You Say You Want a Revolution?


You say you want a revolution, well you know, we all want to change the world ~beatles

Why do we need government?  One reason, and only one, the inability of a percentage of the population to self regulate.  As long as there are people willing to harm others, willing to kill, rape, steal, destroy things and hoard all resources to control others, we will instinctively desire to join energies for the purpose of forming a collective acceptable norm with a system to enforce that norm.  The problem is; that very same percentage of the population will then use the collective system to do all the same things on a group scale, and no matter what form of collective, it will become more and more oppressive.

It forms like a pyramid with a small group of people who truly have no conscience at all that get off on power and the suffering of others.  Beneath them is a bigger group of those who have no ability to control their impulses and desires.  They want what they want and they do not care if what they want harms others.  Those of that group who have some conscience are encouraged to ignore it and they are weak and willing to do so.  At the bottom are the decent people of the planet, some awake some unfortunately blissfully asleep and oblivious, who if left to their own devices with no government, would choose to simply meet their needs for food, clothing, and shelter and embrace a life of family and creativity without need or hording or controlling others and with no desire or action to harm others.  The system of government is truly irrelevant.  We can talk all we want about the forms of collective government from democracy to socialism to fascism and dictatorship even to kingship.  They will all, no matter with what ideal they start with, end up in the same place and repeat heinous crimes over and over of war, genocide, colonialism, tyranny.

We humans are the problem, every government is human, and we humans have a rogue conscienceless element that we have never found a way to keep in check.  Every government we have ever attempted to create was for that one purpose, and each one became the tool for the same rogue humans.  The oppressed will rise and become the oppressors and feel entitled in that process with the rouge element at the helm of every violent revolution.  For a short time even some of the best people will join in, feeling entitled to harm the former oppressors, with these rogue element leaders encouragement.  Eventually things settle back down to a sense of normalcy and the good people go about their lives and abating their guilt of participation by allowing the rogue element to manipulate said guilt to their agendas.  The entitlement to hate and the collective guilt get handed down to future generations that were not part of any of it and it then starts all over again.

The same things said about government can be said for large religions, they serve the one same purpose, and without the rogue element we are capable of living a life of doing no harm without religious guilt and shame.  The religions have not stopped the rogues at all, they have been used to inspire groups to do harm by claiming to be the correct system and justification for wars and violence.  The same way political arguments defend and claim one government type is superior and right, so too are religions abused.  Both have the same intention at the start, collective regulation to prevent harm later used as a tool for harm because of the rogue element.  Good people need no one to tell them how to have a relationship with higher power.

Those of us who are awake get very upset at those who are asleep and we sometimes blame them.  The reason they cling so hard to staying asleep is because they are decent people, they don’t want to do harm and seeing the harm that is happening is too painful.  They feel it, if they see it, or experience it in any way and it just hurts too damn much, they can’t take it.  The rogue element counts on that, it watches and waits knowing the script, playing up the parts as it sees fit, providing distractions, meanwhile the decent people, not understanding how anyone can have a lack of conscience, and a desire to harm, have stopped being vigilant because the stress and pain is too much.  We who are awake get that, we do feel the stress and pain, and we feel isolated and alone with so few of us who get it.  The pain is in our consciousness and in our bodies; we come to resent those who won’t awaken forgetting they are good souls stuck in an endless cycle that they don’t understand.  We then get more frustrated and angry which leads us to let go of our ideals to get some change, any change, to release the stress and pain we carry like a burden for all human life.  We have to tap into these new energies now.  We must release the resentment of carrying the burden of knowledge for the collective.  Can we attempt to shift to gratitude that we have this knowledge and have the opportunity to be of service in this time of change?  Can we in so doing bring forth so much love that those who are currently asleep feel safe to come out into the street with us?

Any government born in violent revolution will always be violent, will lie, cheat, steal, war and oppress.  We the decent people get pushed until we feel no other way is possible.  Because we have a conscience and we abhor violence we have to get pushed long and hard to get to that point.  If we are to overcome this rogue element of our own species we must revolt in non violence in huge numbers now before getting pushed to that point where violence becomes acceptable to us because it has gone too far.  We are the majority; we who can self regulate and have no need of government.  We, who would simply live peacefully and with love.

Part of the good and decent people have simply been conditioned to always being told what to do, how to do it and what to feel by government and religion.  Removal of this rogue element in some manor would require people to start to live without that structure.  The idea that you can create a structure for yourself as loose or as regulated as you desire is frightening to those who feel safe in rigid structures.  Their conditioning will want to seek the rogue element to again create and enforce such a structure over their fellow man out of fear.  For the decent masses to face down this rogue element, we will have to face down our individual fears of true freedom and true liberty.  Freedom means that there will be neighbors and towns people around us living lifestyles we don’t like.  There is only one bottom line, if they are not harming anyone else, it is none of our business.  (And yes the anyone does include harming the earth, as doing no harm would have to include not creating a polluted environment for others on the planet or future generations)

So we change the script and we stop following the rogues, then what do we do with those who are without conscience and want to harm?  Truthfully, I don’t know, everything we have done on this planet in the past has not worked.  We are in uncharted territory here, but the energies have shifted and the rouges know it, they are scrambling to force us into the script.  The streets of Brazil filled with people tipped by a raise in bus fare, millions on the streets of Egypt to declare that the new leader is no better than the one they removed last year.  They are terrified by the truth of us all standing together, as well they should be.  What will tip the people of the United States, Canada, Australia and the other western nations to that level is unknown.  It is coming though and we cannot give in to a violent revolution if we want to stop the cycle.

Those currently asleep won’t step out for violent revolution unless their lives are torn apart and they are left with nothing but to defend what is left, and who could blame them, I don’t want violence either.  Like all violent revolutions, they happen too late and the new leaders are more sociopaths sucked into the power vacuum.  What about those cops and those military on the street?  Our numbers need to include their friends, family, & neighbors.  They need to look around and see their own life standing there looking back at them.  They need to know that their actions in that moment affect what they have to go home to.  We have to remember that the group of rogue humans with no conscience is small, and the underlings with impulse control issues are fear based reactors who will run when outnumbered.

For those who have been sleeping, who don’t want violence any more than I do, know this, there is more safety in our numbers than in our guns and weapons.  We have to come out in numbers too great for violence to be an option, numbers so great that our revolution becomes a celebration of empowered love.

Tatiacha  7-3-13



My Take On Thrive The Movie

A local here in town arranged for this documentary to be shown at the community center on 11-11 and enough people showed up that he arranged to show it again at the local theater.  It was a free showing for the people that came and it was a fairly big group for our little tiny town.


I left the movie with mixed feelings, on the one hand it did a fabulous job of moving from one complex set of problems to another touching on most of the basics that those of us who have been watching The Powers That Be for years are all well aware of.  I thought this is a really great overview of the issues and power structure that is working diligently to rob plunder and rape all of humanity.  On the other hand it started with alien disclosure and a lot of assumptions about the ET activity with no reference to any possibility that some of these technologies are our own black ops type groups from around the world.  We know that the disclosure project and Steven Greer are part of the false ET threat kind of agenda, and that all tied into free energy technology.  I have always thought if they were to try and pull off a false ET thing they would need to have these new found ET friends give us something to “help” our planet in order to pull that off.   But I allowed myself to flow past that and just watch.

Then we entered the phase of information about the problems which was the part that was well put together.  It is when we came to the supposed solutions part that my heart sank and I knew that this production was not all that it seemed.  In fact it even included David Icke talking about the Problem – Reaction  – Solution scenario  when in fact this movie is itself showing us the problem(s) to get our reaction then offering solutions that are not solutions at all.

I wanted to believe that Foster Gamble an heir to the Proctor and Gamble fortune was truly the idealist he portrayed himself, because both he and his wife gave Oscar worthy performances, and maybe they believe some of their own shit who knows.  Here is the thing, the solution was some kind of utopian society created by getting rid of the federal reserve, cutting the pentagon budget in half, and making smaller government.  Nothing about reining in the corporations he had just demonized.  I have to ask who in the congress would cut the military budget in half?  They are bought and paid for by the corporations who profit off the military industrial complex.  So that cannot happen within the current system.  The changes the system would need to be even semi functional would have to be made by the people who are put into office by the dysfunctional system.  They will never do it, because the system’s money put them there, so making those changes would require ,as they like to refer to it in the mainstream media, regime change and an a updated constitution.

In his utopia we would all have more money, and comfort, more time off to enjoy it, and yet we would still be a capitalist society with banks, money and a stock market and we would have used all the money saved from the pentagon to clean up the planet so the air and water would be pure.  Hmmm, this is after he went to great lengths earlier to explain to us how money is fake, in fact he once again allowed David Icke to explain it.  So he wants to keep the pretend money on computers and pretend investments and the economic slavery to big corporate masters, just a friendlier cleaner version.

He claims a big awakening and yet anyone looking around can see that even this supposedly big awakening will be lucky to be 5%  to 10% of the world population and the rest will continue to work their personal agendas.  I really long for the days when the idealist in me could have been ignorant enough to believe any of this solution he offered up, but alas what I usually refer to as my cynicism (but I should call realism) knows that even if we could reverse those numbers and 90-95% woke up a bunch of people attempting to rebuild will in their imperfection recreate so many of the same systems that create the issues.  Weirdly I am still an idealist but my idealism is not born in any energy that thinks this world society can be saved.  In fact my idealism goes beyond a world in need of any form of money.

Speaking of money, Mr. Gamble has released his utopian Problem – Solution – Reaction as a for profit venture.  If he were the idealist he claims to be this information would be far too important not to get out there for free.  He though, has “investors” who are all unnamed so we know not who bought him and his movie.  He also asks for donations as well and claims they will go to help provide his solutions.  He gives us the tried and true new age “exchange of energies” argument in relation to all those who work on the movie, that they deserve to be compensated for their work.  Well Mr. Gamble you grew up and have always lived in privilege, no doubt you could afford to pay them for their work with no great hardship if this is really your passion and life’s journey as you claim.  Interestingly aside from admitting at the beginning that he is an heir to the Proctor and Gamble fortune he did not mention his family’s company, and all the destructive things they have done to earth, or offer a single solution that his own family would offer up for this utopia.

He did though offer up solutions for us little people, we could give to the organizations that his website recommends, hmm big surprise, solution A. is always turn over our money!  He suggested we could vote with our wallet by buying organic and non GMO and so forth.  Great idea Foster,  if you would like to pony up the cash for those less fortunate to shop the high priced more earth friendly things I would jump right on board,  Unfortunately most of us have not lived in privilege and don’t have that option.  That also assumes that anyone could get congress to pass legislation to label GMO products so anyone knew what they were buying.  These are the kind of solutions that are always offered up by people who have never had to live without millions of dollars.  He explained how we would in his utopia magically have more disposable income to pay off our houses and cars.  Well Mr. Gamble, plenty of people don’t have a house or a car at all, let alone one they own in tandem with a bank in need of being paid off, and I am not talking about those in third world counties I am talking about right here in the good ‘ol USA.

The base assumption of all solutions was that all people are good and will act with integrity, honesty and ethics.  God my heart would love to believe that, but my version is this; All people above a certain spiritual vibration will act in that way.  Those below that vibration may or may not depending on what they want, power, money, whatever.  It is not as if The Powers That Be are forcing people to murder, rape and do other heinous things to one another.  Those are issues of personal ethics and morality, when it comes down to it, they do not come from governments, churches or any other organization.  Personal ethical moral behavior comes from a choice you make from your own center.  All we need to do is look around to see the obvious reality that too few people are at that center, making those kinds of ethical choices.

The best part of the whole documentary for me was really showing how the torus energies and geometries move within all the structures of the universe.  This really is a great 3d depiction of what I have always called the universal life force.  It is at the essential aspect of the fully open and cycling kundalini that is the first awaking of the sphere (containing the human version of the 64 Tetrahedron) which eventually brings humans to an ascended state.  It must first find its balance, and with the human that means soul purification.  There is no definite time for that to happen it is unique to each person.   They must first get their kundalini open and fully awake, and then they must take the steps to form the sphere and get all those energies working as they were intended before the purification (balancing) can begin.  There is a moment in the movie where they show a balancing energy in process that included the 4 direction around the sphere, where the elemental chakras reside.

Overall I think that anyone who needs a good overview of a lot of the issues on earth right now and who is behind them, presented in a concise easy to follow manor may want to see this movie.  Just go into it knowing up front that there is an obvious agenda.

The torus; The underlying structure of the torus is the Vector Equilibrium, or “VE.” It is the blueprint by which nature forms energy into matter.  In order for the pattern to show up at every scale, there must be a way for organisms to grow while maintaining proportion among their parts. There is one spiral vortex in nature that accomplishes this. It’s called the phi spiral and can be seen as everything comes into form, from tiny ferns to giant galaxies.  The phi spiral in one direction will often be seen counterbalanced with another one in the opposite direction – called the Phi Double Spiral.

When you put all three aspects of the pattern together – the torus, the VE, and Phi spirals – you end up with one whole pattern that looks like sorta like this pic I found on the internet which has elements I was trying to draw with no talent for drawing in these diagrams from the site dealing with the sacred sphere, the elemental chakras and kundalini.  With the eternal circle diagram being the horizontal disc at the center




eternal circle inside sphere elementals

Clothes Size Insanity

Over the past 20 years I’ve been aware of how they have gradually changed the size of clothes so that bigger women were wearing smaller numbers.  Men don’t have this issue since the size they wear is not a random number for them but their waist size and inseam.  I find it really annoying that the media bombards us with images that most women don’t resemble and then manipulate things like clothes sizes to try and boost the self esteem they just bashed into oblivion.

We all know women who will say “oh I wear the same size I wore in high school”, well guess what honey, in case you don’t own a mirror that means you are about 20 –25 pounds heaver or 4” bigger in the hips and waist.  Before my thyroid went haywire I had gotten to 118 in 2002.  I didn’t buy any new clothes because I thought I would still lose more and get down closer to what I consider my normal weight around 100 pounds.  I knew the clothes sizes had changed but since I was wearing leggings I had no idea what my actually number was or what it would be at my normal weight.

This time around now that I am healing I speculated that perhaps I would wear a size 4 if I were at the 100 pounds of my youth.  Imagine my surprise when I found a Wal-Mart clothing size chart a couple days back and found the actual measurements of different sizes.

In my late teens and through to about the age of 26, I weighed between 99 and 103 and I wore a size 7-8 and depending on the designer sometimes a 5-6.  I measured about 331/2 bust 23 1/2 waist and 34 hips.  So I look through this new chart and the shock of how much they have changed sizes sets in as my measurements in some categories make a size 2 the size I would be wearing by today’s standards!

A woman’s size and woman’s petite size 2 is 32 1/2 bust  24 1/2 waist and 35 hips my bust was bigger than that and that is still an inch bigger at the waist and hips than what i was.

So I scroll down to the juniors and a size 3 on that chart is exactly the same.  Then they have something called Metro 7 women whatever the hell that is, and it is my old bust size of 33 1/2 for a size 2, but the waist is 26 and hip is 35 1/2  WTF!  Then one last thing on the chart is junior Elite  where a size 0 yes that right ZERO has my old waist and hip size but a bust of 31 1/2. 

SERIOUSLY??????? can this be for real  I was not the thinnest girl in Seattle when I was 20-25.  I had some fat on me in fact, (that’s why I had boobs apparently) not a lot and it likely would not have been there if I had worked with weights but still I had some.  I always thought back then that I should be a size 5-6 and I didn’t think my body was good enough!  I actually thought my waist should be 22” LOL

Back at that point there was no such thing as a size zero and a size two was someone who had anorexia, extreme hyperthyroid disease, or was dying of cancer.  Joan Collins starring in Dynasty was a “perfect size 8”  The designers loved her because if they made their designs for the exact measurements of what a size 8 was anything they made would fir her perfectly.  Now a women’s size 8 is 35 1/2 – 27 1/2 – 38.  What happened to the hourglass the 34-24-34.

The last few seasons watching biggest loser there have been times when a contestant was really excited in the makeover show to fit into a size 8 and i always thought looking at them ok things have gone terribly wrong.  They have lost a lot of weight but that aint no size 8 in my mind.  My mom had the same reaction I recall one season where she just blurted out “EIGHT you’ve got to be kidding me”.  The smallest size she wore back before the size changes was a 9 and she was looking at a women much bigger than she had ever been.

You have to wonder if these changes in sizes have actually contributed to the overweight of America.  Are women just in denial of how much they weigh because they can fit into a number that they are OK with?  I do feel I can get back to my normal weight around 100 pounds now that I have discovered what my thyroid needed but I really don’t know how I feel about going out to buy a size 0-3.  Do I really want to be headed for zero, that sounds so absurd LOL  I want to head for absolute health and I know that 100 pounds is a reasonable healthy weight for a 5 foot woman of my build but really I would like that weight to still be my size 7-8 and occasionally fit into a 5-6.

Perhaps they are trying to get the average Hollywood starlet to be a zero as time goes by and so we think the zero represents perfection or something equally insane.  At the rate we are going though Americans will keep getting fatter and so the sizes will be adjusted further and the Hollywood hotties will be have to go into negative sizes.  I can see it all now the new ideal with be to get into the minus sizes.

I really have very few pictures from when I was younger that show my body at all in most I am wearing a big sweater or something that doesn’t show what a 7-8 was.

Ok just for fun here are a couple scans of old Polaroid’s from 1978 LOL  That is me at the age of 15 a size 7-8 and the pants are a little baggy at the butt.  The second is me on the right and my friend Sandi on the left she was a 5-6

in kitchen  


I’m probably 21 in this pic still a size ummmm 7-8!
