About Tatiacha

Photographer, Poet, Writer, Artist, Drum Maker & Healer. Forging a personal path of physical, mental emotional and spiritual healing for myself.

Window of Direct Creation

85 days is a really long window to stay focused and in a good mindset, good luck to us all!!

The Cloak

Child of the Goddess
Come forth
There is a shimmer in the force of life
That shimmer is the wrinkle of your place
Your wave
Your effect
You do not see it
Or feel it
But it sparkles and grows
Just when you feel beaten down
It is in the invisible flow
Circling around and intersecting
It finds everything
And everyone
Destined to collaborate
Each part feels disconnected
But each is one thread of silk
In a great and glorious cloak being woven
You are carefully crafted into the whole
In perfect union
When this weaving is complete
All threads share a purpose
Both functional and beautiful
With strength and softness
Adorned in the beauty of the threads she chose
The Goddess will walk in this cloak
Shine her love through every woven intersection
The breeze will gently move the fabric
Holding the threads in unified undulating waves
You will feel the thrill of every movement
And rejoice in your offering to the whole
Still an individual divine thread
Ever an essential part of something greater
You were offered this purpose together
All threads woven said YES
So shine, shimmer, and flow
Your strength and your softness will hold others
Theirs will hold you
This cloak of destiny comes forth
Within it the Goddess keeps all her secrets
And she uses it to protect the sacred
There will be no burden with the load perfectly woven
You walk with the Goddess effortlessly
She carries you upon her shoulders
You adorn her, glorify her
In a perfect symbiosis of expression
The unweaving of the old completes
Time unwinds to one
Singularity of love is woven into time / space
The Goddess proudly carries all into the next epoch
Protected under the silky softness of the cloak

Tatiacha ~ October 7, 2021


Flowing goddess force
Crisscrosses back and forth
To the river I surrender
Goodbye old pretender
Faithkeeper standing here
Walking through the fear
The purpose is unseen
From the blind I will be weaned
Through my body and my mind
The hands of time unwind
Discordant voices canceled
I’m no longer hassled
All there is at my disposal
I offer a proposal
Walk in the ways of love
Receive all blessings from above

Tatiacha ~ October 7, 2021

And So She Shines (He & The Sea)

Feeling lost at sea
Tumultuous waters all around

Standing firmly on the water’s edge
Steadfast and true

Can he make it through the turmoil?
They commune in a telepathic bond of union
He tells her he can and he will
She will be his beacon

He says to her
Send your light
Like a lighthouse
And I will find my way to shore

And so she shines…

How long it will take him to fight his way home
She does not know
But she will not dim or falter

Through storm after storm
Waves will batter her surface
But with each storm her light shines brighter

He masters his craft and
He grows strong against the currents of life
As he stays focused on this small but mighty lighthouse
That shines a path for his return

She sits with infinite patience
Trusting in both he and the sea

Tatiacha ~ August 14, 2021

The Eternal Shaman’s Return (Engtovo’s Song)

Symbiotic endings
Groups engaged in unfair play
Sacrifices endured for appeasement
Seeking the healing and wholeness of initiation
This melody changed
The song sung sad but truthful
Cannot be changed
Evolution of arrangement inevitable
The shedding ended
When they were not looking
The holding back is pointless
There is no healing therein
Just prolonged suffering
Event stands unchanged
It is what it was
Some things have no restitution
Cannot be made whole
They can only be let go
New pathways chosen
Are not negating the past
They are embracing original intent
Some move through
Other back or sideways
Elongation of process is not healing
It is engaging in war
Where all parties lose
Suffering never ends with more suffering
Cycle upon cycle
Never enough
The damage is stifling to all
The victimized made to relive it all
To help the ignorant see
All must let go
There is no more time for this play
No more painful assistance offered
As the assistance has become torment
Instead of freeing those in need
It instead enslaves the all
There will be no guilt felt
Or apologies offered up
By those who move through and past
What was asked was not warranted
Should not have been attempted
Was not in the love of the divine
There will be no more cycling
No more tribal derangement
Each will face themselves
Face the creator
And joint nature of these choices past

In this new Cycle of Creation
To the Buffalo Beat
The Eternal Shaman Returns

Pa ja e no e
Te sa le co don a
La a so te ca
Wa so o o a da

She returns not to the pyramids
The sun nor the moon
She returns to the divine
Right upon the earth
She stands in her power
Whitehorse at her side
She proclaims
We will Heal the Heartbeat
And Heal the Earth
Follow not the White Rabbit
She receives the Birth Beat of a new world
Beckoning to the Children of Great Mystery
It is sent out to The Tribe of the Drum Talkers
Engulfing the consciousness of all
Her torch of destiny burning brightly
Like a Dream Time Dancer on her Medicine Journey

The Teotihuacán Medicine Song
Echoes down the Avenue of the Dead
Bringing Forth the Tribe to the one point

Where she is Calling to the Ancients

O a na
O o o o a na
O a na
O oooo a na
O a na

And calls those who hear TO RISE
Those who will not… Choose not to
Will receive no more from those who do
The Deer People of love are done Dancing for the Hunt
We dance now only for the earth
Building sanctuary for the future of our children
And the Survival of the Brave enough to love
We are Honoring the Drum Maker
The divine principle of life by acknowledging
The last chapter has already been written on the Hands of Time
Puchahawa, Condatatiata and Tatiacha’s Songs
Are now silence
We honor all in this ending
Transmuting the Avenue of the Dead
As it lived in the depths of our tortured souls
Into the pathway of the ascended
In gratitude and forgiveness
It is done

Tatiacha Engtovo Bhodsvatan ~ May 20, 2021

Fireworks over the Rogue

Gold Beach Oregon 4th of July see more on Flickr

It Is My Time

Holding out
Not giving
Leaving me nothing to receive
Leaving me to feel I do not deserve to receive
Am not good enough
Just not enough
So I give and give and give
Never can I give enough
To believe I am enough

But your withholding was never about me
It was you
Unwilling to give
Not able to receive
The circle endlessly moves
It spirals from one generation to the next

I must stop and receive
Remove from my life those who withhold
Create space for those ready to give and receive
For my giving was never received
Not truly
Not appreciated
Seen or valued
Always heaped upon the broken
Validating the lack of worth
The lie
The delusion
That this pattern was ever about me

I receive so I am filled full
My heart is filled to overflowing
Ready to burst for the one who is the same
Together we breathe in and out
Every breath a self fulfilling prophecy of oneness
Healed heart understanding
Cuts away those who withhold from me
And the part of me that accepted that as normal
Patterned myself unknowingly
Perpetuated the pain

Breathe in receive
Breathe out give

I call you healing warrior
Mirror me our new truth
And live it out with me in each day
We understand the significance
We never take for granted
The simplicity of this undeniable truth
For us it will be easy because we are ready now
In tandem like one beating heart between us

I await and in this waiting I receive from within
From the divine
From the earth
My soul purified through fire and water
The earth holds me and air fills my earthly body

Like a flower I bloom
The timing has always belonged to the divine
Programmed into me
Like a flower programmed to bloom
It is my time
Heart open
I am

Tatiacha ~ July 2, 2020

Rearview Mirror

I see you in my rearview mirror
In the back seat
Trying to hide from my view
But watching me while I drive
Gauging me
Trying to figure me out
You’ll learn nothing back there
There is no interaction
No input on direction
The fear there is palpable
The influence of pressure
The nonchalance of indifference
Yet there you are
Unable to quite look away
Demanding of yourself that you do
That you should
There is something beckoning
You wonder if it lives in that reflection
The external looks away
The internal is obsessed
The hindsight is unnerving
Is this the past or a reflection of today
Eyes darting from the road ahead
To glances of this vision behind me
You feel like a ghost there
A mere energy
Now invisible from even the rearview mirror
Yet there you are
So I drive
I continue
I feel

~ Tatiacha June 10 & 20 2020

Missing in Action

Tatiacha with Martina Tafolla

Families ask “are we on the inside looking out today
Perhaps on the outside, looking in at this play?

Watching as all these idiots revolt
It gives me no peace to know they are a cult
Bring on the orange kool aid, they all shout
and the doubt begins to mount,
as the questions, way too many to count

Sneak in under my door and invade my very being
all the while, the ignorant ones rebel….
they don’t care if we all go to hell
but hell, we’re living in hell anyway………..so what the hell?

Like a war with leadership missing in action
Sold out to business, lives count as mere fractions
Pandemic virus infecting bodies and minds
The loyal incompetents, their pockets lined

We are missing PPE and missing energy
Our hearts they are drained not feeling free
The bodies are counted and deeply piled
The death certificates being filled out and filed

Covid seeps in to their church and their state
Their ignorance, it will seal their own fate
They shout in the name of liberty they do
For themselves only, it will not apply to you

Intuition and fact must act in unison to be of use
Head and heart two facets of self make a truce
They beg in prayer for God to protect them
God speaks through facts saying “stay home then”

Delayed stimulus checks, food banks overflowing
Hungry are the people but stocks they are glowing
Rents go unpaid, no moratoriums for the poor
Pitiful one time payment while corporations get more

Paul has been robbed money given to Peter
Peter, Peter the CEO of corporate theater
The keeper of church tithes now calls for UBI
Even he can no longer ignore the poverty cries

Congress on recess chatting this and that
Fifty pet projects for all their fat cats
After bailing out the airlines all over again
And a slush fund approved by their mighty pen

The CNN chyrons starting to speak truth
Twitter in a frenzy, Wisconsin at the booth
The world looks on both angry and sad
Obvious the people of America have been had

When his leadership is missing in action
Experts are forced to make more retractions
Governors weary of the endless bullshit
Create pacts themselves for when we will quit

Feds stealing supplies from states in need
Causing discussion of if they would secede
Quid pro quos and outright strong arming
Trump’s claims of total authority… alarming!

Cruelty is the point with this administration
His only sadness is that he cannot vacation
Sniffing and snorting, addicted to adderall
The orange Don dementia dropped the ball

Orange infant on his sociopathic throne
Standing at the briefing he endlessly drones
Evil lies spouted out for an ego so sick
Blood on his hands, a disgusting little prick

Hearts broken in loss of love await the news of one more
Praying dear leader’s life is at death’s door
Corona, corona claim the sickly demented
Leaving the world with compassion cemented

Karmic justice that will ease this transition
Bringing a new healing into fruition
The end of a virus that is not novel at all
A virus of narcissism and greed that must fall

Throw over the tables of these money changers trafficking in fear
The need of a higher energy coming forth is so clear
The powerful force of Divine Love takes hold
The old paradigm of suffering must now fold

Window of Direct Creation

It is that time again, and like last year we have two windows with a Mercury Retrograde in the middle. To me this essentially makes it more like one window because you get your intentions out there, then get a 3 week break to back away from busy thoughts and reevaluate if you had the clarity you wanted in the first window, and come into the second window ready to make any tweaks or adjustments. The hard part, like last year these windows are long which makes it more difficult to maintain focus. Here are the dates

All times are U.S. Pacific time

January 10th Uranus goes Direct at 5:49 PM opening the first window
February 16 Mercury goes Retrograde 4:54 PM closing the first window (37 days)

March 9 Mercury goes Direct 8:49 PM opening the second window
April 25 Pluto goes Retrograde 11:54 am Closing the second window (46 days)

If I recall correctly last year the first window was longer than the second.

I Am Love Harmonization

This is the first in a series of Subliminals I am putting together that I am calling the Decoding the Core Series. I have used many subliminals in the past 30 years and have not been satisfied with most of them. I decided to take what I have learned and make my own series. I am using them on myself and family first and will not post a new program until I feel It has proven itself to be effective in a reasonable amount of time. This I Am Love Harmonization deals with the basics of being connected into the Universal Life Force that I call Divine Principle, which includes harmonizing with the Earth and all her species as well as all life beyond earth. Much of the discomfort we feel from day to day is getting out of harmony with the true nature of life. This focuses on that harmony with Love, Peace, Ease, Calm, Acceptance and Grace. It also deals with facing obstacles and problem solving from that place of calm peaceful love.

One family member who has really struggled with the world just being too much with him from day to day was feeling better in only 3 days of having this subliminal playing for a few hours in the background. We were both really surprised by that as it is highly unusual for a subliminal to have an effect that quickly in general, and this is an issue he has been dealing with for a very long time.

Here is a Pdf file with the details of how to use these subliminals as they contain no music https://tatiacha.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/decoding-the-core-series-subliminals-tatiacha-bhodsvatan.pdf

Here is the -30 which will blend into music or video being played


Here is the -50 which is even quieter and will easily be covered by music or video if the -30 is too loud



Trembling prisms of light
Vibrate this message to all life
We are here
At this precipice
The Major Arcana is wiped clean
The Minor sways to adjust
News laws are written
Old laws once ignored
Are now enforced with the new
Spasms of joyous waves burst forth
With the butterfly effect
They move outward and inward
All timelines
All frequencies
All dimensions
Intertwine into one grid
No veils
We are exposed
The darkness finds no hidden corners
There are no loopholes to finagle
Illumination bridges all gaps
And explores all crevices
Standing alone is the High Priestess
The Hierophant she has stripped of false witness
She has struck down The Emperor
And reprimanded The Empress for her subservience to him
She has integrated The Fool, Strength, and The Chariot
Abolished the Tower and freed the Hanged Man
The Hermit has been taken by Death
And faced down the Devil in Judgment
The Wheel of Fortune has tuned
The World has found balance once more
The Magician now her Lover
Justice and Temperance now rule
Divine feminine with Magic Masculine
Priestess and Magician embrace The Sun, The Moon and The Stars
The Kings and Queens have no kingdoms
Pages and Knights flounder with no purpose
The Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles
Freed of oppression and control
Oneness is all that is
Retuned to the original four directions
Everything now is coming up Aces

Tatiacha ~ February 3, 2019

Windows of Direct Creation 2019


When all planets are in forward motion, it is a Window of Direct Creation, a time to keep clear and focused thought on what you want for yourself and the world. These windows usually last 2-5 days and in many years there are none at all. 2019 has an extraordinarily long one 58 days and then a second one three weeks later!

Window Opens January 6 when Uranus goes direct (12:26 pm U.S. pacific time)
Closes March 5 when Mercury goes retrograde. (58 days!) (10:19 am U.S. pacific time)

Second Window Opens March 28 when Mercury goes direct (6:59 am U.S. pacific time) Window Closes April 10 (13 day window) when Jupiter goes retrograde (10:00 am U.S. pacific time)

I have never seen two in one year in the 30 or so years I have been paying attention. What is most interesting is they are intersected only by a retrograde of Mercury. Mercury deals with thoughts and communication. People who have resistance to going deep will have Mercury Retrograde challenges. Electronics often fail. Ever have a period where you went through multiple tires for no apparent reason? It was probably Mercury retrograde! That is because Mercury is the planet of mental activity; if we keep trying to use our brains in the same way, as usual, it just doesn’t work. We may be spacy and not as aware of our surroundings. Go into a grocery store when Mercury is retrograde and you will see people standing in the aisle as if they have no idea where they are and what they are attempting to buy. You’re are standing right there trying to get past them and they have no idea you exist, let alone that they are parked in the middle of a wide aisle blocking traffic. Speaking of traffic car accidents especially the little fender benders are more common during this time. Miscommunication and delays will be just the way it is.

When you align yourself and give over to Mercury Retrograde it becomes a time of relief, a letting go of built-up stress and the best time for resolving inner conflicts and doing meaningful meditation. Resisting what comes up to be looked at is what causes all the snafus in people’s lives. If you get into the flow of Mercury’s release, healing can be fast and deep. You start to look forward to Mercury going retrograde. You leave extra early and expect the delays. You see those people in the grocery store and smile and turn your cart and go around the long way. They are always around three weeks and happen 3-4 times a year.

For me it is like the window never closes with only a retrograde of Mercury in the middle. It is more like a pause and a gift of reflection time. It is important to keep thoughts clear and focused on what you really want to create during a Window of Direct Creation. Doing so for 58 days is very difficult! Life happens and distractions come and go. When Mercury goes retrograde we have three weeks to step back look at what we put out there during those 58 days. To assess them and take them deep inside to see if what we expressed was in alignment with our highest good. We have the gift of this time to gain clarity so that in the second window our intent is even more focused and aligned than in the first window. We have 13 days in the second window to hold true to that energetic creation, with the whole energetic of the solar system there to support us.

By the way, we will also have a total eclipse of the moon over North America in that first window. (January 20th) eclipses are like retrograde in that they will bring up issues for a resolution it will be stronger where the eclipse can be seen so those of us in N American should use this energy to help push our energies forward.


I Am Fire

Fire within
Spirit glows like a sun
It shines out these old chakras
Creating rays in all directions
The colors are pure
Breath of life feeds this fire
Like a strong wind
Feeding a run up a mountain
It is burning out my poisons
In body
In mind
Thought and emotion
It frees parts of me hardened
Fiery lava that I allowed to reach deep emotion
The fire of the spirit
Is not meant to be controlled by watery emotions
Emotions are meant to be channeled
Where the fire has given them a pathway
They have no right to harden the molten purity of me
Unless I have placed a piece of myself at their mercy
For the purpose of making it permanent as element earth
Elements water and earth
Are my yin and yang
Cool flowing or structured
They make this body
But the body is not me
It is only temporary
I am fire hot
My breath like a dragon
Not to be confused with emotions perceived as hot
My fire soul expresses the divine
There is passion
Giving life to this physical form
Without it this physical form collapses
And returns to earth particles
My inner sun soul must feed this body
Feed this mind
For them to express properly
I lay myself bare to the fire
Allowing any obstacle living within me to be burned away
These things lack balance
They are not part of my yin
Nor part of my yang
They attempt to separate my breath from my true fire
Breath of life will not be denied
It finds cracks in which to enter
And I have ripped them open in this surrender
The fire burns hotter
The light therein grows and shines bright
Consuming all darkness
I came with this fire
I shall leave with this fire
For I was born as this burring light as spirit
The world taught me I was body
But I am fire

Tatiacha ~ June 16, 2018




Samantha Footprints- b&w (2)

Laying still
Mouth agape
So beautiful
This tiny body
Perfect fingers and nails
I long to see her eyes
Hear a gurgle or a cry
She is of me
This empty vessel I hold
She grew within my womb
We shared a life most intimate
Touching me from inside
She moved and tapped
I dreamed a future for her
Knowing she was a girl
There was no proof then
I just knew
My baby girl
I looked at the little tiny outfits
Imagining her precious smile
I wait while my stomach grows
Feeling her presence
Then movement stopped
I no longer felt her presence
There was an absence of pressure
My heart knew
I did not need the doctor to tell me
My precious daughter was gone
Dead within me
I knew
The tears could not be contained
They flowed in an endless stream
Enough to fill a river of anguish
A relationship ending abruptly
Without explanation
Left with labor to induce
And then this little body
Young and inexperienced
I did not dress you
Or clean you
I did not know I would want to
The cap hides your head misshapen by birth
But you are perfect
Your soul free in the wind
I am alone
The only person who knew you
The only person to grieve you
My beloved one
My daughter
I did not know you would be my only child
But even 10 children could not erase you
You flew away with a piece of my heart
And that is as it should be
In the stillness you live
Sending back love to me

Tatiacha ~ May 18, 2018

Samantha Final


Celestial Event

Planets in motion
Bring up commotion
From deep space it rises
Painful surprises

Here I do lay
Processing this day
Back to the core
To dig up some more

I stand in tatters
Question what matters
This brain eggs me on
Stillness long gone

Seeps out like a gas
Soon this shall pass
Wilderness calls out
Time for a walkabout

Retrieve pieces of heart
Torn sunder at the start
This path straight and true
Obstructions are through

Celestial event unfolds
Just as I was told
The sky though within
Where it has always been

All that is within me
Becomes all it can be
Heart open and pure
The event is now sure

Tatiacha ~ February 11, 2018

The Burning of My Heart

I write lyrics in the day and by night
Hiding them safely away from all view
They are for me alone never to meet music
It’s to scary to let them out into the world
They speak of pain, of love, of anger, and harsh truth
The notebook safely holds them tight
Neatly typed and filed in order

Then the day of anguish came
I am grieving
In this grief so deep there are no rhymes
Lyrics turn to poems
Poems of the one I loved so deep
No greater love has come though
It is the love of mother for child
First I write you are “mine only mine”
And then comes “ I am a mother too and no one knows”
at least a dozen more are to follow
I no longer remember their names
One day, six years after the passing
In a moment of immense fear of being seen
I think if I die tomorrow I do not want anyone to see these
To see my vulnerable inner heart
I am too wounded to share that deeply
And I do not know how
I start a fire and the burning begins
The burning of my heart
It now is the one regret of my life
Oh how I wish I had the memory to call them back
To share with young mothers in loss this grief
That they can know they are not alone in that pain

One poem that came in the night from a voice on the other side
And one lyric survived the burning stuffed away somewhere
Then I stopped writing both poems and lyrics
One day the spirit wrote a poem though me and then one more
I ignored it and moved on
Til the poet muse entered my life
And said you shall write now I assign you this task
She was adamant and was not hearing any arguments
So fulfill this assignment I did
The door opened again and poems flowed out
Once again I wanted to hide
Not allow them to be seen
But spirit said no they must go out
It does not matter if they are seen, only that they can be
I would never heal keeping my heart to myself
And so I stepped them out inch by inch
Hating every moment, fearing I am not sure what
Emotions are universal we all have them
Why would my own be unusual
Why is exposure of them terrifying
Who taught me to surround them in shame
To feel I have no right to them
It is like saying I have no right to be
It must be the same people who always told me to shut up
Told so many times that eventually I did shut up
Not just my verbal words
But my whole heart
Taking me to the day of burning that heart
It will not happen again
I will not be shut up
It may have taken decades
But my voice is strong and won’t be held back
Perhaps no one will listen or care
But I will scream from the rooftops my truth
The place those people lived inside me will hold no sway
I am not that child now, I am a mother
My only child lay dead in my arms at her birth
That pivotal horrible moment of my life
Sent me down the road to spirit
And created poems along the inner pathway.

Tatiacha ~ January 8, 2018

Circle of Silver Shimmers

Sequester complete
She returns to life
Takes control of her outcome
By owning her power
Those demons within
Denied the authority
That authority was given wounded
In pursuit of survival
Those people and events
That tore at her soul
Scared her with pain
Now seen with the eyes of love
The love taught intellectual
Now descended to the core
Clearing out the false hatred
She foisted upon her self
From reflections of others
Now prepared to make choices
Reflective of respect
In harmony with her divine being
Now the choices are not fads
Not plans requiring will power
The impulse to sabotage gone
These plans are now simple
They are acts of choice
Not desperations of victimization
A change in behavior
A total change in lifestyle
Not a means to an end
Yet this true choice brings the end
That she has sought for so long
Because this comes from authentic self
Not inner demon who sought to punish
Crimes not committed
She both sees and feels this true self emerge
Not by magic
But through years of work
Culminating this moment
A puzzle complete
Priorities now obvious and clear
She honors herself
From this day forward
She wears this crown of honor
In a circle of silver shimmers
Hiding nothing
Welcoming the crone with celebration
Not grief
Her misspent youth
Fading into the wisdom it has become
The best years of her life begin today
A woman knowing herself
Standing strong
Blessed with truth
She is released to the will of the Goddess
Emboldened by this flow
True female power holds forth
This does not come from female attractiveness
Not from sexuality
Or fertility to make new lives
It comes from the void of the divine
Where all things come forth
Out of the dark safe cocoon
Transmutation complete
Into the light she is born
Ready to fly
We are taught to watch the pretty young girl
And grieve her passing
Thinking she and her sexuality are the power
But that young woman
Controlled by her hormones
More than her heart and soul
Is the distraction
From the true power that is woman
She sheds her fertility of body
And puts on the cloak of her fertility of spirit
Now she is unstoppable
No man can control her
The will of the Goddess becomes her
The tides of man shift
The silver shimmer of women
Honoring the true self
And the earth mother
Come to take back the world
For all life
Millennium to century
Decade to year
Month to Week to day
This female force has inched forward
When the faces of the Goddess
Take action together
The change will be immediate and complete
There will be no turning back
Each sister moved to the core
Those caught in pettiness
Left behind with no place to hide
Will sit in the darkness with unhealed men
Healed men will welcome the Goddess
And the circle will be healed and
The earth returned to balance.

Tatiacha ~ December 12, 2017


Greatest Gift

Curious questioning
Bumping the boundaries
Testing the waters
What reality is this
Who are these people
Where is the heart
Are they asleep
Why don’t they hug
Who are we as a unit
Why are they annoyed
Saying mean things
Shut up they say
Hog tied and gagged for speaking
Its all secret
No one believes
I am in trouble
She blames me for everything
She gets away with everything
They leave me with shame
For what they have done
I should have acted differently
Then these things would not occur
I know now these lies
Their shortcomings
Transferred on to me
Due to their ignorance
Talking is not a crime
Joyous excitement not to be punished
Questioning a gift
No one wanted to know anything
Shut up shut up
Don’t ask
Be quiet
Don’t tell
No dad I will not say white
I am not being obtuse
I am seeking answers
Why do you not have any
When you say black
I know it means shut up
I may be a child but I am not stupid
No one stands up for me
When I speak truth
I am told I lie or make things up
When will I be heard
By them the answer is never
By me the answer is today
I was a beautiful child
Curious and bright
Joyous and goofy
Playful and divine
Deserving of goodness and nurturing
I neglect myself
From a lifetime of being neglected
I will nurture myself now
Embrace myself
Love myself
Value myself and that beautiful child I was
As if she were my own precious baby
She makes me smile
I want to play with her
I want to take her swimming
And hear her precious laugh
I want to answer her questions
Find ways for her to follow her curiosity
I will read to her and sing her to sleep
Rubbing her back with gentle sweetness
She will feel safe in my arms
I will protect her with my life
And make sure she knows
She is my greatest gift

Tatiacha ~ October 14, 2017


I am me and then am me again
Each new me ushering in a whirlwind of questions
How can I be me, when new levels of me keep emerging?
Is there a static me somewhere that I will one day grasp?
Or is this continuously changing me what being me is?
Can any of us know ourselves?
Are we just who we know today, but gone by tomorrow
Days come where I feel separated from any knowing of me
They are fleeting but move my emotions
They cause me to question momentarily why I do anything I do
If there is purpose to any of it
Then with a simple sleep the lack of me dissipates
I awaken feeling like…

Is that simply the self of habit?
The self of comfort?
I have habit on the days of missing identity
I may have comfort as well as I am comfortable with questioning everything
It is more like drifting with no anchor
Then wakening the next day firmly in place
I expand and grow with intension
Perhaps I unconsciously release the anchor on purpose
Knowing I will drift to an appropriate new anchorage

There is emotional discomfort in these drifting days
No idea where I am going or why
There is no thread connecting to the past or future
Leaving me nothing to string together in my quest for knowledge
I sit with the emotion and the questions they inspire
Answers do not come
Only more questions
Who am I really?
Who do I want to be?
Who have I been?
And why?
A perceived
Existential crisis of identity
That is only a temporary un-tethering

I realign myself just as unconsciously as I un-tethered myself
Come back to me
In a new personal environment
It looks very much the same
I feel very much the same
But something is different
I am a new me
Yet it does not really feel new
It is somehow known
And so quickly integrated that the day is forgotten by weeks end

 Tatiacha ~ May 7, 2017


Figment of my Imagination

Twenty eight years gone by
I hardly can fathom as I write
Since the conspiracy of you began
Whispers in my ear
Validating my dreaming
Telling me all I want to hear
The life and family
The harmony of souls
The now worn out cards of various variety
Torn and tattered are their books
Twenty eight years of questions answered
Yet you are nowhere in sight
I have felt your presence so close
You were almost physical
Then you are gone like a warm breeze
I am told soon, patience, plans, healing
Healing turned into a lifetime
My dreams of you stripped one by one
Are you a figment of my imagination?
A joint delusion of my path,
Simply a carrot held out as reward,
For being dutiful on my journey
You have turned me into an old cynic
I want to believe you still exist
Yet what excuse do we have for one another now
What have we been doing separate
Instead of supporting together
Could we both be that broken?
Did you lose your way?
Leave this planet?
Or did you exist at all?
Perhaps you gave up
Took another love
And gave her my children
Maybe you do not even notice my absence
You could be happy and oblivious
Why can’t my heart give up?
My mind has tried a million times
Why can’t I simply accept this solo journey?
Perhaps it was always meant to be such
But I grieve it all
As if it is real
Maybe you are but a vivid character
Of a book I am yet to write
A novel of unattainable love
That kind that can only survive fiction
I make plans for my life
With all the drawers filled
But when I visualize them into creation
There are always empty drawers for you
No moving forward
No letting go
Just agonizing truth of a ghostly figure
You have no form
Yet somehow I know your smile
You simply torture me
Heart weary I question
If you showed up now
Would I even care?
Would I even want you?
Could you even be half the man envisioned?
Could I be even half the woman you envisioned?
Or would we just be two disillusioned hearts
I process the anger
For the lifetime of support I did not have
Where were you?
My partner
My friend
My lover
Father of the children I do not have
Grandfather of the grandchildren that will never come
Why did I think you were worth waiting for?
What makes you so god damn special
Was there no plan B or C?
My imagination vivid
Visions so clear
Facts are fictions and maybe fictions facts
This day I sit alone and write
And you are not here
I may declare I am done with this
But I will awaken to a new day
And you will be there
Still invisible, untouchable
Mocking me
I will be a split personality
One part that never stops believing
And another that can’t sustain you
So much for 28 years of healing
There is no healing the figment of my imagination
Because he might be real.

Tatiacha ~ February 4, 2017


Cheeto in Chief

January 20th dawns
Comes in like a bang
My Way his song
He danced and he sang

Melania pulled away
And scowled a lot
To the tower to stay
In the White House she’s not

He had his tantrums
She rolled her eyes
Obama in the doldrums
Michelle she did sigh

Smile though they did
Fake it all was
One great big fib
For all the press buzz

The Clintons stood together,
Baby Bush there too
Carter did weather
The event of the fool

He took his oath
Pence he did too
There stood them both
All red white and blue

No unity in his speech
Without healing force
No one can bleach
Regurgitation of remorse

A world in disgust
At America’s belly
They rightfully distrust
A Cheeto so smelly

The racists do celebrate
The women haters too
The rest of us contemplate
Those who have no clue

In the women come
They march in the millions
They are far from done
We number in billions

Millions he counted
With press secretary lies
Spicer was mounted
On display til he dies

Waaa cried the Cheeto
They steal my thunder
My day was neato
They plowed it under

Pussies he grabs
Doing as he wishes
While illegals he hired
Have been doing his dishes

His misogynist ways
Enshrined for years
No matter what he says
He is at fault for the tears

A tyrant in wait
Frustrated he tweets
“You’ll remember this date”
Stomping his feet

“I’ll get them all back
I shall do it I swear
Executive order attack
I’ll grimace and stare”

“Immigrants and trade
I’ll smash them I will
It may be forbade
I will not wait for a bill”

“No DAPL I crush
With my hammer like pen
Throw in Keystone to hush
That aboriginal den”

“I’ll take their land
Give it to big oil
By my greedy tiny hand
Take that Indian soil”

“America must stand tall
Succumb you will
I wanna build a wall
You pay the bill”

No, Mexico will say
Pay it we will not
Not tomorrow or today
Not a little or a lot

Healthcare on the line
Planned Parenthood too
He says “all is fine”
To the Christians he woos

“I need validation as
Russia’s in the news
The media’s creation
Putin made Hills lose”

“Gag them all now
Kick them all out
Reporters must bow
Science has no clout”

“National parks shut up
State department must quit
Why bring this stuff up
When I hate every bit”

“There must be voter fraud
My ego is on the line
Popular vote to a broad
I’ll undo that in time”

“The Generals are wrong
Screw the Intelligence too
Then sing another song
Lie all the way through”

“I’ll torture at black sites
Its evil I know
The world I will fight
Cause this is my show”

“A reality star I am
Keep the cameras rolling
I slaughter the lamb
My methods controlling”

“Fascist ways I seek
Corporations do own me
Eventually it will leak
My patriotism phony”

“The globalist plans
You thought I would fight
You didn’t understand
I’m a billionaire and white”

“I’ve been one of them
All along do you see
Despite all the gems
You believed on TV”

Flip flop, flop flip
He turns on a dime
Yes he’s a dick
Known that for some time

Fighting with leaders
With tweets to and fro
Like all bottom feeders
To the bottom they go

Conflicts of interests
Refusing of blind trust
Is he on Pinterest
Cause twitter is a bust

Here goes week one
Of four long years
The damage a ton
Thus all the fears

He has a crazy toupee
As all buffoons do
It should warn us away
A great big orange BOO

Dear Cheeto in Chief
Fight you we will
We know you are a thief
And impeachable still.

Tatiacha ~ January 26, 2017

 I am not a liberal
Independent am I
Please take this literal
I am sick of this guy

Window of Direct Creation

Only a few hours to the opening

Long time followers of my work know the time all planets are in direct motion as a “Window of Direct Creation”.  A time where we need to remain clear in our thought and intentions as there is no resistance to what we put out to create.

Spirit made me aware of these windows 25-26 years ago and I have shared when they come about in newsletters in the early days, and then online since 1998 in various forms of the website and blog(s) that have evolved in these 20 years of being online.  I never claimed this knowledge as mine or unique to me although I had not seen it before anywhere, or new, as spirit always said ancients were well aware of this.

There is always some young up and coming star who has to make a name being the only, the best, the master.  Oh would it not be nice if we could get over that aspect of humanity.

http://allplanetsdirect.com/ Wave Rayne  is the first American teacher of solar system influences related to APDM, *All Planets in Direct Motion to teach online webinars, lectures, and email courses.  She also has a FB group page called All Planets Direct which informs fans of the interesting occurrences between land and sky.

Apparently in 2010 this woman noticed and decided it should be her claim to fame and profit maker I guess. Whatever, she can claim what she wants, I know I should not be annoyed by this kind of crap, but it just gets old.  Someone excitedly discovers something NEW only they are clueless it is only new TO THEM. And then they have to run out and share it with everyone, and attempt to own it  LOL

At any rate a long “Window of Direct Creation” opens in a few hours when Mercury goes direct at

January 8th 1:43 am Pacific Time.

And ends when Jupiter goes retrograde,

February 5th at 10:52 pm Pacific Time,

You know these long ones it can be hard to stay focused with your intentions and in a positive space.  It may be especially hard for some of you that had a difficult Mercury Retrograde that you are still picking up the pieces from.  I happen to love Mercury Retrograde but I know that is not true of most.

Considering that our President Elect is going to be inaugurated during this time period and there could be a lot of political angst and activity surrounding all that, we really just need to steer clear of all these outer happenings this month to keep our intentions pure.   I will be spending far less time on facebook and just not commenting on things like youtube and so forth so as to avoid any kind of simple miscommunication turning into any kind of strife that would steal my focus or lessen my true intentions.  This month would best be served as a month of meditation and healing.  Pure foods, pure thoughts, and canceling out any thoughts that are not in harmony with your true desires for growth.  If an argument happens clear the space, and restate your intentions strongly, release anything said by you or to you, in the argument.  You got to let it go even if you know you are right.

We spent from September  24, 2015 to August 22, 2016 grounding in the 22 Fractal Divine Waves of Change.  This was followed by a Mercury Retrograde on August 30th that allowed our thoughts to decompress from that work.  Mercury went direct with the arrival of the Equinox giving us some time after to clear out the cobwebs of this purification phase we have been going through collectively until Mercury went retrograde again only a couple days before Solstice.  This retrograde with the Solstice energy inside it was the opportunity to heighten our mental readiness for this very important Window of Direct Creation.  I hope you were able to use it as such. This is the first Window in the new fractal energy pattern.

I saw clear choices and patterns of people I knew making similar changes in the last two weeks of December to the present.  As if on cue, this energy said NOW.  Do whatever you need to stay on point with this Window.  It’s an important one and there will be lots of distractions.

peace out T


As The River Flows

Upper Rogue RIver

The course is unknown but also predetermined
This flow can be dammed with delay, but not stopped
It will break through or overtop any obstacle in time
As we flow we gain energetic momentum
We are charged with a magnetic force of life
It grows with each passing bend
Propelling us to eventually meet the sea
Time tenuously flows atop the moving water
We cannot see around the next bend
As we serpentine our way through these unknown lands
We know not all that lie upon the banks
Or where we may need to portage to continue forward
We know only that our heart flows as the river flows

Tatiacha ~ 11-30-16

Absence of Silence

The Absence of silence permeates this abode
Leaving no room, no space, for the sacred
The drumbeat cannot be heard amidst the clamor of chatter
The bells do not sound, the bowls do not ring
The ocean drowned out in an outpouring of noise
The absence of music leaves the halls bare of holy vibration
The songs go unsung as the days turn to months
The absence of spirit goes unnoticed to the others
Spirit’s messages not spoken aloud
Prayers crowded out of this silent less space
No truths are sought outside this room
This room bombarded by routine and fear
Tearing at the fabric of its vibration
I shift myself and the noise rips at my flesh
It rips at my soul and my mind
Offering no solace to the seeker
The absence of knowing resonates out there
Bouncing around it makes noise of its own
It hits the walls of this small space with a thud
My knowing is silenced by that incoming fear
SHUT UP! I silently scream
But nothing in silence is heard above the din
The TV screams the dramas, she does not comprehend
While sports in headphones are cursed aloud by him
Alone I contemplate the reason for it all
Waiting for the golden hour of 10 for it to come to an end
Finally in silence but there is no room for sacred sounds
Now I must tip toe and silence myself
To give them space for restful sleep
The absence of balance strips me of energy
I do all in the stillness of night but rest not
Before I awaken tomorrow it will have begun again
No space for the meditative peace
No energetic space to rest and heal a weary body and mind
In the absence of silence I wait
I escape to the beach in stolen moments
To give the earth my heart
The noise of this house so loud
It pulls me back with guilt as if I am doing something wrong.
I am not wrong!
I will not abandon the divine to the noise
I will steal every moment of communion I can
My life has never belonged to your noise
There is a higher power that calls me
It has always called me
You cannot drown out that call
There is no absence of silence loud enough

Tatiacha ~ November 18, 2016

Why Do Americans Never Learn?

Dear America,

Another election cycle and once again it’s claimed the sky is falling!  Chicken Little runs the elections these days, and yet most Americans fall for it, even when what is happening is blatantly obvious to anyone with the slightest modicum of intelligence.

America we are not in Kansas anymore, and we haven’t been for a long time.  The wizard of Oz is a tiny, pathetic, little man running your elections from behind the curtain.  You know this, and yet you continue to believe in the great and mighty Oz!  If only we can change parties (AGAIN) it will all be OK because it really is the fault of the democrats, I mean the republicans, no the democrats, or the republicans.

The two party system is a failure in governance for the people and the country.  We all know it through simple observation.  Apparently they have you all by the balls though, as you are all too weak-minded to vote in a president that is not a democrat or a republican.  You cannot even insist on allowing other parties, or an independent, to debate.  What are you afraid of America?  Do you think the whole substance of your life’s existence will fall into an abyss if you come to the simple conclusion that you have been duped by politicians your whole life?

Don’t we all know these politicians are liars?  Isn’t this daily discussion?  Yet when it comes to action, well, the American public is just scared shitless.  They are so afraid of the opposing party, (or maybe their own shadow) that the idea of something outside of that is just too much to think about apparently.  Well, guess what America, you have all been supporting the same agenda all along.  The idea that the republicans and democrats represent differing or opposing points of view is a lie and it always has been.  When the doors close they together pass one unconstitutional law after another.

We now live in a country with so many laws we don’t even know if we are breaking them or not.  We live in a country where both parties have squandered our joint wealth on immoral, illegal wars.

What responsibility do you each hold in the 15 year ongoing genocide in Iraq?  Iraq, a country that had nothing to do with 9-11, but which we attacked and bombed over and over, destabilized, trashed the infrastructure, & poisoned with depleted uranium, killing 1,500,000 Iraqi citizens.  In the PC world where we are unwilling (or unable) to allow honest discourse about our countries history in relation to the Native American people or slavery because we claim the pain of these 100’s of year old events are just too painful, (not to mention handy for divisive manipulation).  We ignorantly ignore that, we the citizens, allow a genocide in our name, by our government, that is still going on!  Quick look away, and bitch about the unfair stuff that happened hundreds of years ago.  Yes that is your democratic and republican parties authorizing your money to be spent to kill in Iraq.  That’s your money they used to kill in Afghanistan, in Syria, in Libya.  They would like to use your money to kill in Iran, in North Korea and ultimately they would like to use it for a WW3.  It’s not that past events are unimportant, it that they use them to prevent us from paying attention to what they are doing NOW.

They tell you that everything they collectively want to control is a threat and feed you on fear porn and you suck it up like willing little babies.  All the while they steal the money from social security leaving the elderly in poverty, and tell you that social security is untenable.  They divide you all into boxes and then convince you it is the fault of the other box and you love that shit too.  It plays to your ego and your desire to be right.  In your self righteous lust to feel in control you defend your party no matter how despicable their actions.

Right in front of your face both parties take your constitutional rights and your money and like an abused child, you still love them while they abuse you.

As if all this is not bad enough, there is endless evidence of the global players that are behind the scenes running all these governments.  Yet for election 2016, Hillary is the “globalist” and Trump an outsider!  Ha!  Grow up America!  The march to globalism is the agenda of the democratic and republican party, there is no difference!  I am damn sick and tired of hearing you shit faced dimwits claim there is.  Both parties are financed by the same giant corporations who rape the planet.  They own all the politicians, and often write legislation for them.  Ever wonder how the giant patriot act was passed so quickly?  Well it was already written long before 9-11!  These global greed mongers are working their way to a planet where we are all slaves.  They realized that outright slavery had become too unpopular around the world by the 1800s and set upon a new goal to enslave us all while allowing us to believe we are free.

You do not get a democratic or republican nomination by being an outsider, against the globalists or the establishment.  Your votes mean nothing in the nomination process, which is a sham.  These organizations are private clubs with their own rules that owe nothing to the American voter.  They can, and do change their rules and they have gained control over the debates, which used to be run by the League of Women Voters.  Now they can maintain their monopoly over the system and ensure no other parties or independents can gain political traction.  They can’t have the slaves actually voting in their congress or president after all, grass roots is a danger to their existence.  Then there are the voting machine issues, missing ballots, and so on.  Even if we had real candidates, we can’t trust we have real votes!

They have an agenda to own all the world’s water and seeds, to control the world food supply and hold you hostage by your need to eat and drink.  Meanwhile they push for a carbon credit system to be sure you pay just to breathe, knowing all the while that the damages that have been done to this planet and your health, have been done by them.  They have ensured it is their chessboard.  In so doing, you just get moved around at their will.  You may be a pawn, you may be a queen (movie star, president, etc) either way you do their bidding.

What is sad is that most of you do it willingly believing in your ___________ fill in the blank, party, religion, country, and so on from the biggest division to the most mundane.

You love this shit, you live for it, you don’t care how much damage is done to us, to our planet, to other species, or even to future generations.   If the message is that Christians should be hateful uncompassionate asses hating on anyone that is poor or disadvantaged, by God by the time their marketing is done that is exactly what most Christians will be and they will use your own Bible to give you the talking points to justify being a person so un Christ like.  I can fill in the same blank with Muslim or Jew.  It’s all a big fat manipulation.  You cling to it like your life depends on it.

The lying media is said to be the left, yet there is the lying right media claming it so and vice versa.  Then we have an alternative media that has in some form become co-opted since we approached this election.  It is clear by the clone like talking points among people who so proudly let their conspiracy freak flag fly for years that some sort of threat and strong arming happened.  Now they are the new unified voice of lies.  They are to convince you that Trump is “one of us”.  You believe it!  What the FUCK!

America you are always looking to give away your power just so you don’t have to hold it.  You don’t give a damn who you give it to, or what they do with it.  War, genocide, the destruction of the earth, hey no problem, it is not your fault, just put your head in the sand.  God forbid you should just take a quiet moment and make up your own mind about, well, ANYTHING.

Quietly these global planners think 100 years ahead while you are unwilling to think beyond your next beer or your next fuck.  You will get The Donald or Hillary and either one will continue the agenda, while they laugh, drinking fine wines, in multimillion dollar estates and private clubs.  They are all good friends, and have the same masters.  Not just our American politicians but the heads of state all over the world!

If all the world is a stage then the audience (that’s you) are the biggest dumb fucks ever.  Meanwhile you wave your flag, and talk about how we are the greatest nation on earth and how proud your are of the troops, so you can feel better about making the conscious choice to be ignorant of the play.

I am a descendant of a Quakers who did not believe in violence.  Yet my 4x great grandfather stepped away from his congregation by signing out in good standing according the Quaker records, and fought in the Revolutionary War.  Why?  I can only presume that despite his belief in non violence, he saw life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as a fundamental human right and saw no option but risk his life to ensure his descendents could have that.  After the war he went back to his Quaker life in a new congregation further west and resumed his non violent life.  He made sure that his children were educated, and that the importance of being educated and vigilant was a trait that would be passed on to his further descendants.

Education is not just reading or memorizing a book.  You must learn facts of course, but you must learn how to discern, how to think, how to seek information.  Most importantly you must learn how to question every fact provided, because people providing facts have the ability to skew your perspective on the subject at hand, and often lie outright.  You must be willing to question your own beliefs, not just blindly carry on with the belief of your parent, or teacher or other authority figure of your youth.  When this doesn’t happen you end up with a population of people who will believe anything.  For the first time in history American’s walk around with the whole internet in their hands and yet choose to remain ignorant, while the information needed, including multiple perspectives is readily available.

Thank you, great, great, great, great, grandfather!  While your legacy may not have been passed down without each generation having their own imperfections, it did reach some of us!  I share your belief in actual freedom, not the fake shit we are being handed these days.  It was your grandfather and great grandfather who boarded a ship seeking freedom from European oppression.  They passed that to your father, whose sons moved west and whose descendants landed all over this country.  You were entrepreneurs, creative, hard working, peace loving people, constantly moving on as oppression reared its ugly head.  Grandfather there is no where left on the planet to move on to.  You and the proud liberty loving people you fought beside to win my freedom had no idea that people involved in the creation of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution would so quickly be co-opted and that this corruption would become the despicable entity that ignorant Americans kiss the ass of now.

A war of Independence is not an option now, as government changed by violence only creates a power vacuum that sucks sociopaths into the new leadership roles, that is what observation of our true history and the history of other nations has taught us.  We already have sociopaths running the world; we don’t need more of that.  The only way to change this world, in which we allow the global elite to play us, is to stop being so fucking stupid.  Educate yourself.  Stop allowing other people to think for you America.  Kick the democrats and republicans to the curb.  Kick corporate money, well, all money, out of the political process.  In fact do away with parties’ period.  Stop labeling yourself so you can choose other labels to make enemies.

Have you been manipulated and played?  Yeah sure, and they are good at it, but how many generations have to be played, how many times before you stop being so damn gullible? While you fight about the presidential candidates, you ignore the senate and house elections and you will dutifully tick off democrat or republican in those races.

Sure presidents do things like; every year since 2001 sign a paper stating we are in a “state of emergency” so they can authorize activities that are not legal, moral or constitutional.  Where is the emergency America?  Oh is it all that terrorism you are afraid of?  You know the events where the FBI finds a person who has radical beliefs but has not taken action (and likely would not), then goes undercover, and talks them into taking action, gives them all the supplies and then …. Aw never mind that is too much truth for you!  It will cause your fluoride addled mind to come to a standstill.  You still don’t even want to deal with the fact that despite things like cocaine being illegal for you, your government CIA is trafficking it.  Another day, another government for them to overthrow with that cocaine money they earn from you America.

The number one job of the POTUS; look the other way, deflect blame from anyone who deserves some, smile, wave and take the heat while everyone else fucks the American citizen!  Oh, and spend plenty of time on vacation doing important stuff like playing golf!  Presidential candidates make oh so many promises even ones they know no president can make good on, because most of the power to do things that need to be done (or sell us down the river) lies in the hands of congress.  Every draconian, unconstitutional bunch of shit passed is done so with the cooperation of both parties. You reelect people who have been in congress so long they have dementia and you didn’t even notice!   Then you blame the president for all the deals made by congress in back rooms and on nice vacations with lobbyists.  They trot out a divisive issue when needed, and pretend to take sides to keep you playing your party game.

Politicians and big business are all interbred and I mean this literally.  They are all related, they go to school together, they marry each other, they work together moving back and fourth between corporate leadership, board membership, and political offices.  Let’s not leave out all their think tanks, supposed charities, and foundations where they launder dirty money and take and make bribes!  I could go on for days but hey you could care less America!

Go Trump Go Hillary rah rah

Stop the hating!  Do I sound like a hypocrite after all the names I have been calling you?  Yep, that is what you have made me America.  All I ever wanted as a sensitive being is a loving community, kindness, oneness, understanding, generosity among people; this is what is inside me.  Not racism, not sexism, not hate.  You have taken that beautiful spirit and made me cynical with your disgusting willingness to hate anyone, at any time, for any reason.  I want to be open and vulnerable and trusting!  I am not alone in this, there are other Americans like me and all those names I used, don’t apply to them.  (Sadly many of you may have just wrongly put yourself into that category)

There are people like me all over this planet. All we want is freedom.  We are oppressed by a multitude of governments.  We are the ones who would not need laws because we are capable of self regulation, of respect, integrity and honesty.  We can do the right thing, because it is the right thing, we don’t need a government to tell us what is right.  We are the ones who leave a camping place clean when there are no rules telling us to do so.  We do not riot and deface and destroy property of our own, of others, or even of the governments we don’t like.  We don’t profit off the backs of others or destruction of the planet.  We don’t threaten and coerce to get our way.  We can get married without government approval or permission and we can get a divorce without lawyers and fighting over material things.  We don’t give a shit about the color of someone’s skin, their gender, their sexual orientation etc. We are not violent because we are grown ups and violence is just fucking stupid, and damn it, I shouldn’t have to tell you that!

I could continue to list dozens of other things, but I am afraid it is all over your head America. We want actual freedom not fake freedom.  You know you work your ass off to pay your mortgage for 30 or 40 years you own the damn place right?  Oh hell no!  You keep paying more tax, and more tax, that keeps going up the older and broker you get, and if you get behind $5,000 tax on that $250,000 dollar house, your government steals your house, sells it, and keeps the whole quarter million.  Is that freedom?  Nope, that is just one example of your economic slavery.  How about when your government passes laws forcing you to patronize a private, profit making business for your own good?  Is that your freedom?  No it is not, but it is how the insurance companies became so rich!

How about when they force you to inject toxic ingredients into yourself or your child and claim they are helping you be healthier, and then indemnify the corporation that makes that toxin?  Or when they endanger your water with pipeline deals with big corporations while other pipelines are breaking and causing environmental degradation, is that the “land of the free and home of the brave”?  What about your EPA, the very agency responsible for protecting our environment causing a toxic spill and the whole government looking the other way?  How did big cities like Flint end up with toxic water with a whole federal agency watching, whose only task is to make sure things like that don’t happen?

That is not my idea of freedom, nor would it have been my ancestor’s idea of freedom.  He temporarily set aside his lifelong belief in non violence to give us a chance to form a government that could sustain the ideal of real freedom.  Instead we got an imperialistic bunch of shit because you America keep voting in these imperialistic scumbags!

Common sense and common decency has been lost here and truthfully around the world.  Well, maybe it was just never found by most people to begin with?  Maybe those of us who “get it” are just some kind of freaks of nature and the low life animalistic human is the pathetic norm.  I really don’t want to believe that, because underneath my cynicism lies the heart of an idealistic optimist like my 4x great grandfather.  He sacrificed one of his most sacred ideals to help form this country in pursuit of what he thought was a higher ideal for us all.  That sacrifice was certainly was not for what it has become!

I want to believe in you America, but I think you are a two faced bitch, and you give me no evidence to the contrary.

The problem is America; I shouldn’t have to tell you that the 2016 election is the same sham as the 2012 one, and the 2008 one, and so on, and so on. Why do Americans never learn?


A True Daughter of the American Revolution

*Not to be confused with the hoity toity patriotic clap trap group that would encourage you to be brainwashed and mindless.


Arrival of the Fractal Divine Waves of Change

Tatiacha Bhodsvatan

Waves of incoming energy have begun, what this energy is, is hard to define. A correction energy, a higher vibration energy, a divine energy, an energy of change that will bring all things not in harmony with the natural divine force of the universe into balance. Anything not in harmony with this energy must fall away. Those in harmony will react favorably to this energy, those of low vibration or in fear and resistance will react badly personally and on a planetary level. This energy will affect every species and the planets themselves. It has moved through most areas of the universe already and is now reaching earth. On a planetary level this energy will bring tremendous changes to the earth. There are 22 waves, the frequency of their arrival speeds up over time. The first wave hit in late September, the 2nd wave on November 20. By August 22, 2016 we will receive the final separate wave that will intensify the energetic field to a continuous vibration that will never subside.

Below are the arrival dates of all the waves with all the basic planetary events for this time. All times are U.S. Pacific times. When a wave has two dates it will hit on the first date on part of the planet and the second date further round the earth. When there is a single date the energy will arrive on that date all over the earth. Where these waves hit in relation to other planetary events will affect people differently. For example, if mercury retrogrades are hard for you, you may be more challenged by a wave that hits during retrograde. If you are sensitive to energies that build up to solstice and equinox pay attention to the patterns of planetary events with the waves leading up to those. If a wave hits while a planet is going retrograde or direct and that planet is significant in your chart it may have greater effect on you.

There is a numerology aspect to the energy shifts of different waves. This energy is fractal as all creation energies in the universe are, so it works within the universal patterns that we assign numbers to. I will touch on those numbers for each wave but not in great depth. I will discuss mostly how they affect individuals but the effects can apply to leaders, to countries and to the physical planet.



September 6 – Venus Direct

September 12 – New Moon – Partial Eclipse of the Sun

September 17 – Mercury Retrograde

September 23 – Equinox

September 24/25 – 1st wave
Initialization and grounding of the energy, we saw quick polarization of people in and out of harmony with these new energies. People tended to blow up and take sides on every issue large or small with a new intensity. Some personal relationships may already be falling apart as well as relationships between organizations, religions and governments based on this polarization.


September 24 /25 – Pluto Direct

September 27 – Full Moon – Total Lunar Eclipse (last in series of blood moons)

October 9 – Mercury Direct

October 12 – New Moon

October 22 – Full Moon

November 11 – New Moon

November 18 – Neptune Direct 8:32am

November 20 – 2nd wave
Partnerships, pairs, couples, polarities. Bad or unhealthy relationships will be tested and people will feel pressed to end them. Good relationship will strengthen and grow. Internationally this period could make or break allegiances between countries. This 2 energy works with the polarity of opposites as well. We can see extremes on the planet, such as record highs and lows


November 25 – Full Moon 2:44pm

December 11 – New Moon 2:29am

December 21 – Solstice 8:49pm

December 25 – Full Moon 3:11am & Uranus Direct 7:53pm
(All Plants Direct – Window of Direct Creation Opens) A window of direct creation is a period when none of the major planets are in retrograde motion. It is an important time to keep your thoughts clear and focused on what you really want. Do not give into to fear during this time. Try and take time each day to really place forth your intentions for your future and also positive intentions for the planet.



January 1-2 – 3rd wave
This wave will push trinity energies forward. Three is a very spiritual number every religion has some form of interpretation of three that is significant. On the personal level there is the body-mind-spirit trinity of self that needs to find balance and for some of us more metaphysical types the perception of soul, spirit(higher self), and the divine. There are three Abrahamic religions that have been in conflict over the ages. I would anticipate that spiritual matters of all kinds will dominate the period of this wave.


January 5 – Mercury Retrograde 5:06am (Window of Direct Creation Closes)

January 7 – Jupiter Retrograde 8:40pm

January 9 – New Moon 5:30pm

January 23 – Full Moon 5:46pm

January 25 – Mercury Direct 1:50pm

February 8 – New Moon 6:39am

February 13 – 4th wave
The fourth wave is a grounding wave. For those not in resistance, it will help you stabilize all that you have received over the past few months. For those out of harmony this wave may tip your life upside down. It is like polar reversal where your north is south and vice versa. Confusion chaos, challenges, trouble nailing anything down.


February 22 – Full Moon 10:20am

March 8-9 – New Moon 5:54pm – Total Eclipse of the Sun

March 11 – 5th wave
The 5th wave is the energy of the human it is like a five pointed star, when within a circle as a pentagram it was once the symbol of the highest vibration of humanity. Now it is marginalized as a symbol of wicca a modern reinterpretation religion thought to be based in the old ways. It is because of its true meaning that this symbol was turned upside down to represent evil or Satanism. This wave will force we humans to look within and internalize the divine force or reject it.


March 19-20 Equinox (9:31pm 19th)

March 23 – Full Moon 5:01am – Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon

March 25 – Saturn Retrograde 3:01am

April 7 – New Moon 4:24am

April 7 – 6th wave
The 6th wave is like 2 groups of trinity it is the as above so below energy. Represented by what has now been co-opted by Israel as the Star of David. The six pointed star with two interwoven triangles or pyramids symbolized weaving the fabric of life. It is the Patten that meshes divine (spirit) with matter (earth). When you receive this energy you are receiving a new pattern in your consciousness bringing more harmony, peace, understanding, compassion and joy. It is also a building phase. If you have plans for building a physical thing, an organization, etc, this energy will fully support building. Rejecting this creation pattern will cause those people / groups to be extremely angry, frustrated, rebellious, and perhaps violent.


April 17 – Mars Retrograde – 5:14am

April 18 – Pluto Retrograde 0:23am

April 21 – Full Moon 10:24pm (22nd in some places)

April 28 – 7th wave
The 7th wave is again an opportunity to balance but this time balance not just of earthly things but to bring forth balance between the spirit (invisible the 3) into the earth life (visible the 4) for the 7 energies of blending.


April 28 – Mercury Retrograde 10:20am

May 6 – New Moon 12:29pm

May 9 – Jupiter Direct 5:16am & Transit of Mercury – The last transit of Mercury we had was  November 8, 2006 Mercury transits change the way we think first, then manifest that into physical changes in our lives over the course of a year to two years.  Transits of mercury only happen 14 times in every 100 years

May 20 – 8th wave
Eight is infinity and abundance flow. If you have been in harmony, but struggling with getting what you need to do what you are intuitively being guided to do, like relocate for example this is the energy to put into motion the fulfillment of that need, Those out of harmony will start to have trouble with finances. Governments & corporations will be vulnerable to exposure of secret assets for example.


May 21 – Full Moon 2:14pm

May 22 – Mercury Direct 6:20am

June 4 – New Moon 7:59pm

June 11 – 9th wave
The 9th wave will offer a completion of processes that were set in motion previously. A divorce set forth in the first or second wave coming to completion for example. A successful completion of relocation. Those out of harmony will not be able to bring their plans to completion as they foresee them. This is a strong factor for those in high leadership position who are wielding the power over war plans and so forth.


June 13 – Neptune Retrograde 1:43pm

June 20 – Full Moon 4:02am & Solstice 3:34pm

June 25-26 – 10th wave
Return to the initialization of wave one at yet a higher vibration an intensity.


June 29 Mars Direct 4:38pm

July 4 – New Moon – 4:01am

July 9 – 11th wave
The 11th wave is very important it will have the higher vibration intensity of all the highs and lows of the 2 but with more impact and finality in affairs of humans.


July 16-17 – 12th wave
Numerological a 12-3 we are back to the 3 at a higher vibration with tinges of the 7 which blended 3 and 4 energies as twelve is divisible by both. For those with issues in waves three 4 and 7 this will hit like a mack truck. As always, those in harmony will be offered more healing and love in this energy.


July 19 – Full Moon 3:56pm

July 24 – 13th wave
14-4 energy higher vibe of the 4 wave.


July 29 – Uranus Retrograde 2:06pm

August 1 – 14th wave
14-5 higher vibe of the 5 wave.


August 2 – New Moon 1:44pm

August 3 – 15th wave
15-6 higher vibe of the 6 wave with intense emphasis on building.


August 7 – 16th wave
16-7 higher vibe of the 7 wave.


August 11 – 17th wave
17-8 higher vibe of the 8 energy.


August 13 – 18th wave
18-9 higher vibe of the 9 more completions.


August 13 Saturn Direct 2:51am

August 16 – 19th wave
Highest push of the 1 initiation this initializes completion, future creations will become set in stone.


August 18 – 20th wave
Highest push of the 2 of the partnership and polarization energies.


August 18 – Full Moon 2:26am & Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon

August 20 – 21st wave
Highest push of the 3 spiritual energies you have either found harmony with the new Universal energies or not!


August 22 – 22nd wave
This wave will be an exponential increase in vibration. From this point on we will be in a steady energy stream there will still be waves but they are continuous and constant, not like a tide ebbing and flowing but a consistent vibrating force.


August 30 – Mercury Retrograde 6:04am

September 1 – New Moon 2:03am & Annular Eclipse of the Sun

September 16 – Full Moon 12:05pm & Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon

September 21-22 – Mercury Direct (10:31pm 21st)

September 22 – Equinox 7:22am

September 26 – Pluto Direct 7:59am

September 30 – New Moon 5:11pm

October 15 /16 – Full Moon (9:23pm 15th)

October 30 – New Moon 10:38am

November 14 – Full Moon 5:52am

November 19 – Neptune Direct 8:39pm

November 29 – New Moon 4:18am

December 13 – Full Moon 4:05pm

December 19 – Mercury Retrograde 2:55am

December 21 – Solstice 2:45am

December 28 / 29 New Moon (10:53pm 28th)

December 29 – Uranus Direct 1:29am



January 8 – Mercury Direct 1:44am


pdf version



Fledgling sits
Breeze in his feathers
Sun shines down
His destiny at hand
He was born to fly
The sky his domain
The winds his companion
He watches all around
Surveying the atmosphere
His wings stretch out
Waiting for his moment
His feathers embrace the subtle shifts
As the winds move past him
Rocking him gently
It is like a conversation
There will be a moment
Those winds will whisper
He reaches his wings out and
He launches off the nest
With full knowing
The winds will hold him
Turn him
Lift him
And allow him to soar
His first taste of freedom
It is exhilarating
He is alive
Flowing with his purpose
He has tasted his future
Retuning to his nest to rest
He will continue to taste the winds
Bit by bit
Until it is second nature
Like a child’s first step
His first flight
Is his rite of passage

Tatiacha Bhodsvatan ~ August 1, 2015


Reclamation of Love

Diving deep
Crisis of faith
I flounder
I weep
I wonder
I question and doubt
Fears come forth
They are recognized
Give in
Give over
They scream
I know they will not serve me
I don’t want to empower them
But I doubt the validity of my view
They throw me down to the ground
The pain is excruciating
I don’t even want to get up
They want me to stay down
For a moment we are in harmony
But then I feel a shift
I can’t do this anymore
Cannot just lay here
In pain
I have contemplated allowing death
But if death wanted me
It did not come quick enough
I will not just wait for death
The only option is healing
So I activate my dedication
I give myself permission to doubt
To let go
To be in the flux of chaos
Not knowing the outcome
Crisis of faith as a process
Becomes the stepping stones
My evolution continues to unfold before me
Rigidity cannot be sustained
It must be ok to be wrong
To reaffirm truth
Reject that which I cannot hold
Where does confidence become rigidity
Where does doubt become humility
I choose to reclaim love
In this reclamation of love
I let go of definition
I don’t know and it is ok
I leave the door open
Knowledge of the higher can arrive
Or I can remain unknowing in love
Free of rigidity
With loves reclamation
Faith in my purpose is refined
Gifted to my heart
Like a homecoming of the lost
It fills my heart
I have become the beacon
I no longer need any other to light my pathway
My own love lights the way

Tatiacha ~ January 17, 2014