsanto you do not own the planet’s seeds! Not even the ones you have tampered with. You are liars and frauds who will destroy anything. Corporations are NOT people or entities and I don’t give a damn what any court has said about the matter. Corporations are pieces of paper, fake. They create and control the fake money with the fake banks, and then use it to control the real world and its people. There is no such thing as debt in money, because money doesn’t exist. Debt is a false system used for control, nothing more or less. Banksters control countries with it, as well as people. The national debt is meaningless crap. If you paid the debt on your house, then you still don’t own it, as the house can be taken away for falsely created taxes not paid for any reason. There is no equity when that happens. You could owe 5000.00 on a one million dollar house and the house will be taken and sold for any price they want to sell it for, and they will keep ALL the fake money. They won’t take their 5000.00 and give you the balance. They do this to be sure no one is really free. No one can live off the land as every other species does.

We are the only species on planet earth who ask permission to shelter ourselves from the elements from some make believe authority figures. What gave any of them the right to control anything on this planet? All these governments supposedly represent and serve us. That is the lie we have been fed for thousands of years. So are we sick of this shit yet? What is it going to take to say HEY we don’t need anyone’s permission to have shelter from the elements, it is a GOD GIVEN RIGHT to create shelter. We do not have to have permission to drink water, to breathe the air. You do NOT own our planet scumbags! The collective did not give you permission to patent life of any kind. There is NO implied consent, that is, once again, BULLSHIT! We collectively are supposed to be care takers of this planet for all species.

There are evil people on this planet who do not represent our species. They are greedy whores and control freaks. They have no conscience. They sit at both spectrums of society. The filthy rich “leaders”, and the lowlife criminals without financial status, like street thugs, gang bangers and of course pedophile priests and crooked cops etc. These two evils work and support each other. They pressure the normal people like a vice, one pushes global fear the other pushes local fear to your physical person or home.

I want a world where 50% of the population (women) can go anywhere they want with no fear of being raped or murdered! A planet where, no child would be beaten or molested by perverts, where a religion whose priests molest the innocent is shut down as the affront to God that it is! A world where there is no discussion of work and slavery in relation to hunger. One where no person would be allowed to be hungry, because this planet belongs to them as much as anyone else, and any bounty that grows here is for all species. Your right to ownership of anything here, Powers That Be, are LIES. Your money system is a lie, little fucking pieces of paper or numbers on a computer controlling the lives of millions while you play with their lives like a game.

I am sick of this shit, and it is time for it to stop. We have the power, we have the numbers. We the collective of decent human beings, outnumber the evil by many times all we have to do is stop and say NO MORE. No war or violence is required.





John Lennon “Imagine” Atheist Anthem – Get a Grip


It seems someone, likely Christians of the political right, (not to be confused with Christians of the political left) who are afraid of the lyrics of John Lennon’s song Imagine have labeled it an atheist anthem. I have no idea when this happened or if the atheists even agree and think it is. To anyone on a spiritual journey that is not based in organized religion, it is obviously a deeply spiritual song, and not in any way supporting atheism. I don’t know everything about John Lennon’s life, I was a kid during his career, but I do know the Beatles were in India with the Maharishi and were exposed to all kinds of spiritual practices and beliefs. Many of the general concepts expressed are kind of a Yogic point of view. I ran into this by accident seeing a story about Cee Lo Green singing the song on New Years and changing a lyric and the conservative right jumping on it saying the liberals couldn’t even agree on their own atheist song.

I thought WTF??? While I do not identify with the left right paradigm, none of the liberal friends I have are atheists. So the characterization of liberals as atheists I find offensive even though I am not a liberal (or a conservative). The idea that conservatives in a political left / right illusion are the Godly ones is just insane. Spirituality crosses all political divides. Believe it or not there may even be people who have conservative political views on most things but are excluded from the right because they are also atheists and unwilling to buy into the religious intrusion on all conservative political points of view. But the Powers that Be want the left and right to be God and anti God with the right being the Godly and the left being atheist. It is just a lie plain and simple. Morality is not left or right and requires no religion either. It is a choice we each make about how we interact on this planet with all living things. How we come to the individual choice varies, some people use religion, some law, some an internal sense of right and wrong, some obviously never think about it all and do horrible things. Then there are those who proclaim moral high ground usually based in religion and then do horrible things.

Jumping on people getting upset about changing a lyric that has deep meaning to them to promote some anti left agenda to paint the left as ungodly is pretty disgusting, but then I find political crap on both sides disgusting and think if John was writing this song today he may have had to add a verse about that too.

Something like this….

Imagine no lies of politics
No more hateful slams
No screams of congress
and false flag scams
Imagine the right and left
Uniting us in Love

ahh no it is way too American… it would have to be more universal applying to all the governments lets change a couple lines…

Imagine no lies of politics
No more hateful slams
No schemes of leaders
and false flag scams
Imagine all the parties’
Uniting us with Love

Cee Lo Green changed the lyric from

“nothing to kill or die for / and no religion too”
To “nothing to kill or die for / and all religion’s true.”

I get what he was trying to say. An all inclusive love each other, all get along kind of thing no matter what your religion is, that there was universal truth from the teachers that the religions were created around. His intent was not bad but I get why it upsets people too. Although his intent was love one another, the lyric change does change the context of the song which is not about embracing all religion it is about moving beyond all religion IMO.

The beauty of a song is it can mean different things to different people and that is one of the greatest gifts of music and all artistic expression, but I do think it is pretty clear that John did not intend this to be an atheist point of view. If I am wrong about that John can show up in my dream and say so or Yoko can email me LOL

Here is what this song means to ME

by John Lennon

Imagine there’s no Heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Don’t live your life to get rewards somewhere else, be present here and now on earth, experience this place. The idea that life is about living by some arbitrary rules to get rewarded later in some other place is just a control matrix. How do you know that the rules they are telling you to live by are even truthful and real. You don’t if you are just accepting them and not going within to connect to your own spiritual center.

Don’t live in fear of what will happen to you after you die, don’t be a good person to avoid hell, be a good person because it is what is in your heart. When you follow your heart and treat others with love and respect then you could not possibly do something that is against “god” and requires punishment. If god is all loving, as all religions teach, then why does this god punish at all? Are we not told to forgive? Religion teaches that hell is the place of the devil if this were fact why would god send a soul who has broken a rule, purportedly because he has been tempted by this devil, to live with said devil for all eternity? All of these religious concepts are just fear based control. Any god worth following would most certainly not hand over a soul who made a mistake to the opposition. If we use the eternal analogy of the parent child relationship if a dark force were influencing a child, and said child made a mistake, we would not hand over the child to the dark force! We would in fact fight to our last breath to keep our child and protect them instead. Is it not fair to assume any energy worthy of a title God would have the same desire to protect not abandon souls no matter the perceived mistakes they may have made?

The whole concept of heaven and hell makes us desperate to allow someone else to tell us how to live and determine for us a moral code with no need to think for ourselves. If you imagine no heaven and hell then you know you are not only FREE but also responsible for your own moral center. To do so means you have contemplated actions and their effects on others and the world and can determine your own path in life knowing you have a right to do anything you desire that harms no other. This means not only do you have no need for religion or country, but you are free from anyone including family trying to force upon you a path that does not reflect your soul following its bliss. This is something understood by a large percentage of musicians and other artists as their parents or other authority figures in their lives told them not to take that path and to get a “real job” and to conform to society norms even though following their art not only harmed no one, but may uplift untold numbers of people for generations to come.

Let go of the polarity / duality of heaven or hell and know that this world is both, depending on what we make it by our choices every day individually and more intensely collectively. If we all chose to interact as if this were heaven, we love one another, stop damaging each other, then we will have created this to be a heaven for all.

Let go of FEAR and worry! Be conscious right now, loving in this moment, not scheming some future of power or control or whatever. What if God is a universal life force, a divine principle, not a disciplining parent molding us, what if we are the ones responsible for molding ourselves? Imagine each individual CHOOSING to be loving, honest, kind, etc from their own inner self not because a church or state tried to regulate them to do so. Imagine that world!

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

Countries are imaginary lines drawn by humans for the purpose of power and control. Look at a photo of earth from space there are no lines of countries, no borders, no citizenship.

These imaginary lines are not worth the loss of life and pain and suffering that comes from killing or dying to protect or defend them, they are an illusion. This does not mean that other things in life are not important as some have indicated a lack of passion or caring, in the line “nothing to kill or die for” of this lyric. This is about the countries and the suffering caused by these arbitrary separations of humans. Patriotism is technically brainwashing started in youth. It is in this world a very complicated issue because the powers that be have purposely made it that way. Instilling loyalty to country and fear of unity that we will lose our sense of self and lose power when in truth it is the government and religious structures of power that take our sense of self, true culture and power. It is also fear that we will, by allowing other points of view lose our morality as we are taught to tie morality to patriotism when in fact some of the most immoral acts of humans are done in the name of country or religion.

Religion is dogma based on teachings that may or may not have any truth to them or are being misconstrued to control people. This is not about any particular religion it is true of all religious systems where power and control over people become more important than the spiritual teaching that was once at the core. Spiritual people who are in touch with themselves and the inner revelations that come through meditation and prayer do not need an external religious structure to tell them what to think or to find a moral center. They already know right and wrong from within and the nature of the divine principle of all life. Morality cannot be learned from a book, no matter who you think wrote the book. If you don’t feel it and know it in your own heart then you are only complying with the societal norm and that is not true morality, it is giving over your power to an outside authority, when you do this you are no longer free.

Without fighting about who is right or wrong in relation to religion or country we have the opportunity to live in peace by simply allowing each other a place in the world by respecting one another and caring for each other

You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Every person who has personally sought enlightenment by going within and raising their vibration has this same understanding and dream that one day we will all reach this level and achieve our true potential as humans. This is heartfelt Prayer that we will one day succeed at total enlightenment of the whole of human consciousness.

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

This verse to me touches onto a spiritual concept that most religion does not teach and it is about the ascended human (the Dharlja). The true masters. They can manifest what they need when they need it, directly from the universal, therefore they have no need to keep possessions. If you can manifest clean clothes when you want to change why would you need to have a whole wardrobe. If you can manifest a meal when hungry and all mankind can do the same, as we humans are meant to live, then no man would go hungry and there is no need for any to stock or keep supplies of food. With no need to hoard out of fear there is no greed, no one is hungry. There is nothing left but love and brotherhood, nothing to fight over. All the people living on the earth with no claim on the resources as everyone has all they need.

Mention has been made of John commenting that the line “I wonder if you can” should be “I wonder if we can”. If that is true, it could simply indicate that while he was imagining the life of those masters and could perhaps picture it, Taking it to the next level and picturing yourself living that life is difficult as our whole lives have been about survival with food clothing and shelter and then with success in some monetary way, we try to thrive by having “the good things in life” as we have been taught. Conceptualizing no need for the whole false monetary system to exist and no need for goods or manufacturing of goods is a big leap in thought for most and even those of us who can conceptualize it have no idea if we are capable of achieving that state in this lifetime or how long it will take to get there and we fall into the thought of what we need, or perceive we need right now to be comfortable. Holding onto the higher vision is hard. The truth is a Dharlja can choose to manifest a house with things in it that they enjoy being around and live there for any period of time they want. They have no true attachment to those possessions. They can be dematerialized at any time or changed. There is no need to protect them or cling to them or be fearful about having or not having.

You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one

Repeat the prayer / affirmation chorus and let it be heard from the heart!

11-11-11 Fractal Patterns and Rhythms

Here we are again, the big 11-11-11 and yet it really isn’t!  The world functions with rhythms, some are short like the 24 hour Circadian rhythm, others take thousands of years to come back to the starting point.  From the most basic workings of life to the movement of the solar system and galaxy, rhythms interact and move all life.  Human beings are always trying to place themselves within those rhythms and to understand how we fit in to the greater scheme of things.  These rhythms are fractal patterns which energy follows for all life is energy.  Different energies express in different fractal patterns.

When conception occurs it begins a fractal pattern of potential.  Why potential?  Because the fertilized egg may never implant itself in the womb and begin to grow, it may simply pass out of the body for various reasons, physical or spiritual.  From the spiritual point of view for implantation to occur a Soul must be willing to connect energetically at the time of implantation.  Now no doubt there are many scientists who don’t want to hear it, but I could care less.  So there is a second fractal pattern that begins at the moment of implantation, a growth cycle.  There is yet another pattern that begins at birth with first breath when the Soul actually enters the body.  The breath cycle corresponds to the renewal of a 7 year cycle.  This seven year cycle is connected to longevity and mortality.  When we move through various ascension steps on the path this breath cycle increases due to the increase in vibration that is taking place. (more on that later)

These are only three of hundreds of very personal cycles each person is moving through within their own body.  We also try to place ourselves into the solar system though various methods of astrology.  We can calculate the patterns of the planets and how much time passes between certain configurations.  Because the shorter of these cycles exist within much bigger cycles astrology is once again a very personal thing.  We can’t say everyone born on January 1st has the same energies, let alone everyone who is a Capricorn.  We can only say they have certain energies available to them in truth.

While most of the cycles we look to are in nature in some form, we also have cycles that we as humans co-create though our group consciousness and then set into a mathematical fractal pattern that we live within by choice.  Calendars we use to mark time are the most significant way in which we do this.  While we attempt to connect our calendars to lunar or solar cycles they are imperfect at best and yet we tie ourselves to them thus giving them energy and power.  When big societies live on different fractal calendars they often come into energetic conflict.  In the 20th century The Powers That Be went to great length to get the whole world to come to agreement on using the Gregorian Calendar.

The purpose of them doing this was to sync the whole world into one agreed upon fractal pattern of time.  Then their manipulated version of history could be set it in stone.  They could use that to choose groups to purposely put out of synch with one another in the divide and conquer agenda.  There is always someone attempting to figure out how to sync some of the ancient calendars to the Gregorian calendar.  In truth there are arguments about whether the Gregorian calendar even begins when it is perceived to begin in reference to historical events.  Yet here we are a world that functions as a whole on this one calendar.

Now that we are all basically in agreement with this one calendar in order to conduct worldly affairs the illuminati who set this into place use this calendar and the numerology within it to plan their events.  The use of numerology in basic metaphysics is a very old system.  Yet despite this they are still able to manipulate groups of people based on numbers and calendars without those same people doing some really simple math.

Basic numerology works with number 1-9 and the master numbers of 11 and 22.  I am not going to go into why those are master numbers because I am not writing a book here!  All larger numbers are broken down by adding the numbers together until you reach a 1-9 number 11 or 22.  Even though you do not break down the 11 or 22 you still need to recognize their place in the over all pattern as overlays of 2 and 4.

With double numbers you are always counting by 2

The Even Cycle – 11=2  22=4  33=6  44=8
The Odd Cycle  – 55=1  66=3  77=5  88=7  99=9

So if we combined the odd and even cycles following the 1-9 we would go

55 11 66 22 77 33 88 44 99

This is a pattern that naturally lends itself to chaos.  This is one reason why the use of the 11 and 22 energies is something that has to be mastered.  By manipulating times and dates these double numbers can be used within a greater pattern.  Often a pattern of three digits, most commonly found on clocks that have digital read outs, but only working between 1 O’clock to 9 O’clock  (because after that they become read outs of two two-digit numbers instead as in 11:11.

So we have for example 1:11 look what happens every time we put the same numbers into this three digit pattern…


We end up with a numerology fractal that only uses 3-6 and 9!  This, unlike the two digits pattern, is a very orderly pattern to work with and yet when it is broken into a time you are actually using the individual number as in 1:11 you have the one a beginning and a two digit number going in a chaos pattern interspersed into a three digit fractal that The Powers That Be can plan within.  Now mind you these plans are their plans for YOU they will always work with the most basic numbers they can for themselves, and leave the chaos numbers interwoven into their work on the masses.

Now the 3-6 -9 pattern corresponds to the creation process that is based in the trinity, The Order of Melchizeldek, The Order of Enoch, and The Order of Michael (not Archangel Michael) These three orders work in succession, the Melchizeldeks whose symbol is the triangle (3) with a circle in the middle, are the planners they create the blueprints for new creations such as a new solar system.  The Enochians are the grid workers, they are the builders, their symbol is the Enochian Star (6 pointed) star that was taken and renamed the Star of David for Illuminati purposes. The Michaelians  then are the caretakers and protectors, their symbols inverts the Melchizeldek symbol with the triangle inside a circle signifying completion and 9 is the completion number.

So the 3-6-9 pattern is used to mimic the divine creation process.  Because all of the numbers can be divided by 3 they can use this to plan, build or complete in any of the 3 6 or 9 years.  When you divide the 3-6 -9 each by 3 you obviously get 1-2-3.  Think of how many ways our communications give us messages that say essentially; it is as simple as 1, 2 3!  Anytime directions can be given in only three steps they are most effective.

A new creation on the world level is most effectively started in the 3 year, built upon in the 6 year and then completed in the 9 year. 2001 and everything that was started from the 9-11 attacks was a 3 year.  If we were to get in depth on that one 3 year event we could find all kinds of important building aspects on it in the 6 year, 2004, and the bringing of these things to full fruition in the nine year 2007.  While nine is completion we also have to remember that it corresponds to the Michaelian work, which is protection and caretaking so in that 9 year things will be done to keep the thing created safe and continuing forward into the next cycle.

The Powers That Be are not always successful in creating the initial plan of their three year. They will often attempt to make the best with what occurs when this happens to spin the situations to work their agenda through fear.  2010 another 3 year, was filled with climate and earth related events of one sort or another, we were given the BP oil spill, flooding events, the Haiti earthquake, Iceland volcano, and several other weather related things that were questionable as to their natural origin.   If things were to go on their timeline then we would expect them to either blow off the 2012 hype and then gear up and build on earth and weather related events in 2013 or start on these type of events near the December 2012 time period, to increase the fear and then take that into 2013 with martial law scenarios in the aftermath of such events.

This is where we are in the year patterns

It shouldn’t be much of a surprise that the 9-11 attacks were in a 3 year, many things happened in 2004 (the 6 year) one of which was the very significant first transit of Venus on June 7!  Venus Transits come in pairs the second in this pair is June 6, 2012.  These transits happen four times every 234 years! The last pair of Venus Transits were December 9, 1874 & December 6, 1882

So they were very busy building the fear that year because Venus is the planet of LOVE.  It was a U.S. election year with lots of distractions offered up as they continued to build upon the loss of freedoms created with the 9-11 attacks.  They did not want people focused on the love energy of the Venus transit.  2007 brought us to the completion of that particular cycle it was a significant year.  We of the light had significant victories, most of which were accomplish by a very small group of people who had to work against the dark forces while dealing with the chaos of the people who were supposed to be on path with us.  The dark side used events like Fire the Grid to attempt to steal your energy to use against you.  A significant number of you fell for it!  Why you may ask?  Well for one you were already trained into a cycle of chaos they began in earnest for you in 2001.

First they created the metaphysical and new age movement’s obsession with the dates.  This started way back in the late 80 and early 90’s.  Solara being the best known person who connected the 11-11 with ascension.  She also introduced the concept of ‘group ascension” which was another bunch of crap.  This also led into the distraction of the 4D 5D 6D etc which is a whole other blog post… moving on…

They got the 1-1-1 thing going on January 1st of 2001.  They did this by taking advantage of our lazy minds who write the date as 1-1-01.  We all ignore zeros of course because they have no numerological count.  So we see just 1-1-1 a new beginning it says to us, all those ones.  But because we are lazy in our writing we ignore that 1-1-1 is really 01-01-2001 not a new beginning year at all but a 3 year! 1999 was our 1 year. 1-1-1 and 2-2-2 were not giant events but by 3-3-3 things were rolling big time and they had the metaphysical, pagan and new age communities fully immersed into a pattern that would lead them to the big 11-11-11.  They of course knew that this pattern was a full two years behind what was really happening numerologically and they could implement their own energies in alignment with the real numerology without resistance.  This also just put that group of spiritual people generally out of sync with the momentum of the whole human created numerology game of the Gregorian calendar which almost 7 billion people are participating in.

So when they had so many of you focused on those dates the 3 same digit numbers on the clock came to the forefront of your consciousness and that was with intent.  First they put you numerologically 2 years behind the mass consciousness with the dates then with the times, they put you into regular cycle of chaos which creates fear.

11-11-11 is in fact 11-11-4  a 26=8 day.  There are a few years that come about each century that are either 11-2 or 22-4 years and we did indeed have one in this cycle it was 2009.  So November 11th of 2009 was the true 11-11-11 date a 33-6 a massive building day for a planned creation.  While there are some people who celebrate or acknowledge November 11 every year mostly under some delusion of its meaning, most of the greater group was focused on September 9th that year.  That is really a shame.  You can be certain The Powers That Be were laughing their asses off on 9-9-9 and they were busy in ceremony on 11-11-09 as the true 11-11-11.

While there are plenty of events scheduled for 11-11-2011  this year, the fact that they are dusting off  Fire the Grid again is certainly no coincidence.  I wrote plenty about this energy harvest in 2007 on the blog at .  One thing is certain they will be using this day to take energy, as much as they can get, from the spiritual people who have bought into this.

I have been talking about this every damn year, yet by the time 3-3-03 passed there were so many egos on board no one gave a damn, they were just committed to their delusion and hell bent on getting to their 11-11-2011 date and clueless they missed it in 2009.

Now we have yet another group focused on 12-12-12 simply because of the Mayan calendar focus on 2012.  12-12-2012 is numerologically 3-3-5 it is an 11 day and although that can be used in a good way 11 days are not all that uncommon.

If you look a the masters years (11 and 22) we had nine in the 20th century

1901 & 1910 were 11 years 1939, 1948, 1957, 1966, 1975, 1984, 1993 were 22 years

In the 21st century we have 10 master years

21st century 11 Years;  2009, 2018, 2027, 2036, 2045, 2054, 2063, 2072, 2081, 2090

2100’s nine 11 years (nine master years)

2200’s eight 11 years, one 22 year (nine master years)
2300’s seven 11 years, two 22 years (nine master years)

See a pattern developing here?  The 21st century is unique in that it could make 10 master 11 years when other centuries have 9 master years counting both 11 and 22 years.  It was a reset century in the Gregorian calendar.  All cycles have resets whether they are natural or human created it is simply the nature of the fractal universe in which we live.  The end of the Mayan calendar no matter how it is matched to the Gregorian calendar is simply the reset point of that calendar.

3000’s for example have nine 11 years (nine master years)

4000’s have eight 11 years and 1 22 year (nine master years)

Obviously this is all based on us keeping the same calendar and using it so that this numerology is accepted by the collective.  When the earth is bigger after the expansion we would need a new calendar if we want to keep track of time.  The day will no longer be 24 hours and the 24 hour circadian rhythm will be reset in all life to the length of a the new day.  All cycles will be reset with the earth expansion; this is part of what makes it such a significant event. Even earth and human cycles that were not at their completion reset point will have no choice but leave that cycle where it stood and begin over.

True mathematicians can spend their whole lives mapping the cycles and rhythms of life with numbers.  Just like astrology we are not controlled by numbers, we can transcend all of life’s influences by ascending, but they are out there moving like tides and cycles all the time and we can take advantage of them for good or evil works.  The dark beings on this planet use these numbers with the force of the whole of the collective consciousness against us and we should be aware of this!  We need to be careful not to participate and give our power over to the flow of these creations if we are to transcend and step forward with our own ascension.

This year’s 11-11-11 has its own geek meaning as a binary day though and maybe that was another inspiration of using these numbers in this particular way.  11=3, in binary arithmetic hmm there is that whole trinity thing again and so 11-11-11 binary day equals  3-3-3 a nine and the ability to combine these threes for the beginning a three (the one trinity- Melchizeldek) a building 6 (the Enoch) and a completing 9 (Michaelian) AKA 1,2, 3 abracadabra lets create some crap.  There are untold number of computer wiz kids who would like to believe that binary is the universal language in which we would communicate with aliens.  It is the basis of the code in the movie the Matrix for example.  Is it possible that those obsessed with the 11-11-11 ignoring the 2 that should be counted in numerology, are actually reacting to a computer program controlling their minds?  That these binary numbers of 1 and 0 are so important to them because they have actually been programmed to find them and give them importance so that their thought and soul powers could be harnessed?  With our lives more and more enmeshed in technology this really cannot be ruled out.  A great deal of channeled material is not channeled from actual entities it comes from a computer output to a receptive mind who wants desperately to be a connected SOUL.  If you had no digital clocks you would give no significance to the time 11:11 in fact we used to round to the nearest five minutes.  If the clock read 11:11 the person would say it’s 10 after 11:00.  What role does the technology based in binary code and beyond play in this supposed spiritual phenomena while The Powers That Be work with the actual spiritual undertaking of numerology?

So one more time Don’t Fire the Grid and don’t give your energy over in any other way on this illuminati 11-11-11 day.  Critical thought is needed as always and the consequences of what is done with your energies are yours even if you simply choose to be uniformed or naïve.

A Few Related Notes:

The Cycles of Timelines

When humans look to the future and there are many timelines they look for time markers and for the timeline for the person that appears to be the most likely future.  This is difficult to say the least.  Time markers are things that cross all timelines.  A good visual for this is to image that there are only 3 timelines and they are on a chart like a biorhythm chart.  Each doing their own thing, every so often the 3 will come together at the center point if this was a chart of timelines that center point with convergence is a time marker.  There is an event there that crosses all of the timelines.  From that point people have been known to jump timelines, changing the possibilities for their lives, some with awareness other without being consciously aware.  When someone jumps a timeline the old timeline will end for them and they will, for those still there, have died.


We currently have dark force people who purposefully attempt to distort timelines.  They find that convergence point and then flat line it and keep that group of timelines that have converged stagnant of conscious creation.  This causes a time wave distortion for the experiences of that timeline.  They have been doing this for some time but they jumped in with the three final timelines that should have reached pre expansion singularity back in February keeping the three from being completely woven together hoping to get control of several things that would allow them to survive the earth expansion.  The first of the three has been fully woven now and there is an ongoing mild distortion with the final one still in place.  There has been a sort of time war going on and although the distortion is still open the workers in harmony with Divine Principal in both timelines have created no way for the dark forces to shift the future in their favor thus that war is essentially over even while the distortion is being closed and the final weaving is completed.

The First Breath Renewal Cycle

Since I mentioned these cycles earlier in relation to ascension I will add them here.  We start out at first breath with a seven year renewal cycle. The ascension steps referred to with the change in renewal cycle are talked about in the Return to Eden info.

•           When the kundalini opens that changes you to a 5.146 year cycle of renewal so you can process more in less time without killing yourself.

•           When you reach the Inner Circle /Nirvana/Samadhi stage it goes to 4.268 years

•           When you pop open your Sphere it goes to 3.278 years

•           When your Sphere is fully Golden it goes to 2.794 years

•           When the Linolic Flow opens, it goes to a 2 year cycle and you enter the Final Purification.

•           Once in the Final Purification stage how fast it increases depends on how much you have to clear.

Eventually for a Dharlja their cycle is every 22 -24 hours which is why they do not need to sleep and only need 2 hours of mediation per cycle so they try to be in meditation right when they hit that zero point in the cycle.  When the earth expands and the circadian rhythm of all life changes so will this 22-24 hour cycle for the Dharljas.  It is not an exact 24 hour cycle now because as discussed earlier every human has 100’s of cycles unique to them.

Numerology & Language

If there is anyone reading who doesn’t know how language is used in numerology here the basic English chart.  You convert each letter in a word to a number and add the numbers together then add again if necessary until you have reduced your number to 1-9 11 or 22.

Multiple words in an address along with a house number can be added together to get an overall number for a whole address as well.

Example; 1054 Wells Lane

1+5+4 is a 10+1

Wells is 5+5+3+3+1 a 17=8

Lane is 3+1+5+5 a 14=5

1+8+5 is a 14 so the overall number for the address is a 5

Some people when deciding upon a name for a baby or a new venture will look for a name that includes all 9 numbers represented in the words to have balance of all the energies.  Some feel if a number is missing you may find that to be a weak point.  That is not always a bad thing but just something to be aware of just like people like to be aware of the weak or missing elements in an astrology chart.  These can be things we need to work on but occasionally they are not weaknesses at all but things we have mastered!  Thus people looking to the repetition of certain numbers as being a good thing are not realizing the lack of balance that represents!  In astrology it would be the equivalent of having all your planets in the same sign!!  Absurd!  One thing modern numerology seems to ignore if the importance of the zero.  It is the circle of life and is a good thing to have in your address since modern numerology for the English language has not found a way to include it in the alphabet conversion table below.  It is simply ignored, but what comes around goes around!


The Spiritually Taboo

I wrote this on July 9th and then never got it posted for some reason, it sure seems to fit with what is happening right now!!

We live in a word filled with immense beauty and immense horror.  I am finding myself more and more disturbed by those who claim enlightenment and spiritual awareness wearing blinders to the issues of the world.  They run around sending “light and love”.  OK no harm comes from sending light and love but if they think that doing so will solve any of the world’s problems then why isn’t it working?  We hear about the great awakening here on earth.  We get emails for all the wonderful world meditations and the endless 11:11 ascension groups.  Yet the world’s violence does not lessen even a little.  Wars rage on, rapes on women and children are common place.  Priests molest kids and don’t even get a slap on the wrist by the spiritual authorities of their church and rarely get arrested.  While potheads who were dealing sit in jail for 20 years and sex offenders who are not rehabilitated get out in two or three years and rape again.

Is it hard to hold the painful information available in such massive amounts from around the world in our consciousness?  Hell yes!  Endlessly posting uplifting tidbits and heartwarming photo art to facebook or twitter is not going to make it go away.  Spiritual growth is actual hard work not just a series of “magical” moments.  I believe in magical moments, I believe in light and love as well but it takes actual people standing up, speaking, and taking action to effect real change in this world.

Apparently the violence and rape against women is the world in one of the 1000 spiritually taboo subjects.  After all it is just so unseemly.  Truly awake men have a hard time with the subject because they feel powerless to communicate their feelings about these things with their own gender.  They know these sick violent thugs will just turn on them too, or target the women they love.  So those with integrity reach out to women they know who have been harmed with compassion and protect the women in their lives feeling that is all they can do.  There are men who put their heads in the sand too.  Most often they are the big “teachers” selling supposed wisdom or the intellectual book reader who now thinks they have the keys to the workings of the universe.

The women who think they are enlightened seem to be the worst offenders.  They abide by the “if I don’t acknowledge or talk about it, it will go away” syndrome.  They are the classic personalities who complain about no good news on TV who would actually watch a news program with only good news and purposely keep themselves ignorant.  They will bombard you with trivia and never get into a real conversation about anything of depth.  They will participate in every world meditation so they can feel they are changing the world when they are doing nothing to change the world or themselves.  How do we as awake people of conscience sit and say nothing while the vast majority of woman in places like the Congo have been brutally raped, many multiple times.  How will the magical “world peace” ever occur in a world where those women must live with that horrific violence.  Where do they find the ability to trust the men who are not violent?

How do men find the numbers to stand up against the violent thugs and say “you do not represent the masculine energy and your violence is unacceptable”?  Why do we as nations say it is not ok to rape at home but look the other way when our soldiers rape women we label as the enemy and accept that as a peril of war?

To be enlightened means we cannot ignore truth.  We must stand up against all crimes against humanity loudly and with one voice!  Sitting back and hoping someone else will fix it for us while saying that “we are all one” is just a lack of integrity.  If you are caught up in the democrats vs. the republicans and wasting your time defending one or the other and waiting for your party to make it all ok, WAKE UP!  Power of government on earth is corrupt and filled with greed.  They don’t want to stop wars, they are profitable!  They don’t care if your wife, mother, sister or daughter’s get raped.  If you are waiting for them to bring world peace while you send out light and love and never speak out then you are just part of the problem not the solution you see yourself to be.

Why can’t we as a spiritual community get real?  If I hear one more person go on about how we shouldn’t judge just because of one line in a bible I may scream.  We judge every day we do so for our very survival.  We have to discern if our activities are safe for ourselves or our children.  These are all judgments, hundreds weekly.  While it is a worthy goal to not condemn others and I support that, all too often that is used as an excuse to shut up people who are speaking obvious truths that others don’t want to hear.  “Don’t be judgmental”  “lets just all get along” in other words lets not talk about this subject because it is taboo.  We can wax poetic about unity but it means nothing when we don’t give a damn about those who are being subjected to violence every day.  If you were in unity with those people you would be feeling their pain and determined to make it STOP.

This taboo subject behavior, not being willing to take on the tough subjects in spiritual discourse is not in alignment with oneness and light or love.  Love protects and nurtures. Sending love is just an excuse to actually do nothing and feel ok with doing nothing, saying nothing.  If oneness was experienced there could be no violence let alone the ability to turn a blind eye to it.  That does not mean we focus on only that and turn a blind eye to the beauty that exists here as well.  We need to embrace that beauty and live with gratitude for the beauty in our lives.  Part of embracing it and having gratitude is wanting that beauty to be there for ALL people.  We find the beauty in our own lives by being fully awake to the tragedy in the world.  There is beauty in our voices when we speak out for those who are oppressed.  That is the higher nature of our being.  When we withhold our voice, our outrage and our actions we are not acting in love even if we tell ourselves we are sending light and love out.  It is just another cowardly way to excuse ourselves from true unity.

Is A Time Traveler The Next Problem-Reaction-Solution Hoax?

Ok the whole alien invasion scenario The Powers That Be (TPTB) hoped for, for so many years has really lost its potential power by being so talked about.  The vast majority of people don’t know we already have saucer tech, but there is just too much info out there to really pull off that game.

In the last 3-4 weeks there has been a considerable focus in the dreamtime about time travel aspects and TPTB wanting to get back to a point where they could change the three final timelines that merge into the timeline singularity as their last ditch effort to get back in control of what is obvious to them now is the end game.  For some unknown reason they are focused on 2006 but that isn’t what the blog post is about…

At the same time that this has become quite obvious, news comes out of CERN that they have proven time travel is possible, ah huh, like DUH, people have been messing with this crap a long time and most certainly beyond the level of a single particle.  But to the mass public, that timing could be perfect for the next hoax scenario.

TPTB already have all kind of futuristic technology that they don’t share with the rest of us.  All you need to do is look at Dick Cheney on his book tour, the guy was half dead last year and needed a heart transplant, and now he has not had one and looks better than he has since long before his time as VP.  They have obviously finally gotten their regeneration tech functioning the way they want and are using it on various people.  Anyway that is off the topic as well…  let me get to the scenario.

One of the saucers we have lands in a prominent place, so as to be publicly seen, a normal human looking person gets out and meets with some government / world officials.  It is announced that he / she is not an alien, but in fact a time traveler from earth’s future.  They say that most of the ships that have been seen over the last couple thousand years have been them, because the future for earth is dire, and they have been trying to determine where things went wrong to save our species.  They introduce any number of possible scenarios……

Like a pandemic that wipes out most humans and they are bringing us the vaccine, which most people would dutifully take and would really be the pandemic.  They could just claim the vaccine didn’t work because the pandemic when it came in our timeline turned out to be a slightly mutated version of the one the time traveler knew about, after all, there are infinite timelines they would explain.

Or how about some terrible ecological disaster that requires us to band together right now under a world government with tight controls to save the planet. Or even natural disasters that require everyone to move out of prime real estate to where ever they claim it is safe, giving up all their freedom and assets.  I’m sure you can think of 100 more and they would likely be far more effective than the whole alien invasion thing.

All they have to do is introduce the concept of time travel from a respected scientific authority like CERN.  Telling the world that time travel is possible so they could start to seed the populous to that reality.  The time traveler will have not only the saucer, but all kinds of other tech we have never heard of that would prove to the general public that he / she is indeed from a much advanced civilization of our future.

TPTB are getting desperate so keep this in mind and be aware.  If the time travel scenario shows up see it for the hoax it is.  Depending on the level of desperation they are at, if they try this scenario they may even have the time traveler offer us hope by giving us some new technologies, new energy, healing or something like being able to clean up Fukushima or something tangible that would get the mass of the world population to believe in his or her altruistic motives.

The Spiritual Warrior – Anger and Love What’s Up With That?

Have you noticed the way some emotions are exalted and others are vilified? Good emotions vs. bad emotions. Is there truly any such thing? Most people have no real clue what anger or love are about they only know that when they are feeling them they feel “out of control”. One feels good the other feels bad but that may be the biggest illusion on planet earth. We can all name 101 awful things that have been brought about in anger in the world those negative acts are obvious, but is that the fault of anger or the unbalanced mind of the individual? After all most people get angry about many things and never do anything to harm themselves or others. They blow off some steam, feel better and move on.

What about love? Can we even truly define the word love? People get caught up romanticizing some situation and seeing it as love. They can’t separate little love from big LOVE. Human love vs DIVINE LOVE they try and force divine love to fit into the romantic box of human love. The problem is that divine love can’t fit in that box. Human love in the bliss stage sees no faults, thinks the whole world is rosy. The reason it feels so good is because it is actual chemical hormonal denial, a literal mind altering substance. True love that survives and prospers after the bliss stage ends lasts because it was based in Divine Love. There is a stage in spiritual growth where people actually fall in love with God they go into Nirvana / Samadhi bliss stage and experience the same mind altering substances that cause the denial in the human romantic love bliss stage. When in this stage they will hear no truth and see no issues. This is a stage some people enter and never leave! In fact some religious texts teach this place is the goal when it is in fact only the very beginning of your relationship with God which I prefer to call Divine Principle.

It is important to learn how to deal with your emotions before you hit Nirvana because the bliss stage will put you into denial and if you already have a tendency for denial to begin with you will become yet another disinformation pawn of the dark forces.

Anger is a potent force much like a hurricane is potent force. It can destroy you and eat you alive. It can own the mind of a lower vibration person and set them off to do heinous things. However for most people it is simply a natural reaction to an injustice, a frustration and all that is required is to feel it and let it fade away. Refraining from interactions with others while they do this, if they are mad enough they may say something they regret is often called for. Anger that is dealt with authentically typically fades pretty quickly. Sometimes an anger is too big, does not flow easily away and in looking for a way to process the emotion people do extraordinary things, amazing things, GOOD things. Almost every really big powerful societal change that has occurred in the world came about because someone was damn pissed. Angry enough to take action.

Some of the same people who applaud the peaceful protest in Egypt this year think anger is a negative emotion to be avoided. How can they not see that even though the participants CHOSE to remain peaceful the whole reason they were protesting was they were ANGRY. They wanted change, they were in fact demanding change! For we Americans I say how do you think we became Americans? We got so pissed at Britain that we fought a war for freedom and wrote a Constitution we still speak so loudly about today. Anger made this country. Now we could have a long healthy debate on a completely different level about whether that was good or whether having any countries are good for that matter but that is another day. Who ended slavery? Angry people did. Who allowed slavery? Those willing to look away because it was unpleasant, or because they were in some way benefiting from this disgusting practice of low vibration and control.

No matter how much you love Divine Principle and all the species of the earth, bad things are happening here. Reality check; bad things are happening everyday in the name of LOVE. There are people who think they love the unborn so much that they can justify killing an abortion doctor and promote capital punishment while holding a bible and talking about the ten commandments. All this in the name of love! Some of the greatest crimes against humanity and individuals are by people who think they are just being loving.

Love and anger are just two of the multitude of human emotions. As complex beings we are capable of feeling both simultaneously. We are capable of using both to better ourselves and everyone around us or conquer and destroy and hate ourselves and everyone around us. Divine love is not an emotion! Divine love is the very nature of our consciousness when it has been stripped of the layers of low vibration we have mired it with. The more we have stripped away, the higher our vibration raises, the closer we are to the Divine Love that we truly are. The higher your vibration the greater your ability to use ALL emotions that you process in a way that serves Divine Principle – All That Is.

High vibration people make good out of all things they encounter whether that good is personal growth or planetary change. Low vibration people take all emotion, even blissful love and use it for control, greed and pain.

I will never apologize for being awake and aware and for being angry that the middle vibration people are being manipulated into not even being willing to feel their own feelings for the sole purpose of lowering their vibration. Be real, find your authenticity, speak your own true mind. Live an honest life, walk your talk, live with integrity. If your higher self through that process leads you to live a life in solitude as a monk because the pains of the world are too much for you, I support you in that. If it leads you to start a revolution against tyranny because your spirit knows Divine Principle meant all mankind to be free. I support you in that. Truth in emotion dissipates the transient and processes it out to the universe free. What is left behind is there for a reason. Change yourself, change the world, though transmuting anger to motivation and action or through Divine Love, healing and teaching. Divine Principle gives you the tools you as an individual need to do the work you came to earth to do. Those tools are only available when we are not in denial about anything we think or feel on the human level or anything we, feel (clairsentience), see (clairvoyance) hear (clairaudience) or know from the divine.

So for all you bliss ninnies our there in denial, why are you NOT angry? People are starving, dying, being raped, murdered, and enslaved!!! You claim you LOVE LOVE LOVE all life. Many of you will go to the mat to say anyone who eats a burger is unspiritual because you just love life more than the rest of us, but you are not willing to even use your voice to speak out against these injustices to your fellow human beings! In fact you intensely attempt to silence the voices of those who do and call that love!

Yeah I am angry, I own it completely, the vast majority of it is transient, when a story comes up about this injustice or that one, but there is a part of it that is here with me for a reason, because I am a Warrior. I never wanted or consciously asked to be a Warrior for Divine Principle, but my vibration was high coming into this body and dark forces started to attack and attempt to kill me before I could even put into words what dark forces were. I attempted denial with drug and alcohol abuse from the ages of 13 – 25 with a break for a pregnancy. It didn’t work! Eventually drugs and alcohol gave me up and I had to accept that being a Warrior was my destiny whether I wanted it or not. I knew too much for them to leave me alone.

The thing about those of us who are Warriors, we are willing to fight the fight first because it is survival. Then when we have honed our skills so survival is no longer the issue the Divine Love within us is so great, so deep, so clear, that we cannot allow injustices to those who are lost, to go unspoken. Some take action in earth plane ways like protests and activism of sorts (Mike Adams the Health Ranger is a great example of this). For others though, our actions take place in the invisible, and you know not what we do or have done by watching us or observing our outer life. We unite higher selves with lost parts of themselves, battle actual dark spirits (demons), remove entity attachments that scare the shit out of other people, or that they literally can’t even perceive, tend the earth grid, build, terminate or clear vortexes and power spots, remove stuck energies on earth from human actions like massacres. We do whatever Divine Principle or the Earth Mother asks of us! The list goes on, we know the “powers that be” not through the videos and news stories on the internet about “conspiracy theories” but directly through their companion dark spirit controllers, and dark priests who try to kill us.

We don’t talk much about these things because we are too damn busy doing them. No, we cannot teach you how to do it, there is no universal way to learn. Each of us were thrown into the water in a sink or swim, live or die way and learned a unique way of doing things customized to our past life experiences and strengths. We know things beyond words, we have seen and experienced things that have given us battle scars. So don’t sit in your bliss ninny world and tell us how it is. If you haven’t ever been attacked your vibration still isn’t high enough for the dark ones to see you as a threat. No, a bubble of white light and love won’t fricken save you if you are ever truly attacked!!

Here is the deal, if the real state of the world is too much for you then one of you needs to start a new age monastery where you can be monks of a sort and have no TV’s no internet, no news of any kind. Most certainly NO facebook or twitter, You cannot teach with tunnel vision so please stop trying to be teachers! We promise not to warn you when The Powers That Be come to massacre your ashram / monastery so as not to ruin your day, but we will clear the energy later! If you get stuck (earthbound) we’ll even return you to your high self, no questions asked! LOL

It’s a big world and there a lot of bad stuff out there and you know what, we Warriors, still relish the good, & loving, the animals, nature, beauty and truth, where ever we find it. That is what we are fighting for! We have NEVER lost track of that! We may seem gruff but we love deeply and completely! We are loyal, true, honest, and filled with gratitude for every little gift of life. We laugh easily and often and are not always pissed! If you actually earn our friendship and respect it will last beyond this life to the ones that follow. Yeah you’ll have to deal with us blowing off steam now and then about the bad things, bad people, do to you and yours!

We do this work for ALL THAT IS, not for money, prestige, or power (which is good cause it doesn’t pay). Want to ascend ? Oh gosh it requires your higher self to have all parts of self that have been trapped by dark forces in various way. Yes, that’s right, you’re welcome! We free them even while you tell us how we are “negative” “unfocused” and “unenlightened”. We are the very definition of focused! I have never met a Warrior who has not sacrificed health, material world life, relationships and careers for this love of Divine Principle and we are sick and tired of having to explain our emotions to a bunch of clueless fools. We have willingly given up too much to have to suffer fools to boot, especially fools who will all benefit from our work.

Like those over the last few hundred years that have intensified this work, so things would be ready for this specific timing. We pave the pathway for others to move forward, while they make our work harder in the name of their supposed great knowledge of love. We don’t have time to play games and wear a false new age face even if we wanted to and we don’t want to! Did I mention we Warriors laugh easily and often? Anyone who knows me offline or even by phone knows this about me! I know this to be true of every other Warrior I have ever met. The other day a co-worker at the soup kitchen accused me of laughing with my eyes, not exactly a sign of negativity or continuous anger. LOL

Group Prayer / Creation, Universal Law & Karma

There are differences between individual energy and group energy in relation to universal law and karma.  As I write this, Hurricane Irene is working its way up the east coast of the United States, and all over the internet spiritual metaphysically inclined people are praying just as reverently as a fundamentalist in any given religion for the storm to be moved.  They have good intentions.  They want to save lives and prevent property losses, but these good intentions come into conflict with actual universal laws.  Having compassion is not taking responsibility and “doing for” other people.  I have written about this before and I do know it is a difficult concept.  There are however karmic consequences for people who refuse to come to terms with this very painful lesson.

It is hard to watch when things happen that cause suffering.  Of course our hearts want to change this.  It is only natural when your heart is open to not want to see pain around you.  Our current technology makes it possible for us to see all the pain around the planet which is excruciatingly difficult for the sensitive and open hearted among us.  I am one of them and I know there are things I have seen that have at times so overwhelmed me that I just wanted to leave the planet.  Life is life though, natural and human created events happen.  We have responsibility in both.  In the human created events our responsibility is obvious but what about the natural ones?

We humans like to build massive infrastructure and often monuments to our supposed greatness.  We like to dominate and control things that we should be smart enough to leave alone since we consider ourselves the smartest species on the planet.  We think that if we can do something we should do something.  Large parts of our cities were built in places no permanent structure should be built.  In flood planes of rivers, along coastal areas without elevation from the ocean, near swamps, on land created by moving dirt into lakes and bays, and right on known earthquake faults just to name a few.  Here in the United States the Army Corp of Engineers then built all kinds of things to protect land that was never meant to be protected and gave humans false security about living in those areas.

When Europeans first arrived in North America they didn’t know all the hazards of the new place they found themselves.  They most certainly though saw and watched the dwellings and lifestyles of different tribes living here who did know the hazards.  They obviously did not take heed of this knowledge or even the common sense they should have had in terms of dealing with things like rivers any place on the planet.  We collectively need to take responsibility for building this infrastructure where it never should have been.  When Hurricane Katrina slammed into New Orleans that was nature saying get the hell out of a place your stuff doesn’t belong.  What was our collective response?  Defiance!  We vowed to rebuild as a testament to our own ego and arrogance as a species.  After all we know better than nature right?  What happened to the old adage “don’t mess with Mother Nature”?

Arrogant scientists have long messed with anything and everything they could get their hands on.  It is no surprise to anyone who would be reading my blog that the weather is being screwed with in multiple ways by various governments and other organizations who want to control the planet and all its resources.  They are accumulating huge amounts of karma and of course they just don’t give a damn any more than they care about anything else but power, money and control.  What about spiritual people though and specifically the metaphysical, the pagans and other earth, nature based religious types?

As the media has been covering Hurricane Irene there is a greater call among them through prayer and energy to move the hurricane away to save life and property.  They do not have this right any more than the world militaries and governments do!  Every action has a reaction.  When you mess with the weather it affects the whole world.  It does not just affect the area that you are praying for.

Let’s get a little into the karmic aspect of this.  People (Souls in alignment with Higher Self [Spirit]) plan the moment of their death just like they plan the moment of their birth.  They plan the major events in their lives at the least.  Some people’s life plan is more like an outline and others is closer to a script.  You can be certain though that an event as big as losing a home and all your belongings in a hurricane is a planned life event.  The only exception would be if you received the gut instinct to move and did not heed that instinct, in which case you then needed to learn the hard way the lesson of ignoring your instincts.

Difficult large life events like losing everything are things people plan to experience because it offers them unparalleled opportunities for growth.  They get to reprioritize their lives and find more meaning.  If you participate in a group and successfully move a hurricane in this example away from the intended area you rob them of their CHOSEN experience.  You take their opportunity for growth away in your attempt to help them.  HOW DARE YOU!! You could also change the death plan for an unknown number of individuals.  When you move one system from its course you affect all others.  You do not know what that affect will be.  With the intent to save some, you may actually be creating a situation far worse some place else on the planet that kills many more people.  All these things are them your karmic responsibility.  You can be certain you have pissed off an unknown number of higher selves who will want you to right your wrong based in Universal Law.

What is it with death anyway?  Is there some reason why we are unwilling to allow people to die in natural ways?  No one escapes experiencing the death of ones we love, or strangers, it is part of life.  Obviously if you are in the storm and you are praying for your own safety, the universe and the nature spirits would never hold that against you. If you have a specific loved one in the danger area and you are far away and you are praying for the individual you love that is also understood.  It is when groups of people join together to attempt to change the outcome for the whole that you break Universal Law.  Pray for them to have strength, healing, transformation of stuck energies within them, an easy painless transition if they are to cross over.  There are so many prayers that are in harmony, and are not dominating, controlling prayers that can be offered.

I would think a group of earth based spiritual people would also see the interconnectivity of life and the natural ecosystems of our amazing planet.  Things that the media calls natural disasters are beautiful amazing acts of ecosystem rebirth!  Hurricanes exist for a purpose!  They bring rebirth and a natural cycle of flooding and winds that cause a renewal.  When you send that energy, that rebirth, away you are denying the nature spirits of that area, life force being brought to them as Creation intended it to work.  Once again HOW DARE YOU??!!

A few women on facebook were having a conversation about talking to the hurricanes.  One mentioned Katrina being not very nice, that she was going to go and do what she wanted.  Ummmm, what did you expect?  That does not make those nature spirits mean or nasty or bla bla bla.  It makes them a force to be reckoned with as well they should be.  They were meant to break down the old so the new can be reborn.  It is no different than a volcano in an active state.  To pray for a volcano not to erupt would be the equivalent of praying for a person to not ever have a bowel movement.  If you were successful you would first cause them to start puking instead, meaning, the energy will be released one way or another and if you continued you would kill the person!  The same philosophy applies to the Earth!

The earth and nature spirits have to do their thing.  What is, is.  We have to get the fuck out of the way or know it is simply a good day to die.  A baby may be safe and secure in the womb but you cannot simply decide to keep it there forever because you both like it being safe and secure. Humans have to be responsible for their own choices.  In this high tech world we all have access to every possible hazard of our chosen location to live.  There is no excuse for pretending we are victims of our choice to live in a flood plane, a hurricane zone, tornado alley, a tsunami zone or an earthquake risk area etc.  There is no place that is completely safe or secure EVER.  That is why spirit gave us instincts so that we can leave locations that are no longer safe if it is not a good day to die.  We should not be rebuilding New Orleans or any other place destroyed because it was built in a place it never should have been.  If the pagans of the planet can’t get this simple truth than who the hell will?

Live in harmony with nature or die by nature’s glory!  It is just the way of things.  Stop trying to control what you have no business trying to control all in the name of love and compassion, because it is neither, and the karma created is yours to balance.

Hey Ed Dames & Steve Quayle Montana is NOT Safe!

Why is it that shill Ed Dames back in the late 90’s told the world to move to Whitefish Montana and find caves there?  What happened?  Hundreds of people …. RICH PEOPLE showed up and built McMansions!  The idea that based on all these earth change maps showing coastal areas in jeopardy that Montana is safe is pure crap.  There is no state that is just all safe, and secure.   This is an E.L.E. earth expansion.  No part of the planet will be untouched.

Now enter Steve Quale on Coast to Coast AM last night, he is talking about Dames who has long since been discredited since his whole bunch of Whitefish crap and remote viewing money making scam.  Quale is telling people “come to Montana” and this time Bozeman.  He says Yellowstone will not erupt and all is well.  I have always maintained that Yellowstone would not have the big caldera eruption as it has in the past.  It will have a small eruption opening up a massive lava flow as it has more than once since the last super eruption 600,000 years ago.

More likely in Yellowstone than a large explosive caldera-forming eruption is eruption of a lava flow, which would be far less devastating. Since Yellowstone’s last caldera-forming eruption 640,000 years ago, about 30 eruptions of rhyolitic lava flows have nearly filled the Yellowstone Caldera. Other flows of rhyolite and basalt (a more fluid variety of lava) also have been extruded outside the caldera. Each day, visitors to the park drive and hike across the lavas that fill the caldera, most of which were erupted since 160,000 years ago, some as recently as about 70,000 years ago.

This is what spirit has always shown to me!  They said so much lave would come from Yellowstone that it would build into quite a mountain before all was said and done but with the completion of the shift the hot spot would have moved, so to speak off the new east coast, under water.  They have still drawn a 100 mile circle around the caldera and said the area inside the 100 miles would not be inhabitable for decades, and that many downwind areas east and to the N – NE and S – SE depending on prevailing winds at the time, of that in Montana and Wyoming would not be inhabitable for some time due to the amount of ash from the initial opening of the magma flow.

Here is the 100 mile circle


As if Yellowstone is not enough of a concern for Montana, the Rocky Mountain continental divide has always been seen to rise considerably as the forces of the plasma expansion push up beneath them.  In some area as much as 6 or 7 thousand feet.  This rise will be most prevalent in Colorado, Montana and Canada.  It will put these parts of the Rockies into the range of height of the current Andes.

Montana also has expansion points that will crack open.  The Bitterroot Valley is one of them, with the rip going north of Missoula as well, while the bitterroot mountains themselves will be pushed up.  There will be breaks in the Cascades and the interior that will allow sea water to come into them and flow into these rip points.  The NW part of North America is one of the primary places the planet will rip.  The north American Plate from Montana and Utah around Salt Lake City over to the ocean will break into pieces .  Leaving many of the higher land areas to be islands.  This area of broken plate will be very much like the current islands and group of  small plates that is current day Indonesia. The future islands will be a highly seismic and volcanic area of the planet.

The map I made of this area shows the lands above water after all is said and done but there is no way to show the expansion itself on here.  So the width of these waterways is not able to be shown.  The mountains will not be covered in water but there will be rips that tear apart areas of mountains that allow the sea water to come in and many valley areas are already over deep cavernous areas in the earth and will collapse down.  The surface crust in some places will fall into these massive rips from the expansion.  Don’t forget that more water will be created in the expansion as well, we will not simply be dealing with current volume of water that is in the sea.  The biggest rip points in wide areas can literally have water come up from beneath as well.

NW adjusted

Here is a second version that shows the most major rips some of these are more “surface rips” some will be along the places the plate breaks.  The Gorda plates off southern Oregon will tip on their side bringing up a new mountain range so I didn’t even deal with the rips down there.


In the Whitefish area that Ed Dames talked about, the rise of the continental divide and specifically the Swan Mountain range that rims the Flathead valley raising will force out an underground aquifer and flood the the flathead valley in freshwater.  There are two scenarios for the Flathead region all the way down to Missoula depending on how deep the east west rip goes.  One brings salt water all the way into the valley, which is shown on the above maps.

These detailed maps of the Flathead I made several years ago while living there.

This is freshwater flooding from the aquifer with the top blue being proximity of salt water

the new flathead

This one is the worst case rip bringing salt water all the way into the flathead

the new flathead saltwater version

The point is not that no one can survive in Montana, the point is that presenting Montana as a pristine and safe place is ridiculous!  Montana is not what many people think it is either.  There are internment camps built in Montana.  There is a state of the art maximum security prison in Hardin sitting EMPTY waiting for “domestic terrorists”.  They consider independent thinkers like us to be the real threat!  There are nuke bunkers, as in silos for our nuclear weapons that are targets of nukes from across the world.  There is a firm presence of NSA, CIA intelligence community.  There is a level 4 bio lab in Hamilton  and what germs they are playing with there are top secret.  They could be released by humans on purpose or a release could happen in an earth change event.  Even the scumbag Dick Cheney has bought into the Ed Dames remote viewing and built a McMansion in Whitefish in case his “ranch” in Wyoming is not safe.  Sorry DICK but no matter how many houses you have you will  not be surviving the earth expansion!

FYI unless you have cash in the bank if you do want to relocate to Montana you better try and secure a job before moving because their really are not any, so once again this message from the Dames genre via Quayle is to the RICH.

While I am on a little bit of a rant, what is with the current popularity of this lame “Navy Map”  As if there would be uniform flooding all along the coasts.  The Olympic Peninsula in WA has huge mountains.  Mt. Olympus the tallest mountain on the peninsula is 7669 ft!  On the Oregon coast the coastal range I believe is as high as 4000 – 4500 ft and in places rises quickly from the beach.  There is no explanation for why the interior  Utah et al is open water or what would bring it in over the continental divide in places in Colorado.  Yet part of Florida that is a whopping 200 ft. at best is just fine.  It looks like a kid just took a marker to a map.  This is an insult to the technology of the Navy.  If they do indeed have a map based on information they have you can be sure it has incredible detail and all the topography included as well as place names Etc..

OH and never mind the fact that in AZ the higher 7000 foot Mogollon Rim and the San Francisco peaks are underwater but the lowlands of Phoenix and Tucson that are about 1000 feet are fine.  Explain why that water would not be tumbling over the rim.  I lived there for a period of time the whole damn rim would have to crumble to less then 1000 feet for that to happen!


I know my Earth Expansion information is hard for people to wrap their heads around but seriously the same people think shit like this is reasonable!!!!!!!!  There seems to be this thought that if multiple maps have same absurd information than it must be true.  DISCERN and research the topography of what is here now and at least ask the questions of HOW.  Some people may have a theory of how for their maps that we just don’t know.  Never forget most of these people have been selling these maps for years and making a profit off of fear of the changes.  In my experiences the more common a piece of psychic information (for lack of a better term) is the more likely it turns out to be disinformation!

I got my first and most simplistic maps in 1989.  I have shared them for free every since they have been online since 1998 and the big wigs that we know are shills for the propaganda machine have purposely ignored them, and pushed the whole “these maps almost match therefore they are truth” agenda.  Mitch Battros for one knew about them in 1998!

The Weaving of Timelines

I got this message the evening of the 27th from the Dharlja family, they were talking to me obviously but I think this may apply to others as well. I was not sure if it is something to be shared with more people or not.  I chose not to post it on the blog at that time but sent it out in email to a few people.  Today I am feeling that it should be shared maybe it has something to do with the fact that the tertiary timeline (25%) mentioned below will be completely weaved sometime today.

The intensity of pressure Martina and I bought through over the weekend that they mention in the writing , was this really nasty pissy state of mind that we have never had anything like at the same time LOL  It built gradually until Monday I think when we had to have a massive bitch fest and say everything we were feeling, but that didn’t dissipate it at all!  It just lasted until it was done, and then for me shifted into a neutral space, then back to being normal for me which is much more upbeat and positive.

Here is the message as received

The weaving of timelines is going smoothly but as you know is very complex. You are over the intensity of pressure it brought forth that you and Martina expressed so clearly. Part of this pressure was not being able to feel the future in the normal way. You think of the merging from the perspective of now, but the three timelines are merged through the whole tunnel of singularity. Thus no one looking at the future even seeing clearly all three timelines could know the future because some elements of each exist there. One timeline was primary, simply because there were more elements from it than from each of the other two but it breaks down more like this; the primary is 40% and the secondary 35% and the tertiary 25%. Therefore there were those few days where your own subconscious felt lost in not knowing how your own percentages fit together for this completely changed future. It gave you a sense of hopelessness. It was understood this would happen and you and Martina both came through it beautifully. So while your mind focuses now on the anomalies that may be apparent between now and February 6th. The whole of your singularity future has been reconfigured.

Once the merge is complete there will be elements of your past that have changed. This will not be true for all people. The place you were at on January 20th in each of the three timelines had greater disparity than most people. This is true for the majority of people who have been consciously on the path, as the roads to get to the teachings needed were diverse for most. These changes in the past will be like dream ghost type images that will get stronger over time as past life memories often do. You will still remember this timeline you have lived, but it too will become more dreamlike in certain aspects and not have the sway on you that it once did. This will allow the limitations you remember from this timeline to slip away. It is the future aspects of the other timelines that bring positive gifts that are being brought forth that shift elements of the past. It is of course quite confusing for the mind. It will however be a very gentle manifestation that will be comfortable and have a peace about it. You have already been feeling this peaceful aspect at moments between sleep and wakened state. Your mind has already been aware that the possibilities of all this were much deeper than you previously through possible when you first learned of singularity a couple of years ago.

You will not be blindsided by anything that comes forth in this way. There will be a resonant remembrance, (perhaps not in detail) before something shows up tangibly changed. When you see the tangible it will be somewhat like a déjà vu experience and you will know that which you need to know to interact with that new element of your life, but you will recognize it as new and changed. There will be no fear or doubt associated with these things and you will be in full acceptance of who in your life recalls the new thing as something that has always been so, and who recognizes it as a change in your merging timelines from what they remember. The same will be true with you and a few others. You will see some things in them that are new and accept them without reservation while still remembering it having been another way. These things can be on a multitude of levels from deeper spiritual gifts to talents that the person had not taken time to develop on the timeline you experienced with them that are fully developed now. This is a great and glorious thing that we are all enjoying watching unfold. Be open, receive, and simply allow the unfolding, knowing that all new things being brought forth are things of beauty and love.

The Singularity

We are finally here!  All timelines that could collapse have done so as of this morning.  At one point early yesterday afternoon is was so intense it made me dizzy and I had to lay down.  When I awoke today I was told there were two additional timelines left and the one that will continue and those two would have to be merged with the primary instead of collapsed.  One merged around 4:30 pm mountain time here in the United States. 

The second will merge sometime over the next few hours.  For those of us who are aware of these types of things we will be more likely to notice the changes to this timeline from the merge over the next several days.  Some of these changes may be personal some larger scale things.  Although these three timeline were very similar on the larger scale anything that is changed in a big way would be something that was almost going to happen in this timeline.  So most of the changes will be personal level things but could be quite significant.  Someone could for example go to bed quite sick with cancer and wake up with no illness.

Once this final timeline is finished merging there are no more probabilities.  The dark forces will have no path to control.  That doesn’t mean there may not be some things in this timeline that are not good between now and the big changes.  It is not like it is going to be sweetness and light.  This timeline was chosen by creation because it has the least amount of suffering over the shortest time period.  Suffering is still suffering however and there is no out of that, only through it.  Dark forces cannot manipulate humans onto another timeline now as there are no other timelines available until the they branch out on the other side of singularity.  Decisive actions can now be taken with no place for them to go so to speak.  In some ways the path now will be easier, and in others it is about to ramp up.  I hope you all did your internal prep work!  Remember that many people will not notice any change in things and you may recall many things they do not.  Don’t try to get them to remember the changes that have occurred by the merging of these three timelines.  What they see and know is their reality now.

Artifacts of the Past – Processing Memories & Being Present

What does it really mean to be present in the moment? I was just reading an article this week about the health benefits of being in the moment and these being the moments of greatest joy. I agree with this perspective but also wonder how many people are really able to be present in any given moment. The article talked about sex being one of those moments that people are most present. Obviously there is a physiological response that helps that process along during sex, but there are plenty of people that say their mind is wondering even during sex, or that alcohol or drugs are required for them to be present during sex. I honesty feel you can’t be present in the moment while under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol is more about removing all moments, past, present, or future and just numbing the senses so that nothing need be felt. Feeling nothing is really the opposite of being present in the moment. There are other mind altering substances that actually do tune you in to the current moment though, and for some of us may have even taught us how that should feel so we could take that knowing and bring it forth into life when no longer using them.

There seems to be a trend of teaching that says; to be in the moment is to completely let go of and release the past. I don’t think this is possible or desirable. Healing takes place when we acknowledge fully all our thoughts and feelings without judgment. More often than not, we are not able to be in that state of mental and emotional awareness while experiencing certain life events, and that ability only comes later. The idea that loving positive memories from the past should be let go of, would be met with an enormous amount of resistance. Somehow we think we should pick and choose which memories to cherish and which ones to discard because they were unpleasant. While I am all for cherishing the great memories, it is actually the difficult painful ones that offer us the greatest gifts in life. Instead of discarding and dismissing them we should consider feeling them. Allowing the emotions we refused to feel at the time to surface and be acknowledged so we can receive the gifts they offer.

Recently I had a short exchange with a friend about the loss of a child, and where that fits into a person’s world view on life. Certainly it is one of life’s most painful moments and societal expectations are to get over it and move on. Moving on happens whether we get over things or not, life continues with or without healing so it really isn’t about moving on. Moving forward truly is not optional, it will happen with or without your conscious participation, and with or without you being present in any of those moments that come. If you allowed yourself to feel that pain then instead of discarding it, releasing it, letting it go, being over it and every other cliché we offer, it integrates into a part of who you are and offers you understanding and wisdom. We all have aspects of the past that we integrated because they refused to go unnoticed and we have things that lie in the silence. It is the ones in the silence that poison us from being present and joyous in the moment.

When my daughter was stillborn when I was 22, that pain was too big to be shoved into the silence. It changed me and I have no intention of “getting over it”. It was the greatest gift of my life in ways I am always discovering. I am who I am and the gifts of this loss are a big part of that. That experience opened my heart, both the pregnancy and the love I had for my child, and the loss, in ways that I had never experienced before. It birthed my compassion, put spiritual knowledge I already understood into context, showed me why I had always been a pacifist, taught me to truly stop and value all life, & uncovered my real relationship with the sacred. These things only scratch the surface of what this one horrible life experience brought me in gifts. None of these things are things I should or would ever want to release. This is part of me and a damn good part. It was one painful past experience that was transmuted into knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. This one life event is responsible for countless moments of being present and joyous in the moment. Moments when you know you are not running from anything, not hiding anything.

Processed past pains are our very wisdom, the reason why the elders were respected, why they seemed to intuitively know what would happen next. When you have allowed these things to ingrate, the more obvious are the outcomes and motivations of the actions of others. The generation that comes after may or may not seek the wisdoms we carry, and even if they do, are not likely to heed the advice given. There is truth in knowing when to shut up and allow them to have their own experience. Still there is peace in seeing what is to come for them and knowing where to place yourself to offer love when the now obvious happens. Why would we want to discard this, one of life’s most precious gifts? Processing and integrating the past is not the same as dwelling there. If we were to be only a series of moments with the ones past not part of the picture the creator would not have given us memory, or would have created separation between physical memories required for animalistic survival skills and emotional memories.

We are souls in bodies and the purpose of souls is to experience and grow and learn. Attempting to discard things simply doesn’t work. Letting go of the trauma of an event, transmuting it, so you are not living the reflections of that trauma in your current choices should be the goal. That requires looking at it, feeling it, accepting it, no matter how heinous it may be. Is your present something you are conscious of, a reflection of an artifact of the past, or some combination there of?

Some events in youth may send us running and spiraling out of control and onto paths that we made no conscious choice to take. They can take over aspects of our lives with some seen, but that feel uncontrollable, like addiction, and others so stealth that they may take a very long time to surface. Running away makes you unable to make a choice from your true spirit instead of making choices because of these silent artifacts. The things left in silence do the most damage and steal the most from our lives. They are the things inside us that cause us to act out in ways that cause ourselves more pain and cause us to hurt people around us that we love and consciously don’t want to hurt.

Sometimes we have gathered all the puzzle pieces but we are not ready to put them together yet for things we have left lying in that silence. They may have brought forth an illness or series of illnesses and that is one puzzle piece. Addictions may be another piece. Repeated patterns recognized a third, and so forth and each of these pieces of your life is recognized and being worked on but the puzzle picture, how they go together is just not available. I’ve talked quite a bit on the blog of getting at core issues and these are no easy task because these core issues are the puzzle picture. Even if you have the picture some pieces on the surface just don’t seem like they could possibly have a place in the puzzle. It’s frustrating to have an overview and see how some of the parts go together and still feel like you just can’t get at the rest, those connecting points are missing, hiding, and there are times you are still acting in a way that you know is not in harmony with your true desire. These artifacts are still making some choices for you and stealing life force and expression of love and intimacy in your life.

We can be diligent in our healing, open, honest and have an area we cannot seem to progress in. I’ve watched many a friend go to every kind of spiritual, emotional or alternative healer on the planet dealing with a chronic issue of one sort or another. It has its physical components, as well as emotional and mental elements and they are well aware of this. They can’t get at the core but somehow they think eventually they will find the right healer. Core issues can’t be removed from you or simply taken away. If they could my ever present and wonderful spirit guides would have lovingly and willing done so for me a long, long time ago. Watching me limp through the steps and attempting to give me insight or encourage me to feel different aspects that they knew would take me in the right direction has been a mainstay of our relationship. As hard as it is for those of us on earth, I think we discount how difficult it is also for those on the other side who love us and want us to live an integrated life consciously choosing joy. I still recall the first day one of the guides told me “choose joy”, I was PISSED, I said “joy is not a choice, you either feel it or you don’t”, they responded “no it is a chosen perspective that comes with wisdom in each moment”. I couldn’t even conceive that we had that choice because my whole life was under the influence of these artifacts of the past that become our victimization. They assured me I would get there one day, which I did not believe; I thought they were in no uncertain terms “fucking crazy”. LOL

The closer I get to the core the more I know they were always right, Joy is indeed a choice we make, and in order to consciously make it in each moment we have to integrate our artifacts, transmute them into gifts and wisdom. There have been lots of themes running through my life of late that are all gradually tying together one is the “there are no accidents” theme. This kept coming out of my mouth with several different people and so obviously I need to apply it to myself.

For years I would get an email here and there from someone I know on facebook inviting me to join. For some reason I have had this aversion and was determined to never do so. I had multiple blogs, a website, and memberships at more sites than I can count. I couldn’t think of one good reason why I needed or wanted another. My whole life is already plastered all over the internet from the intimate moments of processing through my poetry to the excruciating journeys in my automatic writing. Why did I need yet another internet point to keep up with? Then last month another reminder to join came from my friend Dinah and spirit said “do it”. I really didn’t want to and in retrospect I find it no accident based on past conversations that I have had with Dinah about the core issue I am currently integrating that it should be her energy that spirit used to pull me forward. So I gave in and joined facebook. Dinah and I have talked about elements that held us back in areas of our lives that we were aware of yet couldn’t get past completely for some unknown reason. I thought at the time, here is this extraordinary woman, this beautiful soul, talented, smart, wise, why should she be experiencing these limitations, it is not right! Spirit said at the time “ahem back at ya”. Why should you be experiencing your own limitations? “Dig deeper”! Like every good seeker on the spiritual path I processed what I could at that moment and procrastinated as much as possible til later.

Eventually later arrives and smacks you upside the head. After a year and a half of being sicker than hell laying in bed praying for either healing or death, and at moments not really caring which one, apparently later has arrived with a vengeance. Good thing the universe knew me well enough to know that the death part was not really what I wanted long term, but there were moments I wondered if I was going to get that anyway. But there are no accidents and that illness was a puzzle piece in my healing process that was not about the illness itself but the artifact in the silence that was surfacing. It is certainly no coincidence that this illness of sub-acute thyroiditis sits at the throat chakra, energy center of communication. Could there be a better place to physically manifest the imbalance being caused by stealth silent pains of the past? Things unspoken do not all hold equal weight. Some can become insignificant over time and hold no energy, but others can kill you, kill your relationships, kill your desire to live or love. They will insist on coming out until they either do or they’ve killed you and done a lot of damage to others in the process. The pain and illness along the way are often not even from the silent issue itself but from the resistance placed upon keeping it down in the silence. It takes a lot of subconscious effort to keep these things in hiding, energy that could be expressed in loving joyous ways.

Now that I had joined facebook the inevitable “where are these people from my past” bug hits. It’s like a facebook disease, a car accident you can’t look away from. You can’t help yourself, after all they may be just a click or two away. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but the damn cat has nine lives so what the hell. You are not thinking about what may surface you are just doing what you do on facebook, there is that damn search box right there taunting you. Now I know that there are people who have lived their life in the same place who know exactly where every person they have ever known is, therefore they are immune to the facebook disease. I have however lived a crazy gypsy life in these 47 years and there are far more people who I have no idea where they are and what they are doing than those I do. For whatever reason (no accident LOL) I immediately went back to “the old neighborhood”.

A year after my parents divorced my mom and I moved from the burbs of Minneapolis out to Seattle. I turned 13 that summer and my mom and I found a house up near the zoo. Over time a group of friends formed there in the neighborhood that went through a lot together. We all had all kinds of family dysfunctions and we were a bunch of 70’s potheads who got into all sorts of mischief. By today’s standards I guess we were pretty tame really. We were not violent or destructive in a societal way, any destruction we had going on was all internal as we each tried to deal with the pains we didn’t talk about. We were a pretty tightly bonded little dysfunctional family and for most of us I am not even certain how we lost touch with one another in our 20s.

I really have positive memories of the times we all spent together despite the fact that we were all running from something or another, and were pretty out of control as all our parents no doubt would attest. My mom worked nights and so it was my house that became the hangout place. My mom thought to herself at the time that at least she knew we were off the streets if we were hanging out at the house. People used to sneak out and come over right after she left for work. She was right, in that we were physically safe, we just listened to music, smoked pot, and some nights made large quantities of cookies, cake or whatever sweets we could conjure up. It was a five bedroom house so she gave us a room to be our place we called it the “party room”. One day we asked if we could paint and she agreed giving us the credit card to go buy whatever paint we wanted. I don’t think she had any idea what our concept of paint meant at the time. We spent weeks working on the room; there were probably seven to ten of us involved in one way or another. The ceiling, a deep dark blue oil paint as base, was painted with the most amazing galaxies, nebulas and spaceships all in various glow-in-the-dark colors. That in it self with a little Pink Floyd was pretty awesome, but once done we started on the walls and covered them with optical illusion graphics, the roadrunner and coyote, band logos etc. As we got further into the project my mom started to realize that there was more then met the eye with several of my pothead friends. There were several that she always liked but there were a couple that she wondered if they had any redeeming qualities and couldn’t figure out why we were friends. I can’t say some of us were not asking the same question at times but we were a little family so it was almost like asking why someone was a sibling, the answer was “they just are”.

I can’t say exactly how we all came together, some of us went to school together but others didn’t it just gradually happened and this group of people became a piece of me; art music, profound musings on the meaning of life, time in nature, hilarious laughter, and whole lot of teenage and 20 something stupidity. We shared so much, but it was all that we didn’t share that comes to the surface now. For whatever reason this group was predominately male and predominately Leo with six or seven birthdays all falling within a three week period of time. (Not including my mother and my mother’s current boyfriend at that time also Leos with the same birthday) Being that I was one of the only girls in the group and a shy Cancer, getting a word in anywhere was always a challenge, unless they really pissed me off, then they heard about it and there was no confusion whatsoever. I think perhaps I left far more unsaid than all my crazy Leo brethren, but maybe not, after all they were usually all taking turns on stage, as it were. It did help set up a pattern though where I had to be angry before I would speak my mind which was not healthy for me. By the time I was that angry a lot of damage had already been done and sometimes I never got to that point and the things were simply never spoken. A lot of things went assumed between us all and those assumptions were left to live as if they were truth.

Searching facebook was not very successful overall for that group, many have common names with hundreds of results and without having a current location, there is no real adequate way to filter them. Many people go on facebook and have their public profile so controlled that there is no way to assess if it is the person you are looking for or not. I did however find the person I was supposed to find because, lets say it together, LOL there are no accidents! This person was my best friend. I didn’t think consciously we had any unresolved artifacts lurking in the silence, didn’t think about it at all in fact. I just thought I think that’s him and what the hell has he been doing all these years? So I sent a message and he replied and it was indeed him, and we started to chat about what we had both been doing and it was nice to reconnect.

A few days later I was hit with this heaviness, a grief that I did not understand. As I started to get in touch with that it was apparent that we somehow wandered out of each others lives without conscious participation. Life just happened and we didn’t talk about the things that were happening then in our lives, we just allowed them to send us along unknown pathways with complete disregard for the years of friendship and love. We were clueless that we were allowing life, through the expression of running from these unhealed energies, to remove us from a piece of our own life puzzle where it would then sit unattended and unacknowledged for 25 years. Too young to think we were doing anything out of the ordinary or with any consequence. With all the time I have spent on this journey I was astounded that I could have a piece of my puzzle shoved that deep to not even know it existed. Here it was though, a significant person in my life lost that I never grieved for, there was no death, no moment of departure, no fight, no choice to end a friendship, only behaviors that led to a gradual parting that neither of us were consciously aware of. He remembers it as me disappearing from his life and not knowing what happened to me. I only remember seeing him a few days after the loss of my daughter and being in such a state of raw grief that I felt disconnected and didn’t have the slightest indication I would never see my friend again. Here, slapping me in the face, was an artifact of the past that had managed to escape all detection. Puzzle pieces start to collide together and I can see some things all too clearly.

First I felt the need to apologize to tell him that whatever out of control things I did along the way stemmed from things that came before I met him that he never knew of and whatever damage I may have done in the process of my running had nothing to do with him. He doesn’t remember what those things would be, but I know I left a path of destruction and there certainly is no way he escaped LOL I am the one on this insane healing journey though so he may or may not ever remember that. In any event it had to be said because I do know that things I did are in there somewhere and even if I didn’t apologize now I’ll be doing it when we both get back to spirit, so may as well seize the opportunity.

This was a puzzle piece that took me back to a core issue that I have been aware of and consciously working on since day one on this path. It has annoyed me with its insidious ways, when it is at the same time too blatant and obvious. I have always had to seek out all these tentacles of this issue and the more I find the more there are. I no doubt have automatic writing on this issue that I did not post online and my frustration with spirit of why in the hell I can not clear this. What is left, how can there be more? How did this one thing get so much control over me? I have cleared hundreds of other things that go back further and appear more multidimensional. Even now there is one part of me that doesn’t want to talk about it, that screams SHUT UP, every time the subject comes up. But it is not me and I will not shut up or cower before an artifact of pain. I am too powerful, I know too much. This artifact has been lying to me my whole life about everything that I am. Even when I was aware enough to recognize the lies, they continued, they eat at your heart, your soul, your mind and body. As I have gotten close to the core of all this, it is my physical illness, my emotional dysfunctions, the root of many fears, guilt, shame, and self hatred and addiction. One unspoken trauma sending me into an out of control spiral of life choices that are not representative of who I am.

All of us interested in healing have these traumas of some sort or another; this one though has its damage in the silence, more than the act itself, and lack of appropriate feedback because of this silence from adults who knew better. In the year between my parents divorce and moving to Seattle my mom and I lived in an apartment complex outside of Minneapolis I was in 7th grade a typical 12 year old in most ways. During that time I was raped twice by a 17 year old who lived down the hall, while the 15 year old who lived on the first floor watched apparently learning how this is supposed to work. Because I was a kid who knew nothing, I really couldn’t connect that forced sex was “rape” I think I had some sort of TV idea that rape was being pulled into some alley by a stranger and ending up beaten to pulp in a hospital. After the first time he told me this would never happen again and I was young enough to believe him, only once though! This led though to me taking the responsibility for what happened. I believed him therefore it was my fault. I never told my parents, never told anyone until I was close to 30 years old, by which time I clearly knew it was rape and that it was never my fault, but the damage was already done. That’s a really long time to hold that inside. The damage done by taking responsibility and never getting feedback that is was not my fault was debilitating. The shame and self disgust overwhelming but I knew then what I had been running from and the running had to stop and the healing begin.

Part of this final puzzle piece that came to surface in finding my old friend on facebook was in realizing that all those boys who shared my misspent youth assumed I was a virgin during those years and that in that shame I let them think that. It was easy, there were no questions. To them I just became the girl, the virgin, that wasn’t going to consider having sex with them and they gave me space. Inside I felt dirty and not good enough and as the years passed and I was trying to find my own sexuality and where that fit in to the whole that is me I spun more and more out of control. The lie did more damage the older we got. Eventually I had to have sex with someone I didn’t care about, and who didn’t give a damn about me just to have it over with, with a person who didn’t care who I had ever slept, how, why or at what age, so there would be no lie there in that experience. That out of control decision obviously solved nothing and maybe made things worse or validated some of that shame and guilt I carried. It wasn’t really possible to maintain intimate bonds with a secret that big that goes to the core of who I was. I “moved on” to people and places that didn’t make me feel like a liar but without conscious awareness held on to the shame, guilt and self hated.

Spirit taught me how to speak, how to share things I wanted to keep buried. It was no easy task and I resisted every step along the way and that has caused me all kinds of physical, emotional and mental pain. I’ve not been an easy student at times but eventually I get there. There are gifts still to be awakened in integrating the million insidious aspects of this rape and silence, allowing this artifact to have its place in my consciousness and serve me in a positive way. The first came in learning how to set boundaries, how to fight back, to stand up for myself. Something I am now very good at. I don’t know what all the others are at this moment, some may be things I know about myself but have not yet connected to this core. Others are yet to come because so much of this energy is only now forming a full picture and is in the process of transmuting. All artifacts turn to gifts when given the opportunity to do so. The closer to the core, the more pain that has to be moved through, but the greater the gifts, like being present in moments of joy without shame and guilt. The road can suck, but the destination is worth the difficult journey. Being free of the past is not letting go as we are so often told, it is embracing and giving every aspect of it a part to play in an integrated whole. Receiving the gifts therein free you only from the pain and suffering while allowing the memories to stay and serve you with grace.

Tipping Point and Obama’s Actions

So Obama heads for India with a tiny 200 million a day cost for this “working vacation” for him and 3000 of his coworkers plus 150 members of the press, taking over the whole taj hotel and right in time for the tipping point found in the predictive linguistics at

As if this is not interesting enough in it’s timing today he signs an executive order changing the succession within the justice department in case the attorney general gets killed.  WTF  Why now?  You all know I am not political in the left / right -  republican / democrat game so this is not me questioning Obama from some conservative perspective, all these suckers are exactly the same.  Both parties have gone crazy with these executive orders which are a far reaching stretch of simplistic language in the constitution, which contradicts the very clear language that only congress is to make laws.  They slip slide around this by claiming that if congress is not clear enough in the law they write then the president must explain to the departments what they are to do.  YEAH RIGHT  taking a read of just the executive orders of the last 20 years will make it clear there is simply no oversight on these things and that each president no matter the party has carefully crafty a few doozies that build on the foundation of the ones written by the last president that allow the president at any time to completely abolish the constitution.  That coupled with things like the patriot act leave the regular people living in the delusion that they are living in freedom.

So why does this guy need 3000 staffers for a three day visit to India?  Is he expecting a false flag on DC and is taking his key players with him.  Is he thinking there is a high probability of losing his attorney general in this false flag event and decided to hand pick who would be in place.  The whole project bluebook fake ET crap about to unfold?  Is he looking at having to establish continuity of government from India for some period of time?  Just thinking out loud her folks but this is just too bizarre to ignore.  He is taking wife and kids with and it is not a “vacation” time for the kids school year.  Hillary will be out of the country as well.  There have been odd reports of police escorted movement of tourist buses and limos in Maryland.  Just a lot of oddness converging that says pay attention.

The tipping point timing has shifted to energies starting tomorrow with a big pop all the way out on the 14th.  This is from the newest spidering and it coincides with information I got on Halloween about the collapse of a major timeline that would change the tipping point, so this update was like almost instant validation of the information I was given.  Details here

As always I don’t think this is something we are supposed to put any fear toward it is just a “pay attention” moment and if something comes down don’t give into shock and awe and give over any energy to it.  Sit back, detach and listen to your inner guidance.  If I have said it once I’ve said it 100 times, the war with dark forces is already over no matter what bunch of crap they play on screen.  This is just a show and they are desperate for you to believe and turn over your power. 

The 6th Night & Other Important Dates for late 09

The 6th Night

Welcome to the 6th night in the Mayan calendar!  It starts today and goes to Nov 2, 2010.  The 6th day started November 12, 2008 and it has been one hell of a day for me!  It has been the culmination of my physical challenges and pain and a extremely difficult time but productive in my growth in a way that cannot be fully quantified.

Spirit says this time of the 6th night is a really important time period.  The 6th night is a time for preparedness and this is on multiple levels.  For some of us we have been doing the spiritual preparations for a long time.  For others they may go through a quick and unexpected awakening and whether they can turn that awakening into being prepared enough for what is to come after the 6th night is over is a big question.  For yet a third group who have in essence had a lot of information for a long period of time but have yet to really integrate it this is their last chance to get the integration done.  There is yet a 4th group which will do nothing positive, never have, never will.

This time of preparation though is not just spiritual.  Emotional issues need to be resolved & mental blocks worked through as well.  This is the time for physical preparedness and settling in to a location that feels right to you.  A time for planting gardens, adding alternative power sources and essentially becoming as self sufficient as possible in your chosen location.  The time of forming true community for many who have always known the time would come for them and working through the issues of how that particular community will function.

Last night in the middle of the night (about 1:30 mountain time) there was a powerful energy trying to enter the grid system around the property at first I was experiencing some unknown anxiety out of nowhere then the dogs started freaking out and crying.  Then when I tuned in all I could perceive was this strong energy trying to get in and I reacted after so many years of self protected by strengthening the grid.  It wasn’t working so I got up out of bed and pulled out some cards.  EXPANSION card!  Got back in bed now knowing this was the expansion energy on some level.  Checked in with the earth and her vulnerable points in terms of earthquakes and so forth, all was stable.  After a little inner seeking came to understand that the fullness of the expansion energies had hit our solar system and it would find no barrier that it would not break down (of course) so I opened up the grid fully immediately as this is not an energy I want to keep out and started to welcome the energy into the house, my body, through the dogs and throughout the space and out through the whole of the earth.  The dogs settled right away as did my body and we fell into a peaceful sleep.

These expansion energies will be responsible for the preparation that needs to be completed during the 6th night.  There will be physical manifestations in our lives and for the earth during this year that will help to facilitate the preparation on all levels.


In 3 days (November 11, 2009) we have the true 11-11 moment folks as this is not a 9 year it is an 11 year.  For more detail on this look at my previous post on 9-9-9.  Don’t let this day pass by without using it to your best and highest we have not had an eleven year since 1910.  11-11-11 comes down to a 33-6 which is a day of building what you truly want on the high level and having it manifest into the world we live in.

11-16-09  New Moon 12:13 pm mountain  time 

Focus intent of your 11-11-11 work for the moon cycle


Just like the 11-11 day this day is a true master day to do internal work and progress quickly don’t waste this 11-22-11 numerology day.  This is a 44-8.  The four directions and the midpoints and the eternal number of abundance and infinite love the 8. The 11-11-11 and this 11-22-11 can be used together to bring into fruition incredible things especially for those who have been working toward this for several years.  The new moon sitting between this two dates is a distinct advantage as it strengthens the vision of the 11-11-11 to manifestation for the 11-22-11.


Opening of a Window of Direct Creation when Uranus goes direct at 1:27 pm mountain time.  A window of direct creation is when there are no planets in retrograde movement.  The full moon comes less than 12 hours after this opening which is ideal.  We have the opportunity to tune the new moon energies in to our work on the 11-11-11, process that energy through the 11-22-11, and complete any issues that come up with that building to the full moon.  With the moon waning through the majority of the window we are free to release any of the limitations and fears and stay focused on the intents of what we want to create though the window which is unusually long lasting until December 20th.  You really need to control your thoughts during a window of direct creation they are extremely powerful during these times. 


Full Moon 12:30 am mountain time

Focus on release of anything not in alignment with the intentions of what you want to create now


New Moon 5:02 am mountain time

Use this moon to clarify and strengthen your true desires


Window of Direct Creation closes when Mars goes retrograde at 6:27 am mountain time


Winter Solstice 10:47 am mountain time

All these energies from the beginning of the 6th night ( your expansion, the inner work and preparation, the intent of manifestation of true desires on all levels, the creation process) are heightened by the fact we are taking them straight into this winter solstice.


Mercury goes retrograde 7:38 am (until Jan15)

We have approx 3 weeks to review those things that have not come into the physical world yet, and let go of things we have unintentionally manifested by not watching our thoughts clearly enough.

12-31-09 New Years Eve

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse  12:13 pm mountain time

Eclipses move things forward and this process from Now 8 to now is an intense and powerful once in several lifetime opportunity.  With it falling on the last day of this 11 year it holds an exceptional punch.  Pushing all you manifested into the 3 year of 2010.  This full moon is in cancer the sign of home which bring us right back to the theme of settling and preparing during the 6th night.

1-14-10 New Moon

The 2nd eclipse in this series,  the solar eclipse


Mercury Direct at 10:48 am mountain time


Keep these dates in mind  I personally was given dates in between many of these for some specific earth change type events but I have been told they are for me alone.

July 17-18, 2010 Carl Johan Calleman Breeze of Unity Consciousness

Nov 2, 2010 The 6th night ends all preparedness needs to be done

January 20, 2011 We enter the Singularity all other timelines will have completed the collapse process.  There will only be one timeline at this point through to Venus Transit, at which point we will be offered a few possibilities specific to the earth and things will begin to branch out again.

March 8, 2011 Carl Johan Calleman  Universal Wave Movement

May 21, 2011 While I don’t read much Christian stuff I found a couple dates on a site I came across interesting they are taken from dates projected out in the bible.  This date is the projected date of the “judgment day”

June 21, 2011  Spirit says by this date everyone needs to be in sanctuary that is supposed to be there.

October 21, 2011  The same Christian info has this date as the end of days

October 28, 2011 The Carl Johan Calleman end date of the Mayan Calendar which corresponds with what I have been told for years.  Spirit has always said it would be done and over by the 12-21-2012 date in fact they said it would be all said and done by the second transit of Venus.

June 6, 2012 2nd Transit of Venus

A Transit of Venus happens four times every 234 years! They come in pairs, this one is the 2nd of the pair the counterpart on June 7, 2004.  

The last pair of Venus Transits were December 9, 1874 & December 6, 1882

The next pair is December 11, 2117 &  December 8, 2125 Then June 11, 2247 & June 9, 2255 based on our current calendar which will not be valid IMO so this and all other aspects of the solar system will all be changed along with time itself! 

The fifth world energies hit winter solstice of 1999.  2004 was the first year of the new world, as Venus, the planet of Divine Love transited between us and the sun in June of 2004, an eight years gap to this second transit.   These are the 8 years in which LOVE has changed the very blueprint of our planet, our solar system, and this universe.  This new blueprint it what is manifesting NOW!  At the time of the second transit the 1000 years of peace prophesied by so many cultures truly begins. 

09-09-09 is Meaningless

Don’t get sucked into any of these 999 activities today they are designed to steal your energy.  This is once again NOT a 9 year.  Writing 09-09-09 as the date is meaningless in numerology.  This is an 11 year which is much more significant.  Master years (11 &22 years) are often difficult but bring the greatest growth after all is said and done.  The significant date this year for the first time is actually 11-11 dark forces want you to ignore that date because you could use it to release all kinds of things that may normally take several years to release.  It is an inner date however and not an appropriate time for outer world, group or world meditations.  It is a day for PERSONAL growth not planetary healing.  Although they are intertwined with the truth that healing ourselves is the most effective thing we can do to bring healing to the world.  So don’t give out your energy to dark forces today, ignore this day.  On November 11, 2009 spend as much of the day as you can in focused meditation for your own ascension.

In the 20th century…

1901 and 1910 were 11 years

1939, 1948, 1957, 1966, 1975, 1984, 1993 were 22 years

We have not had an 11 year since 1910 don’t waste it!  For me these 22 years I’ve been alive have all been significant to me with the exception of 1966 when I was only 3 and don’t recall what was going on.  They bring life changing events that at the time may not seem to have the significance that they do years later in the forming of your belief systems and who you become.  The following year always brings important consequences of the lessons set up in the 11 or 22 year.   

In 1975 my parents divorced and in 76 my mom and I moved away from all family from Minneapolis to Seattle.  This was a huge energy shift that changed my life in ways I cannot even describe.  I was also raped during this time which set the stage for all the relationships I would have with men and there was no presence of my father.

In 1984 I was struggling to find my identity At the end of the year I took off from my own family in Washington State with a couple suitcases and moved to Honolulu.  This didn’t last long and I traversed CA, AK back to MN and ended up back in Seattle in 1985 where I gave birth to my stillborn daughter and experienced my walk-in.

In 1993 I experienced my own divorce from a man who brought forward all the unhealed issues with my parents and began my journey of true healing.  At the end of the year I moved from CO to AZ and reunited with family there and began the true ascension path.

I certainly could get into much more depth but this is really personal stuff so I just wanted to give you an idea of how important these master years turn out to be.  In a 22 year there is no way to meditate for a 22-22-22 day LOL so this 11 year is unique for those of us with awareness.  The earth changes are likely to come before our next “scheduled 11 year of 2018 and that will change our whole calendar and numerology of this solar system so the true next 11 or 22 year is unknown.  Don’t waste this one.

Shame on You Mitch Battros!!

For a long time now Mitch has been pushing his money agenda.  He distanced himself from all things spiritual in an attempt to gain favor in the scientific community.  In this process he shouted insults high and low against all the things he previously talked about and referred only mildly to “ancient texts”.  He did this because he had an emotional need for validation that was so great he was more than willing to sell his soul to get it.  What were once free newsletters about earth change events became an endless barrage of self promotion and aggrandizement.  Various aspects of this have bothered me for quite some time but never enough to bother writing about it.  Every year once or twice he does a big promotion to get people to give money to keep the newsletter “free” because otherwise he just couldn’t afford to do it.  Well hmmmmmm he got people to give 2000 or more dollars so he could promote himself in a newsletter that no longer contains any relevant news WTF!  I thought to myself this guy is a real fricken piece of work, but whatever. 

Then earlier this year he started begging for money to send his wife and baby to Europe for a few weeks so his baby could meet her grandmother.  I was really disgusted by this.  As if it is the responsibility of his site members, or newsletter readers to pay for a family vacation, but like the sheep that he insults regularly for mindlessly following others who are on his hit list, they did.  I was fired enough to want to write up something about it at the time, but I have been dealing with subacute thyroiditis since February and did not have the energy to follow through with that.  (that is also why there have not been other postings on the blog) 

Now though this guy and his damn greed have just gone too far!

I open up my email box this morning and there is a newsletter saying it is an URGENT message from the Mayans.  Well like all his newsletters the last couple years I figured it would be all hype and no content and that was correct, but it went further.  He states he is writing up important info that he will put out on Monday but wanted to let us know today so that he could tell us he was not trying to whip up fear.  The real reason he wanted us to know today that this article is coming Monday is simple MEMBERSHIPS IN HIS SITE  I.E. CASH!

He tells us that the Mayans asked him to give out this important information for free but that it may put him out of business if he did therefore he will offer us a 1/2 price membership.

So in other words either A.  There is no urgent message and he is trying to con people into becoming members or B. he told the Mayan elders NO essentially he will not respect their request to get this urgent message out free.  Thus not just selling spiritual knowledge (or in Battros speak ancient text)  but selling knowledge that is not his and that he was given freely and asked to give free.

I AM DISGUSTED BEYOND WORDS!  Who the hell do you think you are Mitch Battros?  If there is a real message to be given and you think you have the right to charge for it when the elders you proclaim to have the greatest respect for asked you to give it out for free  WTF.  That is the ultimate proof that you are the scum that you have appeared to be the last couple years.  “Ancient texts” or other oral knowledge of the Mayans are not yours to sell!  Seriously you think oh no I can’t do what is right because it may affect my business of making money off of people’s desire to know about earth changes.  Well guess what it must be time for you to find another way to support your family.  The Mayans are not responsible for your bills, nor are your readers responsible to provide your wife with a trip to see her mother.  Get some fucking self respect and do what is right!  You are clearly living the catholic model you grew up with, “maybe I’ll share something someone else told me for free if you just tithe your 10% so I can live the life I want”. 

You are a shill and why any self respecting Mayan was talking to you before this is a mystery to me but if Carlos keeps talking to you after you tried to profit off the knowledge he is sharing from the other elders then we will know all we need to know about him as well!

The idea that this newsletter is something that costs you money that you need thousands every year to keep it free is pure bullshit.  You spend a few minutes each time you want to promote yourself writing us a little bit of pure crap or drama and then fill space for you promotions of books.  I think that is the only reason the newsletter exists, because if you didn’t write up some crap to send out a couple times a month the “newsletter” would be what it is, promotional SPAM.  Providing a website does not cost that much I have discussed this before I have been providing this website for FREE since 1998!  My family lives paycheck to paycheck and we don’t have extras and especially trips to Europe for weeks at a time, but we have always felt the website was a priority and it doesn’t cost that much.  I don’t do readings, I don’t sell healing work.  You spend a lot of time going on and on about the spiritual charlatans in the world well look in the damn mirror.

So let me just say this if the Mayans actually have an Urgent message they need posted to the web for free they should let me know I would make them a fricken subdomain if  they are the real elders giving out their real information and there would be no worry of loss of profit for me since I have never used my spirituality or this site to make a profit off sharing important information that humanity truly needs.  I would do all the html etc if needed as well.  It’s called being of service to humanity during these times of earth changes something you claim was your mission statement when you started earth changes TV (that became earth changes media).  You are a dis-service to humanity.  Your ego has always been huge and an obvious issue but now that coupled with your greed is out of control,  You should be ashamed of yourself!

btw it is very rare for me to swear like this in a blog post but I am still not recovered from thyroiditis and this is just raw emotion uncensored and with no politically correct crap, take it or leave it cause I don’t have the energy to care about some people’s response to the language or how they think a spiritual person should talk or “present themselves”.  That is all just delusion anyway.

The newsletter content

Urgent Message From Mayan Elders

by Mitch Battros – Earth Changes Media

 I have been in contact with Mayan elder Carlos Barrios of the ‘Clan de Aguila’ (the Eagle clan). He has recently met with other tribal elders in congregation to consult what has been written in the Mayan Sacred Books of ‘Chilam Balam’. At this time all I can say is "tomorrow is here today".

I am writing this article late into Friday night and into Saturday morning. Many people are out of town or on vacation, or doing their best to enjoy this often tense summertime. So allow me to give you a tap on the door via this article for what will come in your mailbox Monday morning.


As I have always created a form of ‘preamble’ to help us all keep our focus.

What I will be disclosing on Monday will be unsettling to many. Some may act in an unnecessarily frantic demeanor, but it is in no way designed to give some form of reckless shout of Fire-Fire-Fire, or Red Alert-Red Alert- Red Alert as we have seen some undisciplined and often charlatan-players perform. —

No. What will be disseminated is the probability of unfolding events based on the ‘science of cycles’, and on ancient text which has been passed down for centuries of generations. It is of the utmost importance for each individual to use your gift of ‘discernment’; And for some of you old-timers out there – to use your learned skill of ‘critical thinking’.

I have been requested to make this urgently important message available to everyone at no cost. The problem is — if this was done, then it might be the last ability for Earth Changes Media to stay alive bringing you the utmost important information of the world, and which you need to know now.

So what I will do is make available this one time to split the cost with you. I will make available a 50% discount on our membership. Our rate is $49.95 For this one time, if you sign up now it will be $25.00. Sign Up Here:


***Mayan Message Release Date Will Be Monday August 3rd.

Now for some background on The Mayan Sacred Books of ‘Chilam Balam’

My recent guests Mayan Elders Carlos Barrios and Don Delgado, has turned out to be a most important surprise. Although Carlos did tell me he brought with him for our interview a highly regarded Mayan elder to tell us of coming events based on Mayan prophecy; I had no idea of the caliber and respected standing Don Delgado has with the Maya people. He is one of the very few who is the translator of the Mayan Sacred Books of ‘Chilam Balam’ (Mayan Prophecy).

What this means to you and me, is a direct connection to previously coveted knowledge of the "ancient ones" who have passed down their wisdom through petroglyphs, hieroglyphs, symbols and writings. Very few people are able to translate this Maya sacred language and decipher its meaning and how it applies for us today.


Folks, I would suggest to you we are truly gifted to be able to receive such knowledge from our ancient elders. It was just a few short years ago; we were not allowed to have such access to highly coveted information. It was believed we were not worthy of such knowledge and would most likely "mis-use" it for selfish needs. Furthermore, much of the so-called civilized world would belittle such wisdom only to ridicule. But probably most of all, it would pose a threat to modern religions, mostly Christians, and would have been declared blasphemous.

So there must be a reason why the wisdom and knowledge of our ancient ancestors are coming forward at this time. I suggest the reason is simple. It is because —- The Time is Now. We are living in the time of prophecy. We will witness its unfolding. We have the opportunity to embrace the changes, facilitate its amplification, to be part of its maturation bringing us into a new world. We have a choice: To fear and become powerless, or to embrace and become an interactive element participating in this transition.


The Books of Chilam Balam form the most important part of this native Maya literature. Written in the Maya language, they reflect more closely the thought of the Maya than any other records that have come down to us. Not only do they contain a wealth of historical and ethnological information invaluable to the student of the pre-Columbian career of the Maya, but they also furnish a record of the reactions of the native mind to the European culture and of the manner in which the latter was adapted to suit its new environment. It is hardly necessary to dwell upon the value of these old texts to the linguistic student.


The translation of the Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel depends primarily upon the reading given to the badly punctuated and often misspelled Maya text, and such a reading is based upon an extensive comparison with other similar texts. The difficulties of translation are not to be underestimated, but they can be greatly lessened by such a comparison.

The Books of Chilam Balam are the sacred books of the Maya of Yucatan and were named after their last and greatest prophet. Chilam, or chilan, was his title which means that he was the mouth-piece or interpreter of the gods. Balam means jaguar, but it is also a common family name in Yucatan, so the title of the present work could well be translated as the Book of the Prophet Balam.

During a large part of the colonial period, and even down into the Nineteenth Century, many of the towns and villages of northern Yucatan possessed Books of Chilam Balam, and this designation was supplemented by the name of the town to which the book belonged. Thus the Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel is named for a village in the District of Tekax, a short distance northwest of the well-known town of Teabo.

This Prophet Balam lived during the last decades of the Fifteenth Century and probably the first of the Sixteenth Century 1 and foretold the coming of strangers from the east who would establish a new religion. The prompt fulfillment of this prediction so enhanced his reputation as a seer that in later times he was considered the authority for many other prophecies which had been uttered long before his time.

Hey You

Hey you

Can you see me

Hear me

You act as if you can

I question

Your view of me so certain

Your reality

Five sense based

There is far more

You will never see

Scratch at a surface

Cannot show truth

Assumptions lie to all

There is a whole greater world

It speaks

You don’t listen

It reveals

Only to a heart willing

Where am I

This body

This year

This time

Can you be sure

If you allowed me

To introduce myself

You’d know

But alas it is too hard

Your filters of self

Crusted hard

Never changed

Can’t allow any more in

Engtovo ~ March 2, 2008

Light Fades, Light Dawns

Light fades

Hue changes from orange

To red

To pink

There is intensity

But it’s uneventful

It does not match my feeling

My thought

These things are in limbo

Suspended by something new

It floats in with gentle waves

They strike me

I see it all

For a fleeting moment

Then it passes once again

Between waves

There is emptiness

It is not sad

But unfinished


I wait

Knowing it will come together

Some future moment

Will offer expansion

Thought and feeling will merge

And understand

Now I wander

Lost in myself

My heart open

It struggles to take in all that this is

It is heavy without burden

It is tight without restriction

I seek to embrace it

But it is still too big

The hues within me will change

Transform to encompass all

Clear will be this new day that comes

It will be eventful

But lack intensity

Light dawns


Engtovo ~ October 31, 2007


Imprint of longing

Lingers upon waking

Gentle energies ease me as I lay

Comfortable and warm

I seek to remain

Bundled from the life of the day

Time so swift

I am swept up in her current

The clock changes

But I am in a place separate

Minutes are hours

Here consciousness wanders

There is no destination

No path

Random shifting of sands

This is the float of my thought

Heart touches out to eternity

Then loops back to me

For a moment I awaken

Then fade

It is sweet and embracing

Alas body breaks the feeling

Makes demands of this world

And I succumb

Engtovo ~ October 3, 2007

Forget Or Remember

What pleases you

To forget or to remember

There is distance

It is unfamiliar

And absence of presence


Perhaps there is animosity

Unspoken untouched

It speaks with silence

But has no power here

Each will do as they will

There is no deviation

There are only blessings chosen

All is well

Some things are understood

Language is energetic

Hold back into the cave

But spring will not wait

There can be no standing still

This is not wrong

Yet it feels not right

Difficulties challenge

We meet these this day

Or we do not

The world continues either way

I will leave it alone

For you to forget or remember


Engtovo ~ September 13, 2007

There Is None Here

Temptations they are not

They wish themselves to be

There is no interest

Barely lay notice of such

Two worlds collide here

One takes only part of the other

What you offer is left behind

It is irrelevant

If only you knew this

We would laugh

It offers no comparison

The other is far too great

Do you see it

No I understand you do not

How unfortunate

It is yours as much as mine

Would you seek it if you believed

I wonder

There was a time of no seeking

None was needed

It was here always


Freely expressed

I remember

At times I grieved its passing

Then I grabbed hold

Refused to let it go

From that point

It was never lost to me

I’ve had to watch as you struggled

You lost it

You did not even look back

Now you seek pity

There is none here

Engtovo ~ September 13, 2007


Contemplate alternatives

See a new way

It is ready to birth

Does anyone care

It seems not

It seems that they only see lies

Why is the truth so frightening

It seems comforting to me

Lies are what cause pain

Destruction is birthed in lies

Hurt cannot be run from

It follows like a loyal dog

It nags

It grows

It demands and then controls

Decisions get made in that turmoil

It is unacknowledged

Yet it is the deciding force

It motivates bad choices

It clouds judgment

And causes more hurt

It multiplies and moves out

It hurts one then two

Then four then eight

Exponentially it moves

The first one denies any responsibility

Blames everyone else

And it goes on

Passed like a pandemic

There must be immunity

Somewhere the secret lies

I seek it out

Ask the Creator for a map

For this hurt

It is not the divine plan

There is another way

If only it is chosen

Let go of those who are carriers

Open your eyes to the simplicity

There is gentleness here

It embraces us all

Feel it

Allow it to ease the hurt away

Sequester yourself when contagious

Refuse to pass it on

Take responsibility

Not with guilt or fear

But simply with acknowledgement

Seek out your motives

Contemplate alternatives

Engtovo Bhodsvatan ~ August 23, 2007

Heal the Heartbeat

On my mind at this moment is the healing of the earth.  We all know there is a need for healing.  We have just allowed ourselves to believe it is the earth herself that needs the healing, when in truth it is the condition ON the earth… the human condition.  It is in fact the people that need to heal.  The healing for the planet is in removing all the dark forces so the whole can be at one.  This came to mind because I was looking at the chant for the drumming tape my family made in 1991 Heal the Heartbeat.  I was remembering how at that point we believed it was the earth herself in need of healing, instead of the conditions on earth.  Yet the chant which came through unexpectedly is clearly about rebirth.  The chant came partly to my mother in a dream she awoke with the first verse and had to write it down.  When she said she received something in a dream we all knew it must be important because she is a person who rarely remembers any dream.  She set the verse in front of me and it just hit me and I said “oh I know this chant”, and proceeded to write down the rest of the verses.  They came flying out clearly and we immediately went to the drum to figure out the beat. The rebirth (birth of the phoenix) is a return to balance.  The earth did in fact birth a piece of her consciousness in 1995 0r 1996, I don’t recall off the top of my head.  That consciousness is to be a new planet, the manifestation of that is currently being worked on in the next universe.  Once we got through that labor, now it is time for the earth mother to experience the freedom of living free of the dark forces that have controlled life on her surface for her whole existence.  In fact these forces tried to get her consciousness to turn against God.  She has always been steadfast; they did not succeed in turning the consciousness of any planetary body against God.

I’m not sure why this is on my mind right now.  Maybe because as the powers of the dark force meet and continue to plan for more of the same.  The Earth Mother stands with us in SOLIDARITY.  If we have moments when we wonder if we can pull this off, she is there.  She has never lost faith in us.  We will set ourselves free from the control of the dark forces and she will be set free at the same time.  She could go on without this freedom, without life on her surface as Mars has; she is strong and will endure.  We however do not think that is good enough, any more than we believe it is good enough for ourselves.  Healing the heartbeat to me is returning the Earth Mother and all life on her surface to the one heartbeat of the Divine.

Heal The Heartbeat

Hear the heartbeat of the mother
When Great Spirit walks the land
Now her labor pains are starting and
Great Spirit holds her hand
White Buffalo Woman walks together
With Great Spirit for the plan
Hear the Heartbeat of the mother
Now Great Spirit walks the land
Walk the path of love and beauty
Aid the mother and the plan
Stand as one with the Great Spirit
Now we all must walk our talk
We are one now with the heartbeat
When Great Spirit walks the land
Hear the heartbeat of the mother
Oh Great Spirit bless this walk
As her labor now progresses
Oh Great Spirit hold our hand
All is different yet the same now
As the mother labors on
Mother bringing forth the Phoenix
Oh Great Spirit heal this land
In a moment birth pangs over
Now the mothers pain is gone
Phoenix flies free from the mother
the Great Spirit holds her hand
Now time is moving forward
Time that Phoenix takes her stand
Time for living in the heartbeat
Aid the mother as we can
Honoring truths of the Great Spirit
Walking freely upon this land
Healing of the Phoenix mother
This is the Great Spirit’s plan

Owning our Emotions

Comment on fear mongering… oh please  the article does sound very angry…i am surprised actually…i do inner work only for 2 years, but it produced huge changes in consciousness and i can’t imagine what would fire me up like that…i agree, changes do start from within, inner work, not wishfull thinking. However, i know that those of us who are on this path are aware that we can’t push, drag or shame people into it…it comes from within and sustained from within…again, personally i don’t get upset or angry anymore, but when i get homesick (i’m not an earthling i think) in a big way, my only heaven is meditation. How many people meditate when they don’t feel so good? And i mean among those who do practice…yeah, exactly…so we need not to be angry with or expecting from others who are really are ignorant and may be getting “free ride” as you say. We know not to have expectations of gratitude and be prepared to hear just the opposite; we just know better..why get angry then? yelena

yelena, when I was two years into my path I didn’t get angry much either. You are in a honeymoon stage with God, the blissful “there really is something more” stage. It’s like being in love with love. But just like a good marriage, in time you settle in and the love grows into something real that is beyond the bliss. If the Ascension path is followed, you will first get to a place of even greater bliss than you experience now. This is the Nirvana, Samadhi stage. This is where people then often get stuck, because they don’t know there is something more. In a good marriage when you leave the in love stage and get to the point of seeing the person you love as a real being with flaws, the love doesn’t fade or go away, it just becomes realistic, which is empowering.

If you are strong enough to continue out of that Nirvana stage and move on, you get to the difficult part of the path. The deeper you go within the closer you get to your own inner darkness, which lives at your core and must be cleared. It is like peeling an onion and we have all been through some nasty stuff through thousands of lifetimes on this planet. It’s all in there and you have to look at it, own it, and allow it to serve God. There is anger there and rage and every emotional you can imagine, and you must feel them all without condemnation of self.

There are a lot of people who knew me in the Nirvana stage of my path. I would just open my mouth and out would come endless profound musings about the divine. But do I want that stage back? No, because the Nirvana stage only sees one side of the picture, the all love side. As wonderful as it is, we live in a world that is NOT all love, and to change it we have to acknowledge it. We have to move out of that bliss stage and face the truth of the current world in which we live, if we want to ascend. There are plenty of people who live a monastic life in the Nirvana stage, and then die at a ripe old age and that’s ok for them, it’s not a right or wrong issue. We can each remain at any stage we want to remain at.

After leaving Nirvana, the more in tune you get with what is really happening in the world, and how these energies have held back true human expression for millions of years on multiple planets, it’s going to make you angry. It would not be possible to have the full emotional understanding of this and not be angry about it. It will activate things inside you that you have uncleared anger about. God will teach you how to use the anger that was activated and turn it into motivation for change and upliftment

The thing is, who taught you that anger is wrong or unspiritual in the first place? I am not afraid of my anger because I am not a violent woman. I would never hurt myself or another person. I don’t lose control of myself in my anger. Anger is simply the expression of knowing something is not right, seeing injustice. In the story of Jesus turning over the table of the money changers in the temple, he was clearly angry. He had a reason for his anger. What was being done was wrong, unjust, and an affront to what is holy or sacred.

Without anger as a motivating factor in the world no one would ever change anything. The emotion is never the problem, it is how we deal with any given emotion that is the key. We have been taught to fear or suppress our emotions. Every time you suppress an emotion because you think it is negative you limit your capacity to LOVE, as all emotions, and the depths thereof are connected. Most really positive organizations in the world were started by one person who got pissed off. A mother of a child who was kidnapped and murdered, filled with anger, rage and pain, channels that energy into an organization to stop other children from being kidnapped and murdered, for example. A negative example of not dealing with the emotion, attempting to suppress it is; a woman in the same predicament gives over to her anger and rage, turns to alcohol, leaves the bar drunk, crashes into an oncoming car and kills the innocent child of someone else.

I certainly won’t be apologizing to anyone for being angry about the pain, suffering and injustice in this world. I am angry at the chosen ignorance of the masses who have access to information they choose to ignore. My anger is justified. All I can do is express it in a way that is not harmful, speak MY truth. I use it to motivate me on my inner journey, and with my outer work sharing my perspective with those who want to hear it. You’re surprise at my anger is your own EXPECTATION of what a spiritual person is supposed to act like. There are three primary metaphysical lessons, and I do have a partly written article on these that I guess I should finish. They are expectation, perception, and judgment. They are all tied together and how we each interact with them determines how we move through our relationships in this world.

Colorado’s Kangaroo Courts

Kangaroo courts in Colorado where a lawyer  recommends as a strategy that a woman lie about her newborn baby’s father and his family in order to get protection orders placed against them so that she can control the baby. Never mind that she was never in danger nor was her child, that all the baby?s father wanted was minimal visitation. Never mind that there are people in Colorado in actual need of a protection order. Never mind the consequences to the child or the father?s family. The Colorado court that should see through this ruse instead hands out the protection orders willingly. No crimes were committed no one was even accused of a crime. No one had a record or had EVER committed a crime. The father?s family are well known to be pacifists, but the manipulative little bitch, who is developmentally delayed, and obviously mentally ill as well, with a long history of suicide attempts, has full control of the baby with the father getting supervised visitation four hours each Sunday. Who supervises the visitation? Well mommy dearest would not consider anyone other than her mother, who she lives with. Did anyone bother to check that this is the same woman who raised a son who is in prison for 51 years for kidnapping and raping two teen girls. Not exactly a stellar example or someone who should be considered worthy of supervising anyone.

This same woman is known to have drank heavily through the youth of her children and there is no evidence she does not drink now, no doubt she is the very reason her daughter is developmentally delayed. She was living with this mother when she lied and claimed to be pregnant two months before she actually was and continued this lie throughout her pregnancy despite multiple ultrasounds that disapproved her claims over and over. (In other words she is a proven liar) She had no job and got pregnant purposefully knowing that Medicaid would have to pay all her expenses. I see no reason to believe this girl would ever be capable of living alone even without a child. Yet the court feels it is in the child?s best interest to be with her mother and the grandmother with no time with the father outside this home and no ability to see his family under any circumstances. His family are all law abiding citizens, have never been in trouble with the law, no family member has ever been to jail for any reason. This family strived to get her proper medical care when she neglected herself during her pregnancy and her mother did nothing. The actions of the father?s family saved the life of this child with an emergency c-section done due to their research, that her doctors did not pursue do to their belief the girl was just crazy. (which she is, but she was also quite ill) A small synapses of the situation obviously, but enough to be disgusted.

In Colorado a permanent protection order can be issued against someone with nothing more than the person?s claims, no proof is required and any old lie will do. Once issued four years must pass before the person who is restrained can go to court and ask for the order to be removed. They will, however, have to come to court fully prepared with fingerprints checked out by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and the FBI, a three month process. Since when do we in America have to prove our innocence, instead of an accuser proving our guilt? Since when do people need to be ?protected? from people that they can accuse of nothing? Since when should anyone with no record whatsoever of violence be assumed guilty and have protection orders issued against them, based on the word of someone who could say anything, has no witnesses to any event that would lead them to believe they are in danger? What is wrong with this picture? How can law enforcement take any Colorado protection order seriously when there is no burden of proof to get one? Why should they believe anyone with a protection order is in danger ever? Do other states in this county consider protection orders issued in Colorado a joke? Or has this become the norm across all the 50 states? What?s next we all need to have the FBI check us out in advance so we can take a little card to court if anything happens proving that we have a clean record, that we have no criminal history? This is disturbing beyond words to me, it is clearly unconstitutional, but then those of us paying attention already know that the constitution has been stripped of all its power already. This is just another indication of how our justice system is completely corrupt and broken just like the executive and legislative branches. It could just be that it?s only a matter of time before the governments local, state and federal will just issue a protection order against all citizens with the protected parties being themselves. Clearly they see us all as criminals but considering they are all criminals I guess it only makes sense to them to think we are the same as they are.

Engtovo Bhodsvatan

Fear How Do I Hate Thee


How do I hate thee

My thoughts become yours

Instead of my own

My emotions deceive me

You attack my intuition

Make me want to crawl into a cave

Same circumstance

It has always worked out somehow

And yet here I am with you again

Experience has proven you wrong

In fact always wrong

What power do you hold

Why are you like a God

The God that betrays

And yet the people follow

You are nothing

You have only what I am willing to give

I give you nothing

This day it is done

I take my mind

My emotion and intuition

You have no permission to be here

I break free

My heart opens to truth

There is no obstacle too great

There is no mortal problem to big

They are all the same

If I can solve any I can solve all


How do I hate thee

You are not worthy of my hate

We are done

Engtovo ~ April 18, 2007

Always Broken

I’m alone
So alone
No one to hold to touch
My heart aches
And nothing changes
I am isolated here
These two bodies that share this house
Are empty
We exist in the same space
But nothing moves between us
Will it always be this way
I don’t see a way out
I’m afraid I will die like this
I have no one
I reach out to spirit
They are always with me
But they cannot hug me
Hold my hand
Look into my eyes
I’ve tried to shut down
So the pain would stop
But it doesn’t work
I can’t stop feeling and feeling
Please make it stop
Give meaning to my life
What is the point in my being here
No one’s life would be different without me
Mom would cry and be a victim
For a week or two
She would then do what she does
Sit in front of the TV
Saying she is going to go through my stuff tomorrow
Randy would simply have an excuse to wallow
He wallows now with no excuse
Lee would be affected
But he has lived without me before
So tell me God why do I remain
To fight the illuminati
And if so then why do you not support me
Why do I struggle and toil
If your work is my only reason for life
No husband
No children
Only pain and loneliness
I cannot do it anymore
You know I would never take my life
It is not how I am made up
So is it my suffering you want
This world would survive without me
My passing would go almost unnoticed
Maybe 10 people would care at all
They would say it’s a shame
And go on as we all do at a passing
A life insignificant
Nothing to pass on
No one to pass it on to
If I could be like others
I could just hide from these facts in a bottle
Pretend my life has meaning
But I am not
And I see the spec that I am
My life does not align with my truths
I am just another hypocrite in a sea of dreamers
Always wanting
Never finding a way to do
Never believing in my ability to do
Just alone with my dreams
Why can’t I have love
Be loved
Give love
What the hell is wrong with me
I’m broken
I keep trying to fix me
To no avail
Still broken
Always broken

Engtovo ~ June 8, 2006