09-09-09 is Meaningless

Don’t get sucked into any of these 999 activities today they are designed to steal your energy.  This is once again NOT a 9 year.  Writing 09-09-09 as the date is meaningless in numerology.  This is an 11 year which is much more significant.  Master years (11 &22 years) are often difficult but bring the greatest growth after all is said and done.  The significant date this year for the first time is actually 11-11 dark forces want you to ignore that date because you could use it to release all kinds of things that may normally take several years to release.  It is an inner date however and not an appropriate time for outer world, group or world meditations.  It is a day for PERSONAL growth not planetary healing.  Although they are intertwined with the truth that healing ourselves is the most effective thing we can do to bring healing to the world.  So don’t give out your energy to dark forces today, ignore this day.  On November 11, 2009 spend as much of the day as you can in focused meditation for your own ascension.

In the 20th century…

1901 and 1910 were 11 years

1939, 1948, 1957, 1966, 1975, 1984, 1993 were 22 years

We have not had an 11 year since 1910 don’t waste it!  For me these 22 years I’ve been alive have all been significant to me with the exception of 1966 when I was only 3 and don’t recall what was going on.  They bring life changing events that at the time may not seem to have the significance that they do years later in the forming of your belief systems and who you become.  The following year always brings important consequences of the lessons set up in the 11 or 22 year.   

In 1975 my parents divorced and in 76 my mom and I moved away from all family from Minneapolis to Seattle.  This was a huge energy shift that changed my life in ways I cannot even describe.  I was also raped during this time which set the stage for all the relationships I would have with men and there was no presence of my father.

In 1984 I was struggling to find my identity At the end of the year I took off from my own family in Washington State with a couple suitcases and moved to Honolulu.  This didn’t last long and I traversed CA, AK back to MN and ended up back in Seattle in 1985 where I gave birth to my stillborn daughter and experienced my walk-in.

In 1993 I experienced my own divorce from a man who brought forward all the unhealed issues with my parents and began my journey of true healing.  At the end of the year I moved from CO to AZ and reunited with family there and began the true ascension path.

I certainly could get into much more depth but this is really personal stuff so I just wanted to give you an idea of how important these master years turn out to be.  In a 22 year there is no way to meditate for a 22-22-22 day LOL so this 11 year is unique for those of us with awareness.  The earth changes are likely to come before our next “scheduled 11 year of 2018 and that will change our whole calendar and numerology of this solar system so the true next 11 or 22 year is unknown.  Don’t waste this one.

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